Multivan Surf Cup

30 07.2017
Spektakuläre Freestyle- und Wave-Action auf Sylt
Bereits seit Mittwoch wird auf Sylt im Rahmen des Multivan Surf Cups die Int. Deutsche Meisterschaft im Windsurfen ausgetragen. Über fünf Tage kämpfen die besten deutschen Windsurfer um die Titel in den Disziplinen Formula Windsurfing, Slalom, Freestyle und Wave. Besser hätte der Multivan Windsurf Cup nicht verlaufen können. Nachdem bereits 5 Racings und eine Slalomelimination ausgefahren wurden, konnten am vierten Eventtag auch noch eine komplette Wave und Freestyle-Wettfahrt ausgefahren werden. Im Freestyle siegte Julien Wiemar, während sich in der Disziplin Wave Leon Jamaer durchsetzen konnte. Vier Disziplinen im Rahmen einer Regatta hat es in der Geschichte des Multivan Surf Cups bisher noch nicht gegeben. Diese Konstellation macht den Kampf um den offiziellen int. Deutschen Meistertitel extrem spannend. Am Freitagnachmittag kamen die Freestyler vor den Tausenden von Zuschauern zum Zuge. Aber auch viele Slalom- und Wave-Fahrer des Multivan Windsurf Cups waren diesmal in der Disziplin Freestyle am Start, um sich wichtige Punkte im Kampf um den Overall DM-Titel zu sichern. Die hohen Wellen stellten für die Freestyler alles andere als die gewohnten Flachwasserbedingungen dar. So wurde es schwierig, die üblichen „Slide-Moves“ zu präsentieren. Stattdessen wurde das Repertoire durch klassische Sprünge des Waveridings erweitert. Im Finale der Disziplin Freestyle trafen Julian Wiemar (GER-2111) und Mathias Genkel (GER-984) aufeinander. Dort gewann der 20-jährige Julian Wiemar mit einer soliden Performance gegen Mathias Genkel. „Ich bin gerade erst vor zwei Tagen von Fuerteventura gekommen, dort herrschen ähnlich schwierige Bedingungen wie hier vor dem Strand von Westerland. Ich war also auf das Equipment und die Bedingungen eingefahren und konnte somit einen guten Heat zusammenfahren“, erklärt Julian Wiemar nach seinem Sieg und ergänzt: „Es ist ein einmaliges Ergebnis, hier beim Multivan Surf Cup auf Sylt um den Deutschen Meistertitel zu kämpfen. Nirgendwo sonst hat man so viele Zuschauer.“ Im kleinen Finale konnte sich Manuel Vogel im Kampf um Platz drei gegen Valentin Böckler durchsetzen. Der Disziplin Wave kommt beim Multivan Surf Cup 2017 eine besondere Bedeutung zu, da aktuell Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) und Vincent Langer (GER-1), die beiden Führenden im Kampf um den Overall-DM-Titel punktgleich liegen. So muss die Entscheidung in den für die beiden ungewohnten Manöverdisziplinen fallen. Auch Im Freestyle blieben die beiden auf den gleichen Positionen, so dass die Disziplin Wave zum Zünglein an der Waage werden könnte, wenn am Finaltag nicht noch die Disziplin Slalom gefahren werden sollte. Um die Bedingungen am vierten Tag der Regatta optimal auszunutzen, starteten die Waver mit einer Frühschicht. Bereits um 06:30 Uhr trafen sich die Windsurfer zum Skippersmeeting am Strand vor Westerland. Das frühe Aufstehen machte sich für die Waver bezahlt. Mit sechs Windstärken genau sideshore aus Süd hatten sie die besten Bedingungen, die es seit Jahrzehnten beim Multivan Windsurf Cup gegeben hatte. „Wahnsinn! Das sind ja paradiesische Bedingungen wie auf Hawai!“ sagen die Brüder Stefan und Lars (GER-800) Gobisch. Bei über drei Metern hohen Wellen zeigten die Waver ein unglaubliches Feuerwerk von Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsloops. Sogar Doppelloops wurden versucht. Die spektakulären Einschläge raubten den Zuschauern den Atem. Abgerundet wurde die Kür der Wellenartisten durch faszinierende Wellenritte. Im Finale gab es eine Revanche des Duells vom Multivan Summer Opening zu Pfingsten an gleicher Stelle. Abermals trafen Florian Jung (GER-21) und Leon Jamaer (GER-208) aufeinander. Beide zeigten Waveriding auf höchstem Niveau. Mit einem der besten Wellenritte, die man jemals vor Sylt gesehen hatte, konnte Leon Jamaer aber dieses Mal den Zweikampf für sich entscheiden. Vor dem Finaltag liegt er damit in Führung und hat damit die beste Ausgangslage, um den DM-Titel in der Disziplin Wave zu gewinnen. „Die Bedingungen hier beim Multivan Windsurf Cup waren die besten, die ich jemals auf Sylt erlebt habe“, schwärmt Leon Jamaer. Florian Jung folgt nach einem starken Kampf auf Platz zwei. Im Duell der Brüder Gobisch kann sich Lars gegen Stefan durchsetzen und so Platz drei erobern. Schlag auf Schlag und immer noch mit ausreichend Wind entschied der Regattaleiter Holger Lass auch die Waver noch einmal auf die Bahn zu schicken. In einer sogenannten Double Elimination haben noch einmal alle Teilnehmer eine zweite Chance, um ihre Platzierungen noch einmal zu verbessern. „Eine Double-Elimination hier vor Westerland ist natürlich super und die Nordsee zeigt sich von ihrer besten Seite.“ Diese „Double-Elimination“ nahm auch noch einmal Einfluss auf das Abschneiden der beiden Favoriten Asmussen und Langer. Asmussen zeigte sich in echter Top-Form und qualifizierte sich von Runde zu Runde. Der Nervenkitzel der beiden war deutlich am Strand zu spüren. In einem knappen Heat zwischen Arno Ufen (GER-23) von Norderney und Langer hatte Ufen die Nase vorne und setze sich gegen Langer durch. Das Augenmerk lag somit auf dem folgenden Heat von Asmussen. Optimale Wellenritte und Sprünge katapultierten Asmussen in die nächste Runde. Laut dem aktuellen Stand konnte Asmussen somit einen kleinen Vorsprung auf Langer rausfahren. Langer muss nun auf die Disziplin Slalom hoffen, um hier durch einen Sieg doch noch wieder an die Spitze zu kommen. Mit der Austragung der Disziplin Wave konnte auch in der letzten der vier ausgeschriebenen Disziplinen ein Ergebnis eingefahren werden. Damit kann man den Multivan Surf Cup schon jetzt als „historisch“ bezeichnen. Noch nie ist es gelungen, alle vier Disziplinen in einer Regatta auszutragen. Der Multivan Surft Cup ist allerdings noch nicht vorbei. Am Finaltag sind noch einmal perfekte Slalom- oder auch Wavebedingungen angesagt. Hier kann sich noch einmal alles ändern. Die große Siegerehrung ist für 17:00 Uhr auf der Eventbühne angesetzt.

PWA Fuerteventura

29 07.2017
Day 9: Frans & Mortefon OK After Serious Crash as Albeau, Iachino & Williams Head into Tense Final Day in Contention
For the most part the penultimate day of the 2017 Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - sponsored by René Egli - saw more scintillating action as the wind continued to howl for the 9th day in a row, however, the days racing became somewhat insignificant with Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) and Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins) involved in a serious crash, which resulted in Frans being rushed to hospital - the second sailor this week after Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails) was injured on Day 3. A Near Miss  Unfortunately during the final heat of the day - Winners’ Final of Elimination 7 - a serious crash occurred between Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins) and Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) as the pack approached the first mark in winds exceeding 40 knots, which resulted in Frans needing urgent medical attention, while it is a miracle that Mortefon survived the potentially fatal crash unscathed. Thankfully, both sailors are said to be fine. Frans was initially feared to require an operation but the latest developments suggest that the Bonairean only requires stitches, while Mortefon has experienced pain in his back and foot, while obviously been shocked by the crash. Final Day 3 in the Mix For the first time in this event Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) lost the No.1 spot after a semifinal exit in Elimination 6, which was eventually won by Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) as the Brit claimed back-to-back bullets. However, reigning world champion - Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses) assumed control of the event after securing second place. At this point Williams trailed Iachino by just 0.4 of a point, while Albeau was only 2.4 points behind  and there’d be more drama to follow in Elimination 7 as Iachino was eliminated from the first semifinal to leave the door open for Williams. However, with the Winners’ Final seemingly at his mercy Williams span out upon exiting his final gybe and would end up in the drink alongside Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails). Unfortunately, as previously mentioned the Winners’ Final was overshadowed, but Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) came out on top, while Albeau secured second place to reassert himself at the top of the event rankings heading into the final day. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10am tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 10:30am (GMT+1) onwardsMake sure you tune into to follow all of the racing as it happens via the PWA live stream. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Fuerteventura — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Men’s Slalom *After 7 Eliminations 1st Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses) 3rd Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses)  4th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins)  5th Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) 6th Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Loft Sails / Chopper Fins) 7th Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) 8th Ben van der Steen (Patrik / Gun Sails) 9th Cyril Moussilmani (99NoveNove / Severne) 10th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic)

PWA Fuerteventura

29 07.2017
Day 8: The Wind Kicks in Late As Williams Wins First Bullet of Week
For a long time today it looked as though there may be no racing on Day 8 of the Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - sponsored by René Egli - with light onshore winds for much of the day. However, the wind did eventually swing offshore and filled in late to produce an exciting evening of racing in 20-25 knots of wind, which saw most sailors reaching for their 7.0s-8.0s. Slalom Men’s Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) looked be in fine form today as he won both his quarterfinal and semifinal and the Brit carried that blistering form into the winners’ final as he secured his first bullet of the week, which cements his 3rd place in the current rankings while also bringing him in to event title contention. Williams is now 5.3 points behind Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) with two days to go. Albeau still holds a healthy lead at the top of the rankings, but has seen his advantage greatly reduced from the opening day. AA finished 4th in today’s final, while reigning world champion Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses) continued his excellent form as the Italian claimed 2nd place, which sees him close to within 3.6 points of Albeau. Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins) missed out on the winners’ final for the 3rd time in 5 races, but still rises two places - 6th to 4th - in the current rankings after the Frenchman won Heat 15 to finish 9th in Elimination 5. Mortefon could still make the podium as he has also won two races, but he’ll need to make no further mistakes and for the second discard to come into play in order to do so. Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Loft Sails / Chopper Fins) has recovered brilliantly since a disappointing showing in the opening race of the week and the Frenchman rises to 5th place, from 8th, in the current rankings after another excellent 3rd place today. Coming into today Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) had qualified for every winners’ final so far, but unfortunately he lost his perfect record today as he failed to progress from Heat 13. The Frenchman had the potential to advance from the semifinal as he rounded the opening buoy in second place, but a sloppy second gybe cost him dearly. Bordes is still enjoying by far his best event of the season and currently occupies 6th place. Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) falls two places to 7th after being eliminated in the quarterfinals. The Bonairean was comfortably qualifying for the semifinals but ended up in the drink at the third mark and despite his best efforts he couldn’t quite fight his way back into the qualifying positions. Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) and Cyril Moussilmani (99NoveNove / Severne) both had days to forget with Quentel suffering a shock second round exit, while Moussilmani was eliminated in the next round. However, they remain in 8th and 9th place. Ingmar Daldorf climbs one place to complete the current top 10 at the close of play with the Dutchman recording his best individual result so far, which saw the 26-year-old sail superbly to secure 5th place in Elimination 5. Marco Lang (Fanatic / NorthSails) continues to recover from a slow first day when the Austrian was ill and has climbed back into the top 16 after qualifying for his first winners’ final of the week to finish 6th today. That place in the winners’ final came at the expense of teammate Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / NorthSails), who dropped his gybe at the third buoy when his first winners’ final of the week beckoned as well, so the Dutchman had to settle for 11th place today - 14th overall. The forecast doesn’t look that great for tomorrow with slightly less wind than today being predicted and also the direction looks as though it could even be slightly northwest, so we will have to wait and see what happens, but a few of the locals think it will be similar to today. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 11am tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 11:30am (GMT+1) onwards. Make sure you tune into to follow all of the racing as it happens via the PWA live stream. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Fuerteventura — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Men’s Slalom *After 5 Eliminations 1st Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses) 3rd Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses)  4th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins)  5th Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Loft Sails) 6th Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) 7th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) 8th Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) 9th Cyril Moussilmani (99NoveNove / Severne) 10th Ingmar Daldorf (Tabou / GA Sails)

Multivan Surf Cup

28 07.2017
Gunnar Asmussen siegt im Slalom bei Multivan Surf Cup Sylt
Der dritte Wettkampftag beim Multivan Surf Cup bescherte den Windsurfern beste Slalom-Bedingungen. Mit 56 Fahrern gehen in dieser Disziplin die meisten Teilnehmer an den Start. Bei bis zu sechs Windstärken auf der Bahn konnte bis zum Nachmittag eine komplette Slalom-Elimination gefahren werden. Der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) zeigte sich in perfekter Form und siegte im ersten Slalom vor Vincent Langer (GER-1) und dem Polen Wojtek Brzozowski (POL-10). In der Disziplin Slalom treten die Fahrer in einzelnen Startergruppen („Heats“) gegeneinander an. Die besten Fahrer qualifizieren sich jeweils für die nächste Runde, bis im Finale um den Sieg gekämpft wird. Dort kam es zum Aufeinandertreffen der Favoriten Vincent Langer (GER-1), Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2), Nico Prien (GER-7), Dennis Müller (GER-89), Fabian Mattes (GER-202), Moritz Bochnia (GER-9), Peter Nors (DEN-431) aus Dänemark und Wojtek Brzozowski (POL-10) aus Polen. Vincent Langer konnte nach einem guten Start zunächst die Führung erobern. Doch an der ersten Halse kam es zu einem spektakulären Halsenduell. Gunnar Asmussen und Nico Prien attackierten den Kieler Langer. In diesem Dreikampf konnte sich Nico Prien behaupten und die Führung übernehmen. Schnell vergrößerte er den Vorsprung, so dass es an der zweiten Halse nach einem ungefährdeten Sieg für den Schönberger Prien aussah. Doch an der zweiten Halse zeigte er Schwächen und blieb auf einer Welle stecken. Seine Verfolger nutzten diese Chance, so dass sowohl Gunnar Asmussen als auch Langer und sogar der siebenfache Weltmeister Wojtek Brzozowski aus Polen vorbeizogen. Diesmal war es Gunnar Asmussen, der nach der Halse mit überlegener Geschwindigkeit davonziehen konnte. Der Flensburger konnte sich so den Sieg in der ersten Slalomelimination beim Multivan Windsurf Cup sichern. Langer folgte auf Platz zwei vor dem Polen Brzozowski und Nico Prien. Fabian Mattes komplettierte die Top-5. „Wahnsinn! Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich das packe. Zwei Minuten vor dem Start bin ich noch voll auf die Gabel geknallt so dass ich dachte, dass ich das Rennen gar nicht durchhalten könnte. Auch mein Start war nicht der beste. Aber ich hatte den besten Speed auf dem Wasser. So konnte ich ordentlich Druck auf Vincent und dann auf Nico machen. Als ich an der zweiten Hallentonne an Nico vorbeiziehen konnte war mir klar, dass ich es in der Hand habe, von da an bin ich auf Sicherheit gefahren und habe das Finale von der Spitze kontrolliert. Ich bin sehr glücklich!“ sagt der stolze Sieger Asmussen. Der Slalomsieg von Asmussen vor Langer führt zu einer extrem spannenden Situation in der Wertung für den DM-Titel: Im Rahmen der Deutschen Meisterschaft können so schon in der zweiten Disziplin Punkte ausgefahren werden. Langer kann einen Sieg im Racing und Platz zwei im Slalom für sich verbuchen. Asmussen punktet mit Platz eins im Slalom und Platz zwei im Racing. Nach Tag drei der Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaften im Windsurfen liegen die beiden so punktgleich an der Spitze. Die Entscheidung im Titelkampf könnte so in den Manöverdisziplinen Freestyle und Wave fallen, wenn nicht noch weitere Wettfahrten im Slalom oder Racing den Gleichstand lösen sollten. Dies hat es in der Geschichte der deutschen Meisterschaften im Windsurfen noch nie gegeben. Ergebnisliste Slalom 28.07.17 Für das Wochenende versprechen die Meteorologen weiterhin perfekte Bedingungen für die Windsurfer. Es wurde Wavealarm gegeben und am Samstagmorgen ist die „Königsdisziplin“ Wave angesetzt. So wird es beim Multivan Surf Cup auf Sylt bis zum Finaltag am Sonntag spannend sein.

PWA Fuerteventura

27 07.2017
Day 7: Iachino Charges Back into Contention to Keep Albeau in Crosshairs
Despite the lighter wind forecast, the world’s fastest sailors were still left reaching for their 5.2-6.2s as the wind continued to blow on Day 7 of the Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - all be it from a much more offshore direction. After patiently waiting throughout the morning the wind finally stabilised around 1pm to allow a further two eliminations to be completed.  Overnight leader Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) could’ve been out of sight by the end of the second day after the 23-time world champion secured another bullet in the opening race of the day, but his over early in the next elimination leaves the door slightly open for Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses), who staged the biggest comeback of the day. Slalom Men’s Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) picked up where he left off yesterday as he dominated again to claim his second bullet in 3 races and it looked as though AA was in danger of completely running away with the competition even at this early stage. Albeau then comfortably qualified for the next Winners’ Final again - winning both his quarterfinal and semifinal - but then jumped the gun in the final to be disqualified meaning he received an 8th place - which he instantly discards - but it does open the door ever so slightly, while keeping the event interesting, with his lead cut to 5.6 points.  Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) and Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) both slip one place to 3rd and 4th respectively. Both sailors made the opening winners’ final before being eliminated in the quarterfinals of Elimination 4 - which is the first time this week. that Williams has missed out on Heat 16, but he remains on course for his 3rd consecutive Fuerte podium as things stand. Movers of the Day Matteo Iachino started the day in 18th place after a disastrous first race yesterday when he was eliminated in the 3rd round, but since then the Italian has shown the sort of form you would expect from a reigning world champion with a 3rd, 2nd and 4th in his last 3 races. With the discard coming into play after the 4th elimination, Iachino flies up with rankings from 18th to 2nd and he’s now Antoine Albeau’s closest contender. Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) is another man on the move as he climbs 6 places from 11th to 5th. The Bonairean was eliminated in the quarterfinals of Elimination 1 after misplacing his feet while gybing when in the qualifying positions, but since then he’s hardly put a foot wrong - subsequently qualifying for each Winners’ Final since and progressively getting better with 7th, 6th and 2nd place finishes. Hot ’n’ Cold Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins) began day 2 of the slalom with a less than ideal start as the current vice-world champion crashed out in the quarterfinals. The 27-year-old bounced back from a slow start yesterday and did the same again today as he claimed a crucial bullet in Elimination 4 to keep himself in contention - remaining in 6th at the close of play - but you’d have to feel he can’t afford any more slip-ups now. Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) had a disappointing start to the season, but the Frenchman seems to have recaptured his best form here after qualifying for every Winners’ Final so far, which leaves him in 7th place at the moment, while fellow countryman Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Loft Sails) has steadily improved - finishing today with an excellent 3rd in Elimination 4 - which sees him rise to 8th in the current event rankings. The top 10 is currently completed by Cyril Moussilmani (99NoveNove / Severne) and Ben van der Steen (Patrik / Gun Sails). Moussilmani enjoyed another solid day, while van der Steen couldn't quite replicate yesterday’s level of performance. While racing in high winds is often classed as the pinnacle of slalom, it of course has its dangers and unfortunately today those risks became apparent with PWA Youth World Champion - Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails) - being involved in a high speed racing collision, which resulted in the 19-year-old being taken to hospital before undergoing an operation to reattach the tendons in his lower leg. Ethan is said to be fine, but disappointed to have had his competition cut short and everyone from the PWA would like to wish Ethan a speedy and successful recovery and we hope to see him back competing soon. The forecast looks as though the wind will be light in the morning before kicking in again in the afternoon, so the skippers’ meeting has been called for 11am with a first possible start of 11:30am (GMT+1). Make sure you tune into to follow all of the racing as it happens via the PWA live stream. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Fuerteventura — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Men’s Slalom
*After 4 Eliminations
1st Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde)
2nd Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses)
3rd Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses)
4th Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti)
5th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic)
6th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins)
7th Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails)
8th Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Loft Sails)
9th Cyril Moussilmani (99NoveNove / Severne)10th Ben van der Steen (Patrik / Gun Sails)

Multivan Surf Cup

27 07.2017
Wavealarm in Sylt!
Aktuell läuft auf Sylt der Multivan Surf Cup mit den Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaften im Windsurfen. Für das Wochenende versprechen die Prognosen Bedingungen, die die Austragung eines Wave-Contests als wahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen. Nach Rücksprache mit Vertretern der Waver, der Regattaleitung und der Orga auf Sylt möchten wir diese Chance gerne nutzen, um einen offiziellen deutschen Meister in der Disziplin Wave küren zu können. Deshalb wird hiermit Wavealarm gegeben. Alle Waver werden zum Multivan Surf Cup nach Sylt eingeladen. Achtung! Eventuell wird der Wave-Contest am Samstag sehr früh morgens gestartet. Deshalb sollten alle Waver bereits am morgigen Freitag anreisen und sich vor Ort im Raceoffice einschreiben bzw. im Ausnahmefall durch einen Vertreter einschreiben lassen. Einschreibung Disziplin Wave: Freitag, 28. Juli von 18:30 bis 19:00 Uhr Die Meldegebühr beträgt €60,- - eine Nachmeldegebühr fällt (für reine Waver!) NICHT an Hier der Link zur Notice of Race
Hier der Link zur Travelling & Accomodation Info
Hier der Link zur Anmeldung Für Teilnehmer besteht die Möglichkeit Rabattcodes für eine ermäßigte Überfahrt mit dem DB Autozug SyltShuttle zu erhalten. Bitte meldet Euch über die offizielle Website des Multivan Windsurf Cups an, damit wir Euch die Codes zusenden können.

PWA Fuerteventura

26 07.2017
Day 6: Antoine Albeau in Cruise Control as 23-time World Champion Dominates Opening Day
For the 6th consecutive day, Fuerteventura delivered howling winds, which saw the men reaching for their 5.2m-5.6m sails and small boards as many of them struggled to stay in control. Over the course of the opening day of slalom, Fuerte’s death chop claimed numerous victims and will likely claim many more over the next 4 days, but one man who didn’t struggle is 23-time world champion - Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) - who finishes the day as the clear event leader after a brilliant display.  Slalom Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) will be very happy with his opening days work in Fuerteventura after making a superb start which saw the 23-time world champion record one bullet and a solid second to take control of the event rankings from the word go. AA dominated this event here in 2016 and the early signs are that if the ferocious winds continue then he could well do the same again. Many sailors look out of control, but Albeau is making taming the choppy Fuerte waters look simple and almost effortless. Albeau’s two biggest rivals Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins) and Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses) both suffered earlier exits than they’d have liked the opening race with Mortefon struggling with his gybing in the semifinals and having to settle for 14th place, but the biggest upset of the day involved the reigning world champion, who was knocked out in his first heat of the event - 3rd Round. However, both bounced back in Elimination 2 to steady the ship with Mortefon securing his first bullet of the week, while Iachino finished 3rd, which leaves Mortefon 6th after Day 1, while Iachino is currently in a lowly 18th. As mentioned in the preview Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) holds an excellent record in Fuerte over the last couple of seasons and the Brit has made another strong start with a 4th and 5th place. However, it wasn’t all plain sailing for Williams after going down at the opening mark in his second semifinal, but he did brilliantly to fight his way back as he somehow avoided Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Loft Sails / Chopper Fins) who went down at the last, to book his place in another winners’ final. Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) has had moments of brilliance - winning in Japan - mixed with moments of mediocracy - Costa Brava - but today he was back to somewhere near his best which sees him complete the current event top 3. The 30-year-old finished second in the opening race before limiting the damage after narrowly missing out on the winners’ final by winning Heat 15 to claim 9th. Both Ben van der Steen (Patrik / Gun Sails) and Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) have made much needed excellent starts to the event as they currently languish 20th and 25th in the overall rankings when you’d really expect to see them pushing for the top 10 and beyond. At the close of play on day one they sit in 4th and 5th place respectively after qualifying for both winners’ finals. Cyril Moussilmani (99NoveNove / Severne), Ingmar Daldorf (Tabou / GA Sails) and Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / GA Sails / Chopper Fins) occupy 7-9th after all three sailors qualified for the top 16 on both occasions today. Brazil’s Gabriel Browne (Goya Windsurfing / Point-7) made a flying start in the opening race as he clinched a superb 3rd place but then suffered a quarterfinal exit to finish Day 1 of the slalom 10th overall.  Elsewhere, Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) sits just outside the top 10, while Enrico Marotti (RRD / NeilPryde) sailed brilliantly in the opening elimination to secure 4th place before he jumped the gun, along with Basile Jacquin (Starboard / Point-7), Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) and Steve Allen (Patrik / Severne) in Heat 11 to be eliminated in the quarters.  The forecast looks like the wind could be slightly lighter tomorrow, which many may consider to be a blessing after a brutal first day. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10am tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 11am (GMT+1) onwards. Make sure you tune into to follow all of the racing as it happens via the PWA live stream. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Fuerteventura — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Men’s Slalom *After 2 Eliminations 1st Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) 3rd Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) 4th Ben van der Steen (Patrik / Gun Sails) 5th Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) 6th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins) 7th Cyril Moussilmani (99NoveNove / Severne) 8th Ingmar Daldorf (Tabou / GA Sails) 9th Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / GA Sails / Chopper Fins) 10th Gabriel Browne (Goya Windsurfing / Point-7) 

Multivan Surf Cup

27 07.2017
Weltmeister Vincent Langer dominiert im Racing!
Bei drei bis vier Windstärken konnten beim Multivan Windsurf Cup fünf Wettfahrten in der Disziplin Racing gefahren werden. Vincent Langer (GER-1) ging als amtierender Weltmeister und Deutscher Meister als Favorit in die Veranstaltung. Der Kieler wurde seiner Rolle gerecht und konnte alle fünf Wettfahrten in der DM-Wertung gewinnen. „Heute hat alles perfekt gepasst. Das waren typische Sylt-Bedingungen mit Welle, kabbeligem Wasser und starkem Wind. Die kenne ich wie meine Westentasche. Deshalb habe ich mich in den Wettfahrten sehr wohl gefühlt.“ sagt Vincent Langer. Der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) konnte Langer dieses Jahr beim Multivan Windsurf Cup in Grömitz bereits einmal schlagen. Hier bei den Deutschen Meisterschaften auf Sylt hatte Langer aber die Nase vorn. Doch mit seinem aktuellen zweiten Platz ist er auf gutem Kurs, um den Vizemeistertitel im Racing zu erobern. Spannend gestaltete sich der Kampf um Platz drei. Hier duellierte sich der siebenfache Weltmeister Wojtek Brzozowski (POL-10) aus Polen mit dem Schönberger Nico Prien (GER-7). Nachdem Prien aufgrund von Materialproblemen zunächst das zweite Rennen verpasste, kam er mit neuem Brett und neuem Elan in Wettfahrt drei noch stärker zurück auf die Bahn. Dennis Müller (GER-89) von der Insel Norderney komplettierte die Top-5. Neben der DM-Wertung lag der Fokus auf dem neuen Foilmaterial. Hier nutzen die Fahrer statt einer Finne eine Tragflügelkonstruktion mit der sie scheinbar schwerelos über das Wasser schweben. Dieses Material ist ganz neu und traf im Rahmen des Multivan Windsurf Cups auf Sylt aufeinander. Foiler und klassische Formula Racer gingen gemeinsam auf die Bahn. Der Däne Sebastian Kornum (DEN-24) präsentierte dabei in beeindruckender Weise die Überlegenheit des neuen Foilmaterials. Er lief in allen Wettfahrten noch mit deutlicher Führung vor Langer ein. Die Besucher konnten hier ein Gefühl für die Zukunft des Racings bekommen. Für Freitag ist stärkerer Wind angesagt. Deshalb können dann die Disziplinen Slalom und Freestyle zur Austragung kommen. Für Samstag besteht sogar die Möglichkeit für die Disziplin Waveriding. Ergebnisliste Tag 1 - Racing

Multivan Surf Cup

26 07.2017
Multivan Surf Cup Sylt startet mit karibischen Bedingungen.
Heute startete am Brandenburger Strand der Multivan Surf Cup Sylt. Mit den Deutschen Meisterschaften im Windsurfen ist dies die wichtigste und größte nationale Windsurfveranstaltung. Alle deutschen Topsurfer stehen bereit, um in den Disziplinen Racing, Slalom, Wave und Freestyle um die Deutschen Meistertitel zu kämpfen. „Die Deutschen Meisterschaften auf Sylt sind der alljährliche Saisonhöhepunkt des Multivan Windsurf Cups, über 120.000 Besucher bieten hier eine einmalige Kulisse für die Windsurf-Elite. Sylt kann die größte Bandbreite an Windsurfbedingungen in Deutschland bieten. Von Flachwasser bei Ostwind bis hin zu mehrere Meter hohe Brandung bei Weststurm - hier ist alles möglich. Deshalb ist Sylt unser traditionelles DM-Revier. Ich freue mich auf die kommenden Tage!“ sagt Matthias Regber als CEO der Choppy Water GmbH. Der Eröffnungstag begrüßte die Besucher mit karibischem Wetter. Bei strahlend blauem Himmel brannte die Sonne vom Himmel und bescherte Sylt traumhafte Badebedingungen. Tausende von Besuchern pilgerten auf die Promenade und genossen den Event. Einziger Wehmutstropfen: Der Wind war zu schwach für offizielle Wettbewerbe der Windsurfer. So drehte sich alles um das umfangreiche Rahmenprogramm. Die Promenade und der Brandenburger Strand erlebten trotz des schwachen Windes einen Besucheransturm. Die Catering- und Verkaufsstände waren voll ausgelastet. Parallel dazu genossen zahllose Besucher den Sundowner auf der Promenade am Brandenburger Strand. Die Windsurfer nutzten den Tag zur Abstimmung des Materials und für Testfahrten. Die Spannung unter den Spitzenfahrern war dabei merklich spürbar. Der amtierende Meister Vincent Langer (GER-1), Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) aus Flensburg, der Schönberger Nico Prien (GER-7) und Dennis Müller (GER-89) von der Insel Norderney gehen als Favoriten in den Titelkampf. Für die kommenden Tage sieht die Vorhersage sehr vielversprechend aus. Am Donnerstag sagen die Meteorologen Bedingungen für die Disziplin Racing voraus. Am Freitag und Samstag könnten die Fahrer in den Disziplinen Slalom, Freestyle und Wave aufs Wasser kommen. In jedem Fall wird den Besuchern am Brandenburger Strand eine tolle Show geboten. Für Donnerstag ist das Skippers Meeting für 09:30 Uhr und der erste mögliche Start für 10:15 Uhr angesetzt.

Kitesurf Masters

26 07.2017
Saisonfinale der Multivan Kitesurf Masters in St. Peter-Ording
Mit dem letzten Tourstopp und somit dem Finale der Multivan Kitesurf Masters trifft sich vom 09. bis 13. August 2017 die Kitesurf-Elite aus ganz Deutschland in Sankt Peter-Ording. Begleitet werden die Wettkämpfe in diesem Jahr wieder von dem Kitelife-Testival. Hier präsentieren sich die namenhaften Hersteller der Kitesurfindustrie mit den neuesten Kites, Boards, Bars und allem was dazu gehört. Beim Testival im Rahmen des Kitelife Village kommen nicht nur die Profis auf ihre Kosten, denn auch die Hobby-Kiter haben die Möglichkeit das neueste Material der führenden Kitemarken kostenlos auszuprobieren und zu testen. Die Multivan Kitesurf Masters sind die höchste Kite-Regattaserie in Deutschland. Die Tour besteht in diesem Jahr aus fünf Tourstopps. Bis zum Tourstopp in St. Peter-Ording hat die Kite-Elite schon bei Wettkämpfen auf Usedom, Sylt, Norderney und in Heiligenhafen um wichtige Punkte gekämpft. In St. Peter-Ording geht es in den Disziplinen Freestyle, Racing und Slalom in den Endspurt um den offiziellen Deutschen Meistertitel. Neben den Wettbewerben und dem Testival gibt es bei dem Multivan Kitesurf Masters ein großes Rahmenprogramm: Dabei kann man zum Beispiel auf der „Whitezu-Wave“ selbst aktiv werden und beim Surfskaten das Gefühl des Wellenreitens am Strand erleben. Im Village gibt es ein reichhaltiges kulinarisches Angebot und eine Shopping-Meile. Im Zentrum des Event-Villages steht die Bühne. Mit Surfer-Talk, Surfer-Yoga und Livemusik gibt es hier tägliche Highlights für Jedermann. Das Musikprogramm aus Live-Bands und DJs lässt die Abende stimmungsvoll ausklingen. So werden die Multivan Kitesurf Masters zu einem Eventhighlight für die ganze Familie. Einmalig in Deutschland befinden sich Parkmöglichkeiten tagsüber direkt auf dem Strand in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Event-Village. Der einmalige Strand von St. Peter-Ording lädt dazu ein, die finalen Wettkämpfe der Multivan Kitesurf Masters mit ihren vielen Attraktionen und Ständen zu besuchen und durch das Event-Village zu schlendern. weitere Informationen, aktuelle News und Ergebnisse findest Du auf der offiziellen Website www.kitesurf-masters.<wbr />de.

PWA Fuerteventura

26 07.2017
Slalom Preview
After 5 days of freestyle the world’s fastest sailors will take their turn in the windsurfing spotlight for their 4th battle of the year. Last year Fuerte produced some of the best racing ever seen and by the looks of the forecast the wind machine should continue to do its thing meaning the next 5 days should be as exciting as ever.  Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) heads up the rankings coming into Fuerteventura after a great start to the season which saw him claim a convincing victory in Costa Brava and a 3rd place in Japan. The 23-time world champion was untouchable here last year as he tamed Fuerte’s ferocious winds and choppy waters to claim an emphatic victory and he’ll be looking to win his 4th successive event title over the next 5 days.  Reigning world champion - Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglasses) - and vice-world champion - Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / NorthSails / Chopper Fins) - are currently tied on points in 2nd and 3rd and will be eager not lose anymore ground to Albeau - otherwise it would look like a long way back to prevent AA from marching to a 24th world crown. Iachino looked slightly off the pace in Costa Brava and was delighted to make the podium, so it will be interesting to see if he has found the formula to unlock the blistering pace he has shown in the last few seasons.  Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sunglasses) has an excellent record here over the last couple of seasons with a 2nd and a 3rd and the Brit comes into Fuerte perfectly poised in 4th place and ready to challenge for the overall podium again. Williams is usually one of the most consistent sailors and will be hoping to complete a hat-trick of podiums come the end of the event.  Finian Maynard (99NoveNove / Gun Sails) won here in 2012 and he is seeing his hard work over the winter pay dividends already this season. The 42-year-old shred 10 kilos during the off season and has been rewarded with a 4th place in Japan, while a 13th place in Costa Brava sees him currently sitting in 5th place. If everything clicks into place then Maynard could well emulate the success which brought him that event title in 2012. Argentina’s Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins) has been very consistent so far this season with 8th and 11th place finishes and with a little more look things could’ve been even better. However, Costa Hoevel didn’t enjoy Fuerte last year as he recorded a disappointing 21st place and he’ll be keen to put those memories behind him. Julien Quentel (Patrik / Avanti) went from hero to zero in the blink of the eye as he experienced the highs and lows of racing. The man from Saint Maarten sailed brilliantly to win in Japan, but then had a bit of a shocker in Costa Brava where he could only muster a 20th place. Quentel comes into the event 7th in overalls. Can he recapture that form from Japan? France’s Antoine Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) sits in 8th place just ahead of Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / NorthSails) - who is another sailor to have produced in different performances. The 24-year-old earned his first ever podium in Japan before recording a disappointing 21st in Spain.  The top 10 is currently completed by Germany’s Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails). Also keep an eye out for Italy’s Andrea Cucchi (Starboard / Point-7), Bonaire’s Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic), Israel’s Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) and France’s Pascal Toselli (99NoveNove / Sails / Chopper Fins), who agonisingly missed out on the podium in Costa Brava  by just one point. Of course there are a whole host of other sailors who are more than capable of breaking into the top 10 and as we have seen already this season there really are no easy heats and almost anyone has the potential to book their place in the winners’ final. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Fuerteventura — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.

PWA Fuerteventura

26 07.2017
Day 5: Sarah-Quita Offringa Survives Emotional Rollercoaster to Complete La Decima
The final day of the Freestyle at the 2017 Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam produced one of the most exciting women’s freestyle finals in history as Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) pushed Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) all the way. However, the 19-year-old couldn’t quite do enough to prevent Offringa from winning as the Aruban continues to rewrite the history books - after enduring an emotional rollercoaster of a week. Freestyle Women’s Double Elimination II Maaike Huvermann successfully saw off the challenge of Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) in Heat 50 to setup another tie against Sarah-Quita Offringa, who was attempting to win her 10th PWA Freestyle World Championship. Winners’ Final Over the last 5 days Huvermann has grown in confidence with each heat she has sailed and today she gave Offringa, who was understandably nervous prior to the final, a real run for her money. The two ladies produced quite possibly the best women’s freestyle final ever seen with the lead continually changing hands as they traded blows throughout. Huvermann deserves massive credit for the way in which she put the 26-year-old under pressure - landing shuvit spocks, regular konos and most impressively a powerful culo to not give Offringa an inch of breathing space. However, despite not producing her usual flawless routine, Offringa dug deep as she called upon her champion winning qualities to produce a few moments of magic - with the best being a perfect burner - but the tie still hung in the balance with Huvermann landing a puneta just before the buzzer. Both women were forced to wait on the beach for the decision, which must have felt like a lifetime, but eventually it was announced that Offringa had held on to win by just 1.2 points and with it she continues to rewrite the history books as she claims her 10th Freestyle world title - 13th overall.  Sarah-Quita Offringa on sailing under the pressure of trying to capture World Title No.10 and making it a reality: “It was a really tough week mentally for me. Everybody is quite supportive of me here but also make it sound like it's guaranteed like I'll win. Which isn't the case. I still have to go out and do it. I think that built up into more pressure than usual combined with the fact that I could win ten titles. Which is a nice number no? so I guess also some pressure from myself because I did want it pretty bad. So the hardest part was keeping my emotions in check and to sail without thinking too much about the future. Normally I want to put down a really good heat but this week I was more focused on sailing good enough to pass the heats. So, I sailed well everyday I think but also quite reserved. Then in the final I could mostly hear cheering for Maaike which is understandable but threw me off guard I guess. Anyway I watched her sailing and she sails with much more confidence and has been able to put together some amazing heats! Especially after she injured herself at the beginning of the year… I think it's amazing she came back like that. Massive congrats to her, Oda and Arrianne for finishing in the Top 4. These were some of the toughest Fuerte conditions I've competed in and I think we put up a great show.” Huvermann can walk away with her head held high after coming so close to becoming the first person to beat Offringa in a freestyle heat for 9 years and the 19-year-old ends the year as the vice-world champion for the second year in a row and with another year of training under her belt it looks as though she would have a realistic shot at the title. Oda Johanne completes the podium again after successfully coming back to defeat Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) in the second double elimination today, which means the Norwegian has now finished in the world’s top 3 for the last 4 years running. Meanwhile, Aukes finishes in a solid 4th place ahead of Olya Raskina (JP / NeilPryde), who won 3 consecutive heats to climb up to 5th place for the year after defeating Hanna Poschinger (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg), Clare Elliot (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Birgit Rieger (Flikka). Result 2017 Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Women's Freestyle 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins 2nd Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 3rd Oda Johanne Windsurfing(Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 4th Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) 5th Olya Raskina (JP / NeilPryde) Result 2017 Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Men's Freestyle 1st Jose 'Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / NorthSails) 2nd Amado Vrieswijk - NB20 (JP / Severe) 3rd Yentel Caers (JP / Point-7) 4th Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360) 5th Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde / Shamal Sunglasses) 6th Adrien Bosson Windsurfing (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) 7th Antony Ruenes F85 (Tabou / GA Sails) 7th Dieter Van der Eyken B35 (Starboard / Severne) 9th Taty Frans (Starboard GA Sails / Mystic) 9th Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde) 9th Everon (Tonky) Frans (RRD / RRD Sails) 9th Kiri Thode

PWA Fuerteventura

25 07.2017
Day 4: Gollito Makes Perfect Start to Title Defence, While Offringa Continues Winning Ways
The penultimate day of the freestyle in Fuerteventura saw more explosive action as the men’s double elimination was completed, while the second single elimination of the women’s was also finished. Today saw so many incredibly close heats in the men’s division to show that almost anyone on their day is capable of beating anyone else. However, by the end of Day 4 the men’s competition has been completed and it is Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / NorthSails), who makes a winning start to the year with another incredibly stylish display, while Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) remains on course for a 10th PWA Freestyle World Championship. Women’s Single Elimination II Winners’ Final Sarah-Quita Offringa and Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) lined up for their second duel of the week in the winners’ Final. Huvermann is gradually bridging the gap between herself and Offringa as she landed shuvit spocks, regular konos and also sailed away from a culo. However, Offringa remains in a league of her own with the style and execution with which she executes her moves and deservedly maintains her perfect record. Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) posted her highest total contest so far in the semifinals, but unfortunately, she was up against Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins). However, Aukes carried that rich vein of form into the battle for 3rd and 4th place to take down Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) to claim the final place on the podium. Men’s   A Bitter Sweet Victory Yentel Caers (JP / Point-7) fought his way back onto the podium as the young Belgian produced a couple of magnificent performances to firstly defeat fellow Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde / Shamal Sunglasses) in a heat almost too close to call, before exacting revenge against Italy’s Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360). However, that victory came at a serious cost with the 22-year-old being forced to retire before facing Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) after injuring his foot upon landing a shifty. Caers thought that he’d broken his leg, but initial reports suggest that that is not the case, but he will be getting fully checked out this evening. Everyone wishes Yentel a speedy and successful recovery. Testa will be disappointed to have lost his place on the podium, but still walks away from the opening event of the year with his best ever result on the PWA World Tour. With Caers forced to withdraw, Vrieswijk and Gollito Estredo lined up for a repeat of the single elimination winners’ final. Vrieswijk came into the Fuerte as the reigning event champion, but in order to successfully defend his title, he would have to beat Gollito twice.  Gollito versus Vrieswijk is turning into the biggest rivalry in freestyle windsurfing and both sailors continue to raise the level as they continually push each other. The two of them produced another scintillating final today, but despite his best efforts, the Bonairean couldn’t deny the Venezuelan the opening victory of the season as the 7-time freestyle world champion makes the perfect start to his title defence. Both landed some massive moves with backloops, pushloops, air chachoos being thrown down as well as some crazy combos, but crucially Gollito exited his maneuvers cleanly, while Vrieswijk was left counting a wet air kabikuchi, while he couldn’t quite land his double air culo. So, it is advantage Gollito in the race for either 9 world titles or 1 world title. Elsewhere, Dieter Van Der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) and Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails) finished in joint 7th place. The Belgian defeated Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde) by producing a buzzer beater as he landed a spock culo before losing against Van Broeckhoven.  The forecast looks windy again for tomorrow, which should see an exciting finale to the second women’s double elimination, while we will also be holding a big move contest for the men. The sailors will meet again tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting at 10:30am (GMT+1) - registration for the big move contest will be between 10:30-11am. The first possible start for tomorrow will be 11am. Make sure you tune into to watch all of the explosive action as it happens via the PWA live stream.  To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Fuerteventura — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result Women's Freestyle Single Elimination II - Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins 2nd Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 3rd Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) 4th Oda Johanne Windsurfing (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) Result 2017 Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam - Men's Freestyle 1st Jose 'Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / NorthSails) 2nd Amado Vrieswijk - NB20 (JP / Severe) 3rd Yentel Caers (JP / Point-7) 4th Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360) 5th Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde / Shamal Sunglasses) 6th Adrien Bosson Windsurfing (Fanatic / NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) 7th Antony Ruenes F85 (Tabou / GA Sails) 7th Dieter Van der Eyken B35 (Starboard / Severne) 9th Taty Frans (Starboard GA Sails / Mystic) 9th Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde) 9th Everon (Tonky) Frans (RRD / RRD Sails) 9th Kiri Thode