Crozon Morgat PWA Result

22 10.2015
Keine Wettkämpfe – nun steht der letzte Wave-Event diesen Jahres auf Maui im Fokus.
Kein Wind, keine Wellen ins diesem Jahr, somit gibt es auch kein Ergebnis des Crozon Morgat PWA World Cups. Frankreich produzierte im vergangenen Jahr unglaubliche Bedingungen, aber dieses Mal waren Wind und Wellen nicht auf der Seite der Teilnehmer. While it may not have been possible to gain a result, the potential to produce world class windsurfing was there for everyone to see and aside from the potential for windsurfing, Crozon Morgat, boasts some of the most staggering pieces of coastline in Europe, if not the world, with a vast array of beautiful bays and beaches, which hold a wealth of history too.  With the wind and waves failing to play ball a tow-in contest was arranged to keep the crowds entertained. Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) walked away with the victory after earning perfect 10s from the judges for a radical air burner 360, leaving Dieter Van der Eyken to settle for second place after earning an impressive 29 points for a burner 360 of his own, whilst Marc Paré (99NoveNove / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins) completed the podium by stomping a clean ponch.  Where’s Next on the PWA World Tour? Next up for the wave sailing elite is a return to the windsurfing Mecca of Maui for the grandstand finale of the 2015 PWA Wave World Tour as the most radical sailors in the world prepare to battle it out in the NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic, which runs between the 28th October until the 10th November.  After no result in France its advantage Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) in the men’s title race with Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) now facing the huge task of winning the Aloha Classic in order to steal a third crown away from the claws of Köster.  Meanwhile, the women’s title race sees a repeat of last year’s showdown with Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) currently leading the way with a perfect record so far this season. A third place finish or better would guarantee Daida the title, but as last year proved anything can happen. For Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) to retain her world crown she would need the following scenarios: If Daida were to finish 4th — Iballa would need to win the NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic If Daida were to finish 5th — Iballa would need to finish 2nd or better If Daida were to finish 6th — Iballa would need to finish 3rd or better etc. The forecast for Maui currently looks great with a big north swell expected to hit Ho’okipa right from the word go together with the clockwork like trade winds, which means we’ll hopefully see the event start with a bang. Make sure you tune into to find out who will be crowned this year’s King and Queen of the waves via the PWA live stream and live ticker.

Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 6

21 10.2015
Ricardo Campello holt knappen Sieg über Dieter Van der Eyken im Tow-in Finale.
Tow-in stand heute erneut im Mittelpunkt, heute wurde das Finale zwischen den gestern ermittelten sechs Finalteilnehmern ausgetragen. Der Wind legte am Nachmittag leicht zu, allerdings haben sich die Wellen nicht so weit verbessert, um den Beginn des Hauptwettbewerbs zu ermöglichen. Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) exploded into action on his first run to earn perfect 10s from the judges with a radical air burner 360 to instantly apply the pressure to the rest of the fleet.  Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) proved to be Campello’s closest challenger, but in end he couldn’t quite do enough to force a super final. The 2015 PWA Freestyle World Champion saved his best effort until the last, landing a perfectly executed burner 360, which earned him 29 points out of a possible 30.  The Belgian wasn’t happy with the decision to begin with, but upon watching the replay acknowledged that the correct decision had been made. Marc Paré (99NoveNove / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins) completed the podium with a smooth ponch to earn the young Spaniard 19.5 points. Tomorrow is the final day of the Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup and there is still a small possibility of the conditions being suitable for the contest. A new swell is expected to hit Crozon’s shores tomorrow and winds of up to 18 knots are currently being predicted. With a bit of luck this will hopefully result in an action packed last day. An announcement will be made to the sailors at 8:30am with the action commencing from 9:30am — if conditions allow. As always you’ll be able to stay up to date with all of the latest news via the PWA live stream and live ticker @

Deutsche Meisterschaften

20 10.2015
Choppy Water GmbH sichert sich DM-Rechte im Windsurfing und Kitesurfing.

Mit einem Doppelschlag sorgen der Deutsche Segler-Verband (DSV) und die Choppy Water GmbH jetzt für Furore in der Funsportszene: Der DSV und die Eventagentur aus Stein bei Kiel haben langfristige Verträge zur Vermarktung der offiziellen Deutschen Meisterschaften in den Sportarten Windsurfing und Kitesurfing geschlossen. Bis mindestens 2020 hat die Choppy Water GmbH nun die DM-Vermarktungsrechte für zwei der spektakulärsten Sommer-Funsportarten inne.

„Wir freuen uns über das Vertrauen des Deutschen Segler-Verbandes. Durch die Verträge mit dem DSV wird Planungssicherheit für dieses wichtige Segment des Segelsports geschaffen.“ sagt Matthias Regber als Geschäftsführer der Choppy Water GmbH bei Vertragsunterzeichnung in der Hansestadt. „Das ermöglicht nachhaltige Sponsorings und Partnerschaften in den Trendsportarten Windsurfing und Kitesurfing.“

Die Choppy Water GmbH betreut bereits seit 1998 den Windsurfsport in Deutschland. Sie organisiert und vermarktet die nationale Spitzenserie „Deutscher Windsurf Cup“. Seit 2015 hat Choppy Water außerdem die „Kitesurf Masters“ als nationale Spitzenserie im Kitesurfing übernommen. So kann die Agentur Partnerschaften in beiden Sportarten realisieren. Mit Top-Events an den schönsten Stränden von Nord- und Ostsee, wie Sylt, Norderney und Kühlungsborn bietet Choppy Water einmalige Plattformen zur Markenkommunikation und für Promotionaktivitäten.

Mit der Choppy Water GmbH verbindet uns eine lange und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Wir freuen uns, dass wir diese durch den neuen Vermarktungsvertrag auch langfristig fixieren konnten.“ sagt Andreas Lochbrunner als Präsident des Deutschen Segler-Verbandes und fährt fort „Damit haben wir einen verlässlichen Partner, um die Deutschen Meisterschaften in diesen beiden Sportarten nachhaltig und langfristig zu festigen.“

Im Windsurfing wird die Deutsche Meisterschaft in Form einer Einzelveranstaltung im Rahmen des Surf Cup Sylt durchgeführt. Diese größte und wichtigste nationale Windsurfveranstaltung findet traditionell in der letzten Juliwoche statt und lockt jedes Jahr etwa 120.000 Besucher an den Strand von Westerland.

Die deutschen Meisterschaften im Kitesurfing werden als Serie im Rahmen der „Kitesurf Masters“ ausgefahren. Hier sind für die Saison 2016 vier bis fünf Tourstopps geplant. Die Gespräche mit den Austragungsorten laufen.

Agenturen und Firmen, die an einem Engagement bei den Deutschen Meisterschaften oder nationalen Spitzenserien im Wind- und Kitesurfing bzw. erstklassigen Eventplattformen am Strand interessiert sind, können sich an die Choppy Water GmbH wenden.


Kontakt und weitere Informationen:

Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
- Verbandssprecher -
Torsten Fricke
Gründgensstr. 18
D-22309 Hamburg
Telefon:     +49 40 / 63 20 09 – 0
Telefax:     +49 40 / 63 20 09 – 28

Choppy Water GmbH
- Eventmanagement -
Brammersoll 2
24235 Stein
Telefon:    +49 4343 / 49464-0
FAX:         +49 4343 / 49464-10
Internet: / /

Deutsche Meisterschaften

20 10.2015
Choppy Water GmbH sichert sich DM-Rechte im Windsurfing und Kitesurfing.

Mit einem Doppelschlag sorgen der Deutsche Segler-Verband (DSV) und die Choppy Water GmbH jetzt für Furore in der Funsportszene: Der DSV und die Eventagentur aus Stein bei Kiel haben langfristige Verträge zur Vermarktung der offiziellen Deutschen Meisterschaften in den Sportarten Windsurfing und Kitesurfing geschlossen. Bis mindestens 2020 hat die Choppy Water GmbH nun die DM-Vermarktungsrechte für zwei der spektakulärsten Sommer-Funsportarten inne.

„Wir freuen uns über das Vertrauen des Deutschen Segler-Verbandes. Durch die Verträge mit dem DSV wird Planungssicherheit für dieses wichtige Segment des Segelsports geschaffen.“ sagt Matthias Regber als Geschäftsführer der Choppy Water GmbH bei Vertragsunterzeichnung in der Hansestadt. „Das ermöglicht nachhaltige Sponsorings und Partnerschaften in den Trendsportarten Windsurfing und Kitesurfing.“

Die Choppy Water GmbH betreut bereits seit 1998 den Windsurfsport in Deutschland. Sie organisiert und vermarktet die nationale Spitzenserie „Deutscher Windsurf Cup“. Seit 2015 hat Choppy Water außerdem die „Kitesurf Masters“ als nationale Spitzenserie im Kitesurfing übernommen. So kann die Agentur Partnerschaften in beiden Sportarten realisieren. Mit Top-Events an den schönsten Stränden von Nord- und Ostsee, wie Sylt, Norderney und Kühlungsborn bietet Choppy Water einmalige Plattformen zur Markenkommunikation und für Promotionaktivitäten.

Mit der Choppy Water GmbH verbindet uns eine lange und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Wir freuen uns, dass wir diese durch den neuen Vermarktungsvertrag auch langfristig fixieren konnten.“ sagt Andreas Lochbrunner als Präsident des Deutschen Segler-Verbandes und fährt fort „Damit haben wir einen verlässlichen Partner, um die Deutschen Meisterschaften in diesen beiden Sportarten nachhaltig und langfristig zu festigen.“

Im Windsurfing wird die Deutsche Meisterschaft in Form einer Einzelveranstaltung im Rahmen des Surf Cup Sylt durchgeführt. Diese größte und wichtigste nationale Windsurfveranstaltung findet traditionell in der letzten Juliwoche statt und lockt jedes Jahr etwa 120.000 Besucher an den Strand von Westerland.

Die deutschen Meisterschaften im Kitesurfing werden als Serie im Rahmen der „Kitesurf Masters“ ausgefahren. Hier sind für die Saison 2016 vier bis fünf Tourstopps geplant. Die Gespräche mit den Austragungsorten laufen.

Agenturen und Firmen, die an einem Engagement bei den Deutschen Meisterschaften oder nationalen Spitzenserien im Wind- und Kitesurfing bzw. erstklassigen Eventplattformen am Strand interessiert sind, können sich an die Choppy Water GmbH wenden.


Kontakt und weitere Informationen:

Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
- Verbandssprecher -
Torsten Fricke
Gründgensstr. 18
D-22309 Hamburg
Telefon:     +49 40 / 63 20 09 – 0
Telefax:     +49 40 / 63 20 09 – 28

Choppy Water GmbH
- Eventmanagement -
Brammersoll 2
24235 Stein
Telefon:    +49 4343 / 49464-0
FAX:         +49 4343 / 49464-10
Internet: / /

Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 5

20 10.2015
Kein Wind, keine Wellen. Statt dessen Freestsyle Tow-in. Dieter Van der Eyken gilt als Favorit für das Tow-In Finale morgen.

Auch der fünfte Tag war für die meisten Starter wieder ein Ruhetag. Zur Unterhaltung der vielen Zuschauer am Strand wurde ein Freestyle-Tow-in abgehalten. Heute fuhren 12 Starter die Qualifikationsrunde für das für morgen angesetzte Finale mit sechs Finalisten.


Today saw the qualification round as 12 sailors battled it out for the 6 places in tomorrow’s final. Each sailor was given three attempts to land their biggest and best manoeuvre and newly crowned PWA Freestyle World Champion — Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) — stomped his authority over the remainder of the fleet as he qualified as the top seed after stomping an explosive pasko to earn — 28.5 points. Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) was the other standout sailor as the Venezuelan/Brazilian also launched into a big burner 360. Campello’s manoeuvre wasn’t landed quite as cleanly as Van der Eyken’s as his foot slipped out of the footstrap on landing, but it was still a different level to the other attempts seen today and he qualified in second place with 24 points. Pablo Ramirez (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) improved with each run and grabbed third place with a stylish forward loop, whilst Adam Lewis (Fanatic / North / SWOX), Marc Paré (99NoveNove / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins) and Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) secured the remaining places in the final.  Unfortunately the forecast still doesn’t look too promising for tomorrow, so it is likely that the tow-in final will take centre stage. The skippers’ meeting for the main contest will be at 10:30am, before the tow-in skippers’ meeting at 1pm. If the conditions are not suitable as expected then the tow-in final will begin at 2pm. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest news and action via the PWA live stream and live ticker. 

Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 4

19 10.2015
Weiterhin warten auf Wind und Wellen.
Auch am vierten Tag des Crozon Morgat PWA World Cups waren die Bedingungen schlecht. Die gestrige Wettervorhersage die etwas Wind für den heutigen Tag voraus gesagt hatte, traf leider nicht zu.
With the wind and waves not co-operating on day four of the Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup, the sailors remained on hold once more. The forecast yesterday evening offered some hope of starting the competition, but unfortunately an early beach check soon revealed a distinct lack of swell. However, whilst the conditions may not have been firing, it was another stunning day to enjoy the spectacular coastline surrounding Crozon Morgat.
With plenty of downtime again today we had a quick catchup with Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC), who currently sits second in the overall rankings:
PWA: How are you feeling about the title race? 
VF: “It’s difficult, but you know I’m the only one who has a chance to stop Philip [Köster] this year. Things are definitely in his favour at the moment with no result in Sylt and potentially no result here too, its quite tough to be in this place, especially going to Maui, which is probably the toughest place on tour because you have all the locals who are probably the best at sailing there. It’s likely that it’ll only be wave riding too, which I think makes things even tougher as the level between everyone is even closer. It’s going to be tough, but if I get a chance I’m going to do everything I can to take it.”
PWA: What do you think of Crozon Morgat?
VF: “I really like his place, it’s my first time here, but you can really see the potential this place offers. I managed to sail the day before the competition and you can see a video of that day on my Facebook page. La Palue also looks like it has a lot of potential and I surfed there the other day. Aside from the windsurfing and surfing side of things to people seem really nice and the town is great too, so I’ve been impressed so far.”
PWA: What have you been doing to keep yourself entertained whilst waiting for the wind?
VF: “Mainly surfing with a bit of running and working out at home. I’ve also been touring around all the different crêperies, which are very famous here. It’s great food and I love the crêpes. I also have my cousin lives close-by in Brest, so she showed us around the town a little bit.”
PWA: Thanks Victor.
With the forecast not looking too promising for tomorrow a tow-in session has been arranged to keep the crowds entertained. The skippers’ meeting for which has been called for 10:30am — followed by a first possible start at 11am. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest news and action via the PWA live stream and live ticker. 

Luderitz Speed Challenge

19 10.2015
Woche 2 - Wechselnde Bedingungen.
Die zweite von insgesamt sechs Wochen läuft die Lüderitz Speed Challenge 2015 schon. Die Bedingungen sind bislang noch nicht optimal gewesen, werden aber immer besser. Die Windvorhersagen sind gut, lassen wir uns überraschen was in den nächsten Tagen passiert. Mittlerweile ist auch der aktuelle Weltrekordhalter im Speedsurfen, Antoine Albeau eingetroffen – er fuhr bislang die schnellsten Zeiten ist aber noch weit vom Weltrekord entfernt.   This week, we saw Antoine Albeau, the 22 times World Champion in Windsurfing and actual Record Holder in speed, joining the competitors with Mitch Wagstaff from South Africa and the German windsurfer Christian Benzing, one of the main sponsor.   1 race day has been achieved as the conditions have been moderate for Lüderitz. It has allowed riders to tune their equipment and get back into the research of going fast with the combination of what the channel can provide the wind conditions, the technique and the equipment. Heidi Ulrich from Switzerland has however improved her Personal Best with 37.21 kts and has showed improvements along her 1st participation in the Chris Benz Lüderitz Speed challenge 2015.   Yesterday’s wind forecast played around with the organisation of the event a bit, we decided to open but only managed to do a few runs before there was not enough wind, eventually closing the event for the day.   We are sad to see some riders leaving like the Swiss Remo Diethelm and Heidi Ulrich, the Czech Republik riders Martin Toth and Martin Hulinsky, Alexander Goncharov from Ukraine and the 2 French Kitesurfers Sylvain Hoceini and Sébastien Salerno. But we are happy to welcome the French windsurfers Team Thierry Bielak, Yann, Coadic, Jim Cloarec, Christophe Richaud, Christian Maillet, Laurent Fesquet, Pierre Blasini and the British Champion Farrel O’Shea.   Last night’s ceremony gathered the riders to celebrate a few new record and personal bests. Lucky draw winner Sylvian Hoceini, who left today, gets to go back home to France with a diamond.   This World Record Attempt has still 4 weeks to go, what should allow riders to achieve more records and Personal Best in stronger wind. We are looking forward to get good winds on Wednesday and watch all the new riders that have arrived for week 3 of the Luderitz Speed Challenge 2015.  

Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 3

19 10.2015
Das Wartespiel geht weiter in Frankreich.
Auch am dritten Tag des Crozon Morgat PWA World Cups warteten Starter und Zuschauer vergeblich auf Wind. Jedoch hat sich das Wetter gebessert, der dritte Tag war mit herrlichem Sonnenschein ein sehr schöner Herbsttag. Zwar gab es auf dem Wasser nicht besonders viel Action, einige hatten Spaß mit ihren SUP-Boards, trotzdem waren sehr viele Menschen auf der Event-Seite. Es gab Autogrammstunden mit den Stars, einige Stände verschiedener Hersteller und viele Besucher genossen den Rest des schönen Tages am Strand. The waiting game continued on the third day of the Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup, but yesterday’s moody skies were replaced with stunning sunshine on a what proved to be a beautiful autumn day.  Although there may not have been much action on the water there were still plenty of people around the event site, as the crowds took the opportunity to rub shoulders with the stars of the windsurfing world with an autograph session at 1pm, before enjoying the remainder of the day at the beach. Earlier in the day we caught up with a few of the sailors to see what their initial impressions of France have been: Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne): “I think the area is beautiful and I've already had one really good surf, which I think was on Friday. I’m looking forward to a bit of mountain biking with my dad over the next few days if the wind and waves don't co-operate.”  Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7): “Why are there so many men here? Haha! Crozon Morgat has beautiful scenery and nature! The people seem friendly and the event is very well organised! Oh and I love the Crepes!”   Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / North): “The place is really nice with awesome landscapes and when there's some swell it’s easy to see the massive potential of all the spots. The people are also really nice and the food is great too.”  Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails): “I'm really happy to be part of this event!! The truth is that the forecast doesn't look amazing but the event is really nice. It looks like this place has some really great spots to sail, so we just have to wait fore some wind and waves! Yeww!” The forecast for tomorrow has improved with northeastlery winds of 15-22 knots being predicted alongside a 9 second swell from the southwest during the early morning, which is a better swell direction for Plage de Goulien. With this in mind the skippers’ meeting has been called for 8am tomorrow morning followed by a first possible start of 9am. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest developments via the PWA live stream and live ticker. 

Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 2

18 10.2015
Kein Wind, keine Wellen.
Der zweite Tag des Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup verlief sehr ruhig. Nach dem morgendlichen Check der Bedingungen und der Wettervorhersage wurden die Teilnehmer bereits am Vormittag für den Tag entlassen. Am Abend fand die offizielle Eröffnungsfeier statt. Implications for the title race in the event of no wind in France. With not much happening prior to the opening ceremony we decided to take a look at the implications for the title race in case of no result being obtained here. Men’s Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) are currently tied on points, but if no result were to be gained here then all the pressure would be transferred onto Fernandez, whilst Köster would enter Maui with one-hand on the world championship already. In order to overturn Köster’s lead the Spaniard only has one possibility, which is the huge task of winning the NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic. Any other result would see the twenty-one year old crowned the PWA Wave World Champion for the third time in his career. Women’s The women’s title race would see an exact replica to last year’s showdown. Just like in 2014 Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) has won both of the opening two events and holds control of the title race, ahead of her sister and reigning world champion — Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) in second. A third place finish or better would guarantee Daida the title, but as last year proved anything can happen. For Iballa to retain her world crown she would need the following scenarios: If Daida were to finish 4th — Iballa would need to win the NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic If Daida were to finish 5th — Iballa would need to finish 2nd or better If Daida were to finish 6th — Iballa would need to finish 3rd or better etc   The forecast looks as though the competitors will remain on hold again tomorrow with the swell expected to remain small. The skippers’ meeting will be held at 10:30am tomorrow morning followed by autograph session at 11am. If the conditions aren’t suitable for competition then there will also be an opportunity for the sailors to try their hand at foiling between 12pm-5pm — followed by a presentation of the Fanatic / North, Starboard / Severne and Soöruz teams on the main stage between 5pm and 6pm. As always you’ll be able to stay up to date with the latest from the event via the PWA live stream and live ticker @

Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 1

16 10.2015
Wenig Wind, kleine Wellen – nur die Einschreibung lief heute.
Der Eröffnungstag der Crozon Morgat PWA-Weltmeisterschaft erwies sich als eine ruhige Angelegenheit, mit leichtem Wind und kleinen Wellen. Die Starter wurden auch kurz nach dem Skippersmeeting um halb Zwei für den Tag entlassen. Vor dem Skippersmeeting gingen auch einige Surfer aufs Wasser, die Bedingungen waren aber für reguläre Wettkämpfe zu schlecht. The opening day of the Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup proved to be a quiet affair with light winds and small waves meaning the sailors were released for the day shortly after 1:30pm. Earlier on the men’s and women’s fleets registered for the upcoming competition, whilst a few of the sailors also squeezed in a surf before the skippers meeting, which was postponed until 1 o’clock, to give them a chance to get in the water. Earlier in the day we caught up with a few of the sailors to see what they have been up to since the last event in Sylt. Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde / MFC): “I went home to Guadeloupe for a week after Sylt and it was really nice. It’s the first time I’ve been home since May and I got in the water 4 times — Surfing and sailing twice. I arrived here yesterday and it was just a little bit different to Guadeloupe… going from surfing in just boardshorts to a full 5/4mm wetsuit.” Alice Arutkin (Fanatic / North): “This is my first time here, we live about 7 hours away, so we arrived yesterday. I’ve already been surfing which was sick!” Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC): “I’ve been here for the last week and sailed twice. Once in bolt onshore and then the other day when it was cross-off and enough for 5.0 but it was only about knee to waist high. Apart from that I’ve been doing a lot of surfing, which has been great.” Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / North): “After Sylt I went to relax a bit at home, but I haven’t been sailing. Up to now it’s been a pretty poor autumn.” Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC): “I’ve just come back from a great trip in Mauritius for the Fanatic and North dealer meeting — together with Klaas [Voget] — it’s a really fun wave over there and we had a good swell whilst we were there. The good thing is that there’s only a 2 hour time difference between here and Mauritius, so there’s no jet lag issues.”   Plage de l’aber and Plage de Goulien are the two beach options for the contest — both of which are a short ten minute drive from the sailors village. On current forecasts it looks as though Plage de Goulien is the most likely option, but as always the forecast can easily change.   The best chance to run the contest currently looks like being on either Sunday or Monday with event organiser Christop Boutet being confident that it will be windy enough, however, the slight concern is with the size of the swell. The sailors will meet again at 9am tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting with the first possible start at 10am. You’ll be able to follow everything as it via the PWA live stream and live ticker

Crozon Morgat PWA-Wave

15 10.2015
Die Bühne in Crozon Morgat für das vorletzte PWA Wave-Event des Jahres 2015 steht bereit.
Jetzt beginnt die wirklich heiße Phase im Rennen um die 2015 PWA Wave-Weltmeisterschaft. Von Freitag 16. Oktober an, bis zum 22. Oktober findet die vorletzte Veranstaltung der Wave-Tour des Jahres 2015 statt. Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Ultra Maui) und Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) führen derzeit das Ranking an, aber es ist weder bei den Herren noch bei den Damen schon alles entschieden. Nach dem letztjährigen, hervorragenden Event in La Torche, kommen die Wavesurfer für den Crozon Morgat PWA-WeltmeisterschafWAve-Worldcup erneut nach Frankreich zurück. Wenn Wind und Wellen mitspielen, können wir uns auf einige Tage radikaler Action freuen. Things are really hotting up in the race for the 2015 PWA Wave World Championships with just two events to go. Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra) and Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) currently lead the way in the men’s and women’s divisions, but there’s still all to play for. Next up for the wave sailing elite is a return to France, after last year’s superb event in La Torche, for the Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup, which runs between the 16th-22nd October. Crozon Morgat is also located in Finistére, but is situated about 75km north of La Torche. However, it still offers the same world class waves that the Bretagné region is renowned for thanks to the punchy Atlantic swells, which constantly hit northwest France. Roaming The Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup will see the return of a roaming event with competition being possible at two locations — hopefully ensuring that the best possible conditions are captured during the contest.   Ones to Watch Women’s Daida Moreno holds a perfect record so far this season with two event victories out of two and could have the title race sewn up with another victory here. Daida has been at her imperious best throughout the season with an extensive jumping repertoire and aggressive wave riding on display, but she will face stern competition again from Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra), who has been sailing through the pain barrier for much of the year and will be determined to keep her title challenge alive as she looks to defend her world crown.   Between the legendary twins there’s a ferocious battle developing for the final place on the prestigious podium between — Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) and Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) — and the two women will be firing on all cylinders again over the week ahead.   Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) also remains right on the tails of Offringa and Beenen and will be looking to apply the pressure by taking advantage of any mistakes that may be made by either Offringa or Beenen.   Behind the top five it’s still incredibly close with Alice Arutkin (Fanatic / North) and Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Mystic) tied on points in joint six, whilst Caterina Stenta (RRD / RRD / Maui Ultra Fins) is still firmly in contention. The Italian has been looking more and more dangerous at each event and will be setting her sights on improving on her current eighth place.   Men’s Philip Köster and Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) are set to resume their epic battle in a few days time. The duo have been almost inseparable so far this season and as a result they are currently tied on points. However, it is Köster who holds a slender lead thanks to recording two event victories, compared to the Spaniard’s one.   The upcoming duel promises to produce another enthralling fight between the current top two in the world and the stakes couldn’t be higher with both sailors knowing that any mistake now could cost them a shot at this year’s title — even though they could discard their result here it would then place massive pressure on them to excel in Maui.   Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne) is still only in his second full season back on tour — after a break for a couple of years due to injury and finishing his studies — but has already established himself a regular top 5 and beyond sailor. Stone has impressed throughout the year with his trademark wave riding and one-handed, one-footed backloops and he’ll be looking to further cement his place in the overall top three come the end of the event.   Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD) is the next closest contender in fourth place at the moment and he’ll ideally be looking to discard his ninth place finish from Denmark. The Spaniard is regarded as one of the most stylish wave riders in the world — combining gouging turns with signature frontside 360s to dispatch of his opponents and he’ll be calling upon those skills again.   Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) may have not been too happy with his results so far this season — such are the level of the high standards he expects from himself — but the Brazilian/Venezuelan still occupies an excellent fifth place in the overall standings coming into the penultimate event of the year. Campello always catches the eye whenever he’s on the water due to his radical approach to sailing and you can be sure he’ll be more fired up then ever when the green flag is raised as he looks to record his best result of 2015.   Reigning world champion — Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) — comes into Crozon in sixth place. The campaign may have not gone quite how he would have wanted so far, but you can expect a big performance from TT in his homeland of France. Traversa loves the Brittany coastline and if the conditions fire then he’ll be one of the biggest threats out there as he really comes into his own when things start turning gnarly.   Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) has consistently improved at every event so far his year and his latest performance in Denmark saw the Brazilian return to the podium. Browne will come into France full of confidence, whilst looking to continue his rise through the rankings. A top ten finish or better would allow Brawzinho to discard his thirteenth place in Pozo and based on how he has been sailing you’d think that would be somewhat of an inevitability.   The current top 10 is completed by Britain’s Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins / SWOX) — who has achieved three top 10 finishes out of three so far this season — and German’s Dany Bruch (Starboard / Challenger Sails / AL360) and Klaas Voget (Fanatic / Simmer / MFC) — who comes into the event on the back of his best result this year — 5th in Denmark.   It looks as though we may need a little bit of luck over the week ahead with northeasterly winds and small waves currently being predicted on the latest forecast models. However, things can change quickly in Europe at this time of year and a week is a long time in forecasting terms, so hopefully with a bit of luck we’ll see more spectacular action in the penultimate wave event of the year. As always you’ll be able to follow everything as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker @

NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic

14 10.2015
NoveNove ist Sponsor des 2015 Maui Aloha Classic
Der Countdown für den 2015 NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic, der von vielen Wavesurfern als der Höhepunkt des Jahres angesehen wird, läuft. Seit vielen Jahren ist der Aloha-Classic die prestigeträchtigste Veranstaltung im Windsurfen. Hier, an Hawaiis Nordküste, vor Hookipa trennt sich die Spreu vom Weizen – bei den Damen und auch bei den Herren. Besondere Spannung kommt in diesem Jahr noch dazu – beim diesjährigen Aloha Classic wird auch der 2015er PWA Weltmeister gekürt! Ho’okipa (meaning ‘hospitality’) Beach Park, Maui, Hawaii is quintessentially the home of windsurfing. A place any windsurfer has hopes, dreams and aspirations of visiting at some point during their lifetime. What makes Maui so special is its clockwork like trade winds, which combine with some of the best waves on the planet to create the most spectacular windsurfing conditions — and all of this is then set against a stunning, luscious, tropical backdrop. It truly is a destination that every windsurfer must experience at some point in their lifetime.   NoveNove may have only been founded in 2008, but what started out as a small venture between Cesare Cantagalli (Brand Manager) and Gianni Valdambrini (shaper) has soon seen this unmistakably Italian brand develop into one of the most innovative and exciting brands in the windsurfing industry. With three decades of expertise NoveNove combine custom quality with everyday mass production, whilst sticking to their goal which is to ‘uphold the same level of accuracy and quality we have grown accustomed to in every single 99 board being made.’   Now NoveNove are taking things to the next level again by sponsoring this year’s Maui Aloha Classic. By putting their name to one of the most respected events in the windsurfing world, NoveNove have solidified their already established reputation as a serious manufacturer of top quality equipment.   The Title Showdown   The 2015 NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic will take place between the 28th October until the 10th November and at the moment the title race looks destined to be a two-man fight between Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) for this year’s men’s title, whilst things are shaping up for another epic all Moreno battle between reigning world champion Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Daida (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins).   A two week holding period almost guarantees epic action with the world’s best ready to combine gouging rail-to-rail turns with the latest aerial manoeuvres in order to earn this illustrious accolade in the home of windsurfing.   However, 99NoveNove’s own team sailors will be hoping to throw a spanner in the works. 3-time world champion — Kauli Seadi (99NoveNove / Hot Sails Maui / MFC) — will return to the professional competition scene after missing last year’s Aloha Classic through injury, and his effortless and fluid style will make him a major contender for the title, whilst Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7) — who is in contention for a place on the women’s podium — will be hoping to use her winter training to full effect and make a major impact.   Cesare Cantagalli - Brand manager - 99NoveNove: “We are proud and greatly honoured to officially announce our sponsorship for the 2015 edition of the NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic which combines the AWT (American Windsurfing Tour) with final event of the PWA Wave Tour 2015.” “We trust it is a great contribution to our sport in view of supporting the PWA with what we consider being the most legendary event on Tour > Maui Aloha Classic.” “We strongly believe that the PWA World Tour needs a wave contest performed in that typical Ho’okipa conditions, giving everyone a chance to perform at their full overall abilities combined with Euro events so producing a complete wave discipline winner.” “On behalf of myself and my partners Gianluca Salvatore and Gianni Valdambrini we wish everyone a great performance and successful event.”   This year’s NoveNove Maui Aloha Classic runs between the 28th October until the 10th November. Are you ready for a clash of the titans as the biggest names in windsurfing prepare to go head-to-head to decide the King and Queen of the waves for 2015? The event promises to be another blockbuster and you’ll be able to follow all of the amazing action as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker @

Neue Wetterstation!

11 10.2015
Seit letzten Samstag ist sie in Betrieb, unsere nagelneue Wetterstation am Kochelsee, jetzt direkt am Wasser.
Nach drei Jahren nahezu störungsfreiem Betrieb fanden wir es trotzdem an der Zeit, die alte Wetterstation auszutauschen. Gerade die Position des Anemometers am bisherigen Standort war unbefriedigend,  ermöglichte sie eher eine „technikunterstützte Schätzung“ über den Wind auf dem Wasser, als aussagekräftige Messwerte. Um nun verlässliche Windwerte zu liefern, haben wir die neue Station auf einem Steg direkt am Wasser aufgestellt. Ebenfalls ganz neu – wir messen jetzt auch die Wassertemperatur des Kochelsees. Der Temperatursensor misst in rund 50 cm Wassertiefe, die Temperatur wird, ebenso wie die aktuellen Windmesswerte in das jeweilige Webcambild eingeblendet. Aufgrund unserer sehr guten Erfahrungen mit der Wetterstation am Walchensee haben wir auch am Kochelsee wieder die gleichen, hochwertigen Komponenten verwendet. Die Signale der Wetterstation werden diesmal aber nur knapp 90 Meter weit zur Empfangsstation am Standort der Webcam übertragen.   Wir wünschen euch viel Freude an der neuen Messstation! Für alle „Wind-Addicts“ die es noch nicht entdeckt haben – hier findet ihr passende Shirts zum Thema. Hier geht es zu den aktuellen Messwerten und zur Webcam.