Ulsan PWA WC Tag 4

21 05.2019
Endlich genug Wind für Slalom! Einige große Namen litten unter den schwierigen Bedingungen.
Der 4. Tag des Ulsan PWA World Cup 2019 lieferte die bisher meisten Rennen des Events mit weiteren 2 Eliminations der Damen im foilen und den ersten 9 Läufen des Slaloms der Herren, die abgeschlossen wurden. Allerdings zog sich der Tag unglaublich langsam hin, für die 11 Läufe wurden 6 anstrengende Stunden gebraucht, weil der Wind sowohl in Stärke als auch in Richtung schwankte, was die Rennen, gelinde gesagt, schwierig machte. Foil Women’s Overnight leader - Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui / Starboard Foil) - started the day with a one point advantage over Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL), but after a further two races were completed today the current world tour leader has opened up her advantage to 2.3 points after claiming her second bullet in 4 eliminations and a 3rd. Marion Mortefon remains Cousin Questel’s closest rival in second place after a second and 3rd place today, but she now has Marina Alabau breathing down her neck - just 1 point behind. For a short time, it looked as though Alabau M. would be leading the event as after winning the third elimination, the 33-year-old held pole position in the fourth race after rounding the upwind mark first. However, Alabau M. crashed on the next reach when trying to adjust her harness line, which saw her drop from first to 4th. That result still allows Alabau. M to discard the 9th place from the first race to improve from 5th to 3rd in the overall rankings, but she will know she could have potentially been at the top of the rankings. Alabau M. Is now just 1 point behind Mortefon in second and has closed to within 2.7 points of Cousin Questel with two days to go. Meanwhile, Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) and Hella Oppedal (Fanatic / Duotone) both fall one place to 4th and 5th respectively.  After the opening 11 eliminations (7 in Japan and 4 so far in South Korea) the above top 5 women have firmly established themselves as the current top seeds in the Foiling discipline.  Slalom  Men’s The opening two rounds of the Men’s Slalom saw the usual suspects advance with no real upsets. However, in the first 3 quarterfinals that followed there was a multitude of big upsets. In the opening quarterfinal - Heat 7 - last year’s world No.5 and No.7 - Julien Quentel (Patrik / Gun Sails) and Pascal Toselli (JP / Loftsails / Chopper Fins) - as well as current world No.3 - Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails) all suffered early exits. However, it will be Toselli and Kördel who will be particularly disappointed to have missed out as they were qualifying in the previous 3 efforts to complete the heat, but missed out in the one that counted. Qualifying from Heat 7 are Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails), Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sails / Chopper Fins), Antoine Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) and Taty Frans (Future Fly / Point-7). In Heat 8 Arnon Dagan (Future Fly / NeilPryde) and Bruno Martini (I-99 / Point-7), who finished 7th in Marignane were both disqualified for false starts. After several failed attempts to complete the heat due to big holes in the wind, the second quarterfinal was eventually validated, but there were more big name casualties with reigning world champion - Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) -  and current world No.10 - Marco Lang (Fanatic / Duotone) being eliminated. Albeau appeared to be impeded by seaweed on the opening reach meaning the Frenchman lost valuable ground, while Lang also trailed into the first mark and in the light airs it is incredibly difficult to reduce the deficit. Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins) won the heat ahead of Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins), Ben van der Steen (Goya Windsurfing / Gun Sails) and Ingmar Daldorf (Tabou / GA Sails) - all of whom qualify for the top 16. Heat 9 proved to be the final heat of the day and there was further drama with Andrea Ferin (I-99 / Challenger Sails / AL360) claiming that Steve Allen (Patrik / Severne) had t-boned him at the first mark when in the qualifying positions. However, no action was taken and the result stands. Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) would go on to win the heat ahead of Finian Maynard (FMX Racing), Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) and Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne), who did well to overtake Allen to grab the final qualifying position. However, both Basile Jacquin (I-99 / Point-7) and Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) miss out.  With the wind continuing to frustrate the racing was eventually called off shortly after 7pm. The sailors will meet again tomorrow morning at 8am (GMT+9) for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 9am onwards. The wind is expected to be slightly stronger on Wednesday, but the strength was never the really the issue today and key point for tomorrow will be the consistency of the wind. On paper though there is the potential for a solid day of racing.  You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from South Korea — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil
*After 4 Eliminations
1st Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA - Starboard / S2Maui / Starboard Foil)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) 
3rd Marina Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) 
4th Blanca Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th Helle Oppedal (NOR - Fanatic / Duotone)

Kitesurf Masters 2019

21 05.2019
Die Programmhighlights der Multivan Kitesurf Masters Usedom 2019
Vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2019 sind die Multivan Kitesurf Masters zu Gast in Ahlbeck auf Usedom. Neben spannenden Wettkämpfen auf dem Wasser, ist auch an Land mit einem interessanten Programm für Abwechslung gesorgt: Multivan Kitesurf Masters In den Disziplinen Freestyle, Slalom und Racing sammeln die Fahrer wichtige Punkte auf dem Weg zum Deutschen Meistertitel. Die Zuschauer können das Geschehen auf dem Wasser direkt vom Strand oder von der Seebrücke aus verfolgen.  Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge Der „Partner der Surfer“ ist in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal auf allen Events der Multivan Kitesurf Masters vertreten. Die Besucher haben die Möglichkeit, einzelne Fahrzeuge der aktuellen Flotte vom Titelsponsor der Multivan Kitesurf Masters hautnah zu erleben. BLACK LABEL POWER YOGA BLACK LABEL POWER YOGA ist ein fitnessorientierter und sportlicher Yogastil. Das Markenzeichen der beiden Black Label Yogis Nina und Micha ist ein lockerer und charmanter Ansagestil. Intensive Flows im Rhythmus des Atems sorgen für körperliche und mentale Entspannung. Die Besucher sind herzlich eingeladen, BLACK LABEL POWER YOGA unter freiem Himmel am Strand zu genießen. Windsport Usedom Wer will nicht die Freiheit spüren einmal selbst über das Wasser zu fliegen? Wem Zuschauen allein nicht reicht, kann bei der Kiteschule „Windsport Usedom“ selbst seine ersten Versuche wagen. Der Kitesurf-Schnupperkurs dauert ca. eine Stunde und die Anmeldung ist direkt vor Ort am Strand oder unter 0177-4935503 möglich. After Race Partys In den späten Abendstunden werden verschiedene Bands und DJs für Stimmung sorgen. Beim Sonnenuntergang und einem kühlen Getränk kann man gemeinsam mit den Kitesurf-Profis den Tag ausklingen lassen. Auf der Eventbühne werden DJ Ali, DJ René Cruz und Projekt Caramba - eine stimmungsvolle Coverband - auftreten. Programm: Donnerstag, 20.06.19 16:00                         Eröffnung der Veranstaltung 18:00                         Kitertalk auf der Eventbühne 18:00 - 19:00             Einschreibung der Teilnehmer / Freies Training bis 23:00                   Öffnungszeiten Eventgelände 19:00 - 22:00             DJ Ali Freitag, 21.06.19 08:00 - 09:00             Einschreibung der Teilnehmer 10:00                         Skippersmeeting 10:45                         Erster möglicher Start Ganztägig                  Wettkämpfe der Kitesurfer 10:00 - 23:00             Öffnungszeiten Eventgelände 11:00 & 17:00            Black Label Power Yoga 18:00                         Kitertalk auf der Eventbühne 19:00 - 22:00             Projekt Caramba Samstag, 22.06.19 09:45                         Erster möglicher Start Ganztägig                  Wettkämpfe der Kitesurfer 10:00 - 23:00             Öffnungszeiten Eventgelände 11:00 & 17:00            Black Label Power Yoga 18:00                         Kitertalk auf der Eventbühne 19:00 - 22:00             DJ René Cruz Sonntag, 23.06.19 09:45                         Erster möglicher Start Ganztägig                  Wettkämpfe der Kitesurfer 10:00 - 18:00             Öffnungszeiten Eventgelände 11:00                         Black Label Power Yoga 17:00                         Siegerehrung

Ulsan PWA WC 2019

17 05.2019
Next Stop South Korea
Nach einem kurzen Sprung, und einem weiteren Sprung von Japan nach Südkorea sind die Slalomracer bereit für ihre nächste Rennen. Jinha Beach bereitet sich gerade darauf vor, die Herren- und Damenslaloms und die Foilrennen der Damen vom 18. bis 24. Mai für den Ulsan PWA World Cup auszurichten. Da es in Japan nicht genügend Wind gab, um einen Slalom zu absolvieren, bleiben die Ranglisten so, wie sie nach der Eröffnungsveranstaltung in Marignane waren, aber nach einer langen Woche des Wartens in Yokosuka werden die Slalomspezialisten erfreut sein zu sehen, dass die Windprognose für Jinha Beach viel vielversprechender erscheint. Slalom Women’s As previously mentioned, no slalom eliminations were completed in Japan meaning reigning world champion and current world tour leader - Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) - will still start the third event of the year as the clear favourite. The 3-time world champion made the perfect start in France and is now on a winning run that stretches back to November 2017 and she may prove difficult to stop again - especially after also gaining victory in the first ever women’s foil contest. Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) made a solid start in France by claiming second place ahead of Oda Brødholt (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), who is absent from proceedings, and could well prove to be Cousin Questel’s biggest threat again, however, the likes of Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) and Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins) are also more than capable of challenging for top honours. Erdil, in particular, may offer more of a threat here than in France with a couple of additional weeks training under her belt as she continues her come back from injury. Elsewhere, Jenna Gibson (Fanatic / Duotone) could also feature with the Brit winning one elimination here in 2018, while the likes of Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne), Mio Anayama (Starboard / S2Maui) and Ayako Suzuki (Tabou / GA Sails), Océane Lescadieu (S2Maui), Yuki Sunaga (Loftsails) and Nimet Tulumen (Tabou / GA Sails) could all feature. Foil Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui / Starboard Foil) will enter South Korea as the favourite for the second ever women’s foiling world cup after claiming a clear cut victory in Japan last week. The 3-time slalom world champion showed the same devastating form on the foil course as she has done over the last few years on the slalom course and ended the week with a perfect score of 3.5 points after winning 5 out of the 7 eliminations completed. However, 2012 Olympic Champion - Marina Alabau (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) - will be looking to gain revenge and level up the race for the 2019 Women’s PWA Foil World Championship title race. Alabau went toe-to-toe with Cousin Questel in the opening 4 races and will more than likely be the 27-year-olds major rival. Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) completed the podium in Japan after performing extremely consistently throughout the week, which saw the French girl only finish outside the top 3 once in 7 eliminations. Mortefon will no doubt be challenging for the podium again and could well go a place or two better here. Also look out for Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) and Helle Oppedal (Fanatic / Duotone), who finished 4th and 5th in Japan. Slalom Men’s Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) will come into South Korea full of confidence after winning his first ever foil event in Japan. The Frenchman is the current world tour lead after pipping Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) to victory in France is on an incredible run with his first victory on the Foil World Tour meaning he has now won the last 3 racing events (2 Slalom victories - 1 Foil). Mortefon is flying high at the moment and will look to maintain that early season momentum as he bids for a maiden world title. Having changed board sponsor late last winter, any questions about whether Albeau’s board speed would be competitive have been firmly answered in France. AA led the final and showed excellent speed throughout and he’ll once again be in the thick of the action as he eyes world title No.26. Current vice-world champion - Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne / Shamal Sunglasses) - will look to bounce back from a disappointing result in France, but with just one race completed in Marignane there’s no reason to panic and you can expect to see a strong showing from the Italian, who claimed the event title here in 2018.  Some people may have tried to write Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails) off after a disappointing 2018 Slalom campaign, but the German clearly never lost faith in his own ability. Kördel bounced back immediately in France by earning his second ever slalom podium - 3rd - and continued his excellent start to the season with a second place in the Foil in Japan. Kördel will now look to maintain that early season momentum. Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) came into 2019 off the back of his best overall result to date - 4th - and the flying Dutchman showed in France that he’ll be a force to be reckoned with again for the coming season after starting the season with a solid 4th place.  Finian Maynard (FMX Racing) made a bright start in France as he qualified for the final where he finished 5th and he too could be in the running again here in if he’s back to 100%.  Last year’s world No.5 - Julien Quentel (Patrik / Gun Sails) - also made a decent start to the season with a 6th place and will be in the mix again. The top 10 coming into South Korea is currently completed by Bruno Martini (I-99 / Challenger Sails), Malte Reuscher (Tabou / GA Sails), Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde) and Marco Lang (Fanatic / Duotone), Elsewhere, Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Shamal Sunglasses), Pascal Toselli (JP / Loftsails / Chopper Fins), Cyril Moussilmani (RRD / RRD Sails) and Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins) will all look to bounce back from missing out on the top 10 in the opening event of the year. Other names to look out for include the aspiring young talents of Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails), Basile Jacquin (I-99 Point-7), Nicolas Goyard (Tabou / GA Sails) and Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) - who finished 11th, 12th, 14th and 15th respectively.  The forecast looks extremely wet for the opening day of the 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup with up to 50mm over rain expected to fall over a 3 hour period around 3pm (GMT+9), so while there is plenty of wind on the forecast it may prove too unstable to provide any racing on Saturday. You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from South Korea — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Women’s Slalom 1st Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA - Starboard / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone)
3rd Oda Johanne (NOR - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA - Patrik / Loftsails)
5th Lena Erdil (TUR - Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
Current Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Women’s Foil  1st Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA - Starboard / S2Maui / Starboard Foil)
2nd Marina Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL)
4th Blanca Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th Helle Oppedal (NOR - Fanatic / Duotone)
Current Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Men’s Slalom 1st Pierre Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins)
2nd Antoine Albeau (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
3rd Sebastian Kördel (GER - Starboard / GA Sails)
4th Jordy Vonk (NED - Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Finian Maynard (KV - FMX Racing)
6th Quentel Julien (SXM - Patrik / Gun Sails)
7th Bruno Martini (ITA - I-99 / Challenger Sails)
8th Malte Reuscher (GER - Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Mateus Isaac (BRA - JP / NeilPryde)
10th Marco Lang (AUT - Fanatic / Duotone)

PWA Marignane

23 04.2019
Nach einer langen, nervenaufreibenden Woche beim Auftakt der PWA Worldtour im Slalom im südfranzösischen Marignane gibt es ein Ergebnis!
Viele hatten gestern Nachmittag den Event bereits abhakt, doch am Ende steht ein Ergebnis. Am späten Nachmittag und gerade rechtzeitig zum Finale drehte der Wind dann endlich richtig auf. Bei bis zu 30 Knoten war das komplette Fahrerfeld ziemlich überpowered, da alle nur ihr großes Material vorbereitet hatten. Während des ganzen Tages war der Wind so unbeständig, dass es 6 mühsame Stunden dauerte, um lediglich 8 Läufe zu absolvieren. Das Endergebnis wird die Locals sehr freuen, da die Lokalmatadoren Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) und Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) im ersten Event des Jahres den ersten Platz auf dem Podium belegen und damit die Führung im Titelrennen übernehmen bevor es jetzt dann in Richtung Asien geht. Slalom Women’s Reigning world champion - Delphine Cousin Questel - led from start to finish in the winners’ final as she made the perfect start to the season. The 3-time world champion didn’t put a foot wrong during the event and deservedly walks away as the champion, which means she extends her winning run to 5 consecutive events and she could prove a hard woman to stop based on that performance. Delphine Cousin Questel: “It was super difficult conditions with the wind being so gusty. I was either overpowered or underpowered. It was hard to be on the right gear. Just before the final, I switched equipment to 7.7m from 7.9 and I made a good start by the pin. I led into the first mark and then I just aimed to control it from the front. I’m super happy to win the first event of the season, it’s been a long and stressful week. It’s always hard to compete at an event with just one race, but it is what it is, I think we were extremely unlucky as every time I’ve been here it’s been super windy. I’m happy for the organizer that we managed to get results in the end and thanks to Delphine for making the event happen.” Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) chased home Cousin Questel, but couldn’t land a telling blow, however, the 27-year-old will still be delighted to have equalled her best result since Turkey 2015 - 2nd - and is prominently placed going forwards. Oda Johanne Brødholt (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) has been tipped as a slightly dark horse for the last couple of seasons and those fruitions came to life today as the Norwegian, who finished 3rd in the Freestyle in Bonaire, claims her first Slalom podium here in Marignane after producing a fantastic performance to hold off both Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) and Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins), who finish 4th and 5th respectively. We’ll take a look at the full results on Wednesday in the event summary. Men’s  Before the final, the sailors were presented with a gamble to either stick with what they had or gamble on the wind picking up as per the forecast. For those sailors who stuck - Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde), Finian Maynard (FMX Racing) and Julien Quentel (Patrik / Gun Sails) - sticking on their big gear didn’t pay off as they became overpowered during the final with the wind picking up greatly. However, for Pierre Mortefon and Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails), their gamble was rewarded with victory and a 3rd place with their greater control proving pivotal in the fight for the finish line. Mortefon and Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) enjoyed a great fight in the winners’ final, which could finally be completed at the third time of asking. On the first attempt, Malte Reuscher (Tabou / GA Sails) was disqualified for a premature start, while Bruno Martini (I-99 / Challenger Sails) suffered the same fate on the next attempt with the sailors pushing the start knowing that this was the final to decide the overall event rankings.  It was Albeau who led around the first mark - a position from which he is rarely caught. However, with the wind picking up just before the start of the final AA was overpowered on his 8.6m, which presented Mortefon, who changed down just before the start of the final to 7.7m and medium board, with an opportunity to pounce and the two-time vice-world champion did just that as he produced a brilliant second gybe to move into the lead, which is one he wouldn’t relinquish as the 29-year-old powered away over the remainder of the course to make the perfect start to the season.  Pierre Mortefon: "I'm so, so happy. It's been a long week and a long day so it has not been easy to deal with the conditions. The PWA crew have done an amazing job - they made the right decisions at the right times. They pushed and we managed to get the result. It's a perfect start to the season with a victory in France - it can't get much better!” Albeau played it relatively safe over the rest of the course to make sure he didn’t jeopardise his second place, which is a solid start to the season, particularly after changing board sponsor late in the close season. However, now he knows he is competitive again he will be once again be pumped up for another title challenge as he bids for World title No.25. The podium here in Marignane is completed by Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails) with the German sailing brilliantly in the tricky conditions to earn his best Slalom result since September 2016. Kördel endured a tough season last year and will be delighted to have made such a positive start to the year.  Last year’s World No.4 - Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) - starts the season with a solid 4th place here in France, while Finian Maynard (FMX Racing) claims 5th ahead of Julien Quentel (Patrik / Gun Sails) - 6th - Bruno Martini - 7th - and Malte Reuscher - 8th. As with the women’s we’ll take a full look at the results in the event summary on Tuesday. After a long hard day on the water the winners were then presented in front of the crowd at 6pm during the closing ceremony! To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Marignane — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images, and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Marignane PWA World Cup - Women's Slalom 1st Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA - Starboard / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone)
3rd Oda Brødholt (NOR - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA - Patrik / Loftsails)
5th Lena Erdil (TUR - Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
6th Esther de Geus (NED - Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Lilou Granier (FRA - Starboard / Phantom Sails)
8th Nimet Tulumen (TUR - Tabou / GA Sails) Result 2019 Marignane PWA World Cup - Men's Slalom 1st Pierre Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins)
2nd Antoine Albeau (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
3rd Sebastian Koerdel (GER - Starboard / GA Sails)
4th Jordy Vonk (NED - Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Finian Maynard (KV - FMX Racing)
6th Quentel Julien (SXM - Patrik / Gun Sails)
7th Bruno Martini (ITA - I-99 / Challenger Sails)
8th Malte Reuscher (GER - Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Mateus Isaac (BRA - JP / NeilPryde)
10th Marco Lang (AUT - Fanatic / Duotone)

PWA Bonaire Tag 5

14 04.2019
Finale - ein von Drama & Emotion erfüllter Abschlusstag - Sarah-Quita Offringa & Amado Vrieswijk sind Königin & König von Bonaire.
Der letzte Tag der FORSA Bonaire PWA Weltmeisterschaft 2019 wurde als Supersamstag angekündigt und am Ende gab es ein Finale mit einer Mischung aus Emotionen und Dramatik. Viele Zuschauer am Strand sorgten für eine fußballspielähnliche Atmosphäre, die die besten Freestyler der Welt dazu anregte, auf dem Weg zum Sieg über sich hinaus zu wachsen. Women’s Double Elimination Finals day was split into two halves and in the morning the women’s fleet was whittled down to just the top 3 ladies standing, which saw Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) successfully defend her 4th place, but she may feel there was a missed opportunity as she pushed Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) all the way in the battle for 3rd and 4th, but couldn’t quite land the higher scoring move she needed on starboard tack to earn her first podium since 2014. Upon the restart Johanne faced a rematch with Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and for a long time the heat was evenly balanced, however, Huvermann then upped her game by landing a double spock on both tacks and a culo to setup a rematch with Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) - leaving the Norwegian to complete the podium in 3rd place. Into the final and Huvermann, just as she did in the single elimination, threw everything she had at Offringa, but for a long time, it was the Aruban leading the fight and looking like she would claim the victory there and then. However, Huvermann managed to stay in contention throughout and in the dying seconds the 21-year-old performed a buzzer beater as she landed a superb regular chachoo to take the event into a Super Final.  Offringa was as gracious in defeat, her first time that she had lost a heat in 11 years on the world tour, as she is in victory, but unsurprisingly she was emotional upon hearing the result. Meanwhile, with a rapturous crowd and becoming the first person to take a heat off Offringa, Huvermann dropped to the ground almost in disbelief as emotions rose to the boil. After a short break , Offringa and Huvermann would once again go head-to-head in a winner takes it all finale, which turned into another enthralling battle. However, it was Offringa who was able to raise her game to another level as she dug deep to win the opening event of the year. Huvermann, after reaching the dizzy heights of the final couldn’t quite replicate the same performance again and after a couple of failed double spock attempts it took some words of wisdom from the beach by Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails) to lift Huvermann to fight further. And that’s exactly what she did - landing double spocks on both tacks again almost immediately afterwards. Offringa though wasn’t to beat as she set the second highest scoring heat of the contest to rightfully be crowned the Queen of Bonaire. Both girls deservedly received a warm reception upon returning to the beach after putting on a wonderful display. Sarah-Quita Offringa makes a winning start to the year: “Cheers first of all to everyone, and thanks to everyone on the beach, we can hear you cheering on the water and that really motivates us! This was the first time in 11 years that I’ve lost a heat, and I’ve been thinking about that this week - about how I would react… I didn’t want to be a sore loser and actually, I felt a sense of excitement after the heat with Maaike! Congrats to Maaike  - she sailed an amazing heat! Thanks to everyone from the PWA for an amazing week!” Men’s  Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) was the star of the double elimination and the local boy continued his comeback in the morning by defeating Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails), Giovanni Passani (Tabou / GA Sails / AL360) and Yentel Caers (I-99 / Point-7) to move into the top 3. By this point, Vrieswijk had already won 7 heats in a row.  After a middle of the day interlude, Vrieswijk would then resume against Julian Mas (JP / Gun Sails), who was already guaranteed his first ever podium. The atmosphere during this heat was exceptional with the local crowd cheering for their local boy, while the French possie responded for their man. Unfortunately for Mas, he never quite scaled the heights that he had shown in the single elimination leaving Vrieswijk to march on and set up a final against fellow Bonairean - Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti). In the final Vrieswijk would prove too strong for Schmit with the 23-year-old once again posting a monstrous score over 180 points and it was soon clear that a Super Final for the Men’s fleet was also on the cards. The Super Final began in dramatic fashion… prior to the heat starting, Schmit needed medical attention for a swollen foot and just a few minutes later the 24-year-old appeared to be sailing back to the beach. At this point, the crowd and the judges weren’t sure if Schmit would be forced to retire through injury. It then became apparent that Schmit had lost his fin after attempting a flaka-shaka in the shallows. Once Schmit neared the beach he threw his board away in disbelief at the timing and understandably looked dejected. However the local crowd were quick to rally behind another of their local men, almost like the 12th man, and Schmit reacted immediately by landing a double culo. The two Bonairean’s then traded world class manoeuvres, which saw the lead swing back and forth with the duel poised on a knife-edge. Ultimately though it was Vrieswijk, who would manage to complete a mammoth comeback with Vrieswijk winning 10 consecutive heats to be crowned the King of Bonaire, but even more importantly taking a massive step towards a maiden world title having earlier defeated 9-time world champion - Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / Duotone) - in the 3rd round of the double elimination.  Schmit also deserves great credit for the way in which he dug deep when it really counted and should be hugely proud on his first podium finish on the world tour, which also sees him end the event as one of the title contenders for 2019. Amado Vrieswijk does it the hard way: “It’s been a long, long, long week, a long week, but an amazing though. The wind was light the final, but the level has been so high throughout and Youp pushed me all the way! I’m just really, really happy!” Shortly after the conclusion of the finals, a prize giving was held in front of packed out beach and this event will go down as one of the best ever Freestyle events. We’ll be back on Monday with a full summary of a spectacular event to see how the season weighs up from here. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Bonaire — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images, and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU - Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Maaike Huvermann (NED - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Oda Johanne (NOR - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Arrianne Aukes (NED - Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Jazzy Zwerus (NED - JP / NeilPryde) Result 2019 FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle 1st Amado Vrieswijk (NB - JP / Severne)
2nd Youp Schmit (NB - I-99 / Avanti)
3rd Julian Mas (FRA - JP / Gun Sails)
4th Yentel Caers (BEL I-99 / Point-7
5th Giovanni Passani (ITA - Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Antony Ruenes (TFRA - abou / GA Sails)
7th Adrien Bosson (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
7th Davy Scheffers (NED - Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Sam Esteve (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL - Starboard / Gun Sails)
9th Taty Frans (NB - Point-7)
9th Julian Wiemar (GER - Starboard / Severne)

PWA Bonaire Tag 4

13 04.2019
Ein spannendes Super-Samstags-Finale mit echtem Weltklasse-Freestyle - Amado Vrieswijk & Antony Ruenes schenken sich nichts.
Am Morgen des vierten Tages der FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cups sah es zunächst aus, als gäbe es einen schnellen Start in die Action, die Bedingungen waren bereits vielversprechend. Allerdings setzte der Wind doch nicht richtig ein, was zu einer zweistündigen Pause zwischen 12 und 14 Uhr führte. Das Warten hat sich jedoch mehr als gelohnt, denn Bonaire lieferte genau die Bedingungen, nach denen sich die besten Freestyler der Welt sehnten - 20-30 Knoten Wind und Flachwasser -, was es den Herren ermöglichte, sowohl die Zuschauer als auch die Kampfrichter mit etwas mehr als 3 Stunden Weltklasse-Freestyle zu begeistern. Men’s Double Elimination Once the second round of the Men’s Double Elimination had been completed all eyes were drawn to a mouthwatering 3rd round battle featuring 9-time PWA Freestyle World Champion - Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / Duotone) - and world title hopeful Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne). In recent years we have become accustomed to seeing arguably the two best freestylers in the world battle it out in the finals. However, after a surprising single elimination the two heavy-hitters would have to meet far earlier than they are used to - and perhaps with more pressure on the line - with no discard for the Freestyle fleet this year - defeat for either sailor would more than likely spell the end of their title hopes for 2019. The action which followed was more than worthy of being a final with both men landing several outstanding moves and combinations. However, in front of a home crowd, who were fully behind their local man, and wanting to keep his title aspirations alive there was no stopping Vrieswijk, who went on to set the second highest scoring heat of the contest so far - 180.7 points - after Vrieswijk himself set the highest scoring heat of the contest thus far in the round prior against Mattia Fabrizi (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) - 181.9 points. During the heat, Vrieswijk landed a huge kabikuchi to kick things off and then went from strength-to-strength landing anything from a flaka-shaka-720, flaka-into-bob and almost perfect flaka-into-ponch, which not only drew massive cheers from the beach, but also drew celebrations from Vrieswijk, who upon hearing the cheers responded with a dab and pumping his sail!  Vrieswijk then dispatched of Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde), who tried to go big in order to match the Bonairean, but couldn’t on this occasion, to set-up another huge heat against vice-world champion - Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) - who had earlier defeated Jamie Howard (F2 / F2), Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails) and Steven Van Broeckhoven (Starboard / Gun Sails / Shamal Sunglasses) with a series of hugely impressive performances.  In Heat 30a both men once again went all out, while treating the crowd to another freestyle feast, but even with Bosson posting the 4th highest heat score of the competition - 176.9 points - there was still no stopping Vrieswijk from driving into the top 6 - leaving Bosson to settle for joint 7th in the opening event. Vrieswijk now holds the 1st, 2nd and 3rd highest scoring heat of the contest after setting a monstrous 188 points tally against Bosson, which is also the highest points haul ever since the new live scoring system was introduced. If the 23-year-old is even anywhere near the sort of level he showed today, it is difficult to imagine anyone stopping him from fighting all the way back to claim the event title. However, there is still plenty of work to do before reaching that point… In the bottom half of the draw, both Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails) and Davy Scheffers (Tabou / GA Sails) mounted brilliant comebacks of their own, which would eventually see the two teammates meet in Heat 30b. Enroute to that point Ruenes dispatched of Francesco Cappuzzo (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360), Nicolas Akgazciyan (JP / NeilPryde) and Taty Frans (Point-7), while Scheffers, who can blow hot and cold started to gather momentum and hit a hot streak which saw him style his way past Loick Spicher (RRD / RRD Sails), Nic Hibdige (Tabou / GA Sails) and Julian Wiemar (Starboard / Severne) - after combining the latest power moves with innovative combinations. The heat between Ruenes and Scheffers turned into another fascinating battle with Scheffers once again making a flying start with a huge air bob culo, skopu 360, air funnel 720 and an amazing switch chachoo burner. However, after a flying start the 27-year-old, who was suffering slightly from a toe injury began to slow down. Meanwhile, Ruenes, who was a little slow to start began to come right back into it with a perfect spock-culo, flaka into ponch, air funnel-burner and a trademark no-handed burner taking the Frenchman into a narrow lead. Scheffers had the beating of Ruenes on starboard tack but crucially had to count a wet kabikuchi on starboard - only 11.6 points - which proved to be the difference between the two. Scheffers obviously knew that he was missing a move on starboard tack, but unfortunately just ran out of steam at the crucial moment as he crashed his final 3 attempts. Take nothing away from Ruenes though, who gathered momentum throughout the afternoon and sailed to the level everyone knows he is capable of. The Frenchman will now face Vrieswijk in the battle for 5th/6th place and beyond. The forecast looks set for a Super Saturday Grand Finale with the strong Tradewinds predicted to continue. The sailors will meet again at 8am tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 8:30am (GMT-4) onwards. Make sure you don’t miss any of the pulsating action by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.com. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Bonaire — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images, and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle
*Below results may still change
1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU - Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Maaike Huvermann (NED - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Oda Johanne (NOR - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Arrianne Aukes (NED - Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
Result FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle
*Below results may still change
1st Youp Schmit (NB - I-99 / Avanti)
2nd Julian Mas (FRA - I-99 / Gun Sails)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL I-99 / Point-7
4th Giovanni Passani (ITA - Tabou / GA Sails)
5th/6th Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne)
5th/6th Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails)

PWA Bonaire Tag 3

13 04.2019
Ein spät einsetzender Wind ermöglicht es die ersten beiden Runden der Double Elimination der Frauen abzuschließen.
Der Wind blieb für einen Großteil des dritten Tages der FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup s leicht, aber am Nachmittag nahm der Wind langsam zu, und am frühen Abend reichte es aus, um die Double Elimination der Frauen bei 15-20 Knoten Wind und spiegelglattem Flachwasser beginnen zu lassen, während die Herren die ganze Zeit auf stand by blieben. Women’s  Double Elimination The first heat of the day saw last year’s world No.5 - Johanne Rümenapp (I-99 / Gun Sails) - versus Jazzy Zwerus (JP / NeilPryde) - who is competing in her first event since 2016. Rümenapp sailed a solid port tack heat landing a flaka, spock and shuvit, but left herself vulnerable as she failed to register a move on starboard tack. Ultimately that cost the German as Zwerus completed her scoresheet on both tacks to progress. Next up for Zwerus was Julia Pakosz and the 23-year-old continued her comeback by showing a much greater level of consistency to complete her scoresheet once again. In the bottom half of the draw Eva Wyss successfully navigated her way past local girl Angela Koch, but she was then eliminated by Francesca Floris (RRD / RRD Sails) in the next round and Floris will now face Zwerus in the battle for 5th and 6th place. The forecast for the last two days of the contest looks excellent with 18-22 knots predicted for Friday, which should almost guarantee an explosive day of action. The sailors will meet again tomorrow morning at 9am for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 9:30am (GMT-4) onwards. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Bonaire — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images, and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU - Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Maaike Huvermann (NED - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Oda Johanne (NOR - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Arrianne Aukes (NED - Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
Result FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle 1st Youp Schmit (NB - I-99 / Avanti)
2nd Julian Mas (FRA - I-99 / Gun Sails)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL I-99 / Point-7
4th Giovanni Passani (ITA - Tabou / GA Sails)
5th Julian Wiemar (GER - Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
5th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL - Starboard / Gun Sails)
5th Taty Frans (NB - Point-7)
9th Nic Hibdige (ENG - Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Jacopo Testa (ITA - RRD / RRD Sails / AL360)
9th Francesco Cappuzzo (ITA - RRD / RRD Sails / AL360)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB - JP / Severne Sails)
9th Dieter van der Eyken (BEL - Severne / Severne Sails)
9th Loick Spicher (SUI - RRD / RRD Sails)
9th Adrien Bosson (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
9th Nicolas Akgazciyan (FRA - JP / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)

PWA Bonaire Tag 2

11 04.2019
Schmit gewinnt die Single Elimination, während Offringa die Herausforderung von Huvermann abwehrt.
Die Spannung und Überraschungen setzten sich in der Single Elimination der Herren am zweiten Tag des FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cups2019 fort, während sich die Top-Fahrerinnen bei den Damen an einem weiteren actionreichen Tag am Sorobon Beach durchsetzten. Der Wind hat heute etwas gebraucht, um richtig loszulegen, aber als das Finale gefahren wurde, gab es solide 25 Knoten, was zu einer spektakulären Show von hochklassigem Freestyle führte. Nach einem spannenden Wettkampftag gibt es einen neuen Namen an der Spitze des Herrenpodiums mit dem Einheimischen - Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti) - der zum ersten Mal einen Sieg herausfährt, während Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) eine harte Herausforderung von Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) meisterte. Women’s Single Elimination Unlike in the Men’s draw, the top seeds in the Women’s Single Elimination successfully navigated their way into the finals. In the opening semifinal Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) was on top for a long time against Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins). That was until the 21-year-old pulled off a brilliant double spock to turn the tie on its head and booked her place in the Winners’ Final where she would face Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins), who overcame Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) in the semifinals with a proficient display. Having booked her place in the Winners’ Final - Huvermann said that she would change up her strategy against Offringa and the current vice-world champion certainly threw everything she had at the reigning world champion. Huvermann sailed a brilliant final, opening with a regular kono before adding a culo, shuvit spock and landing double spocks on both tacks, but as she so often does, Offringa posted her highest heat of the contest in the final - 141.6 points - to claim a thoroughly deserved and well earned win. On her way to victory Offringa also landed a double spock, explosive culos and burners before ending the final with a spock-culo to take one step closer to making the perfect start to her title defence.  In the battle for 3rd and 4th - Oda Johanne faced Arrianne Aukes - and it was the Norwegian who came out on top after producing a superb display, which saw her land every move she attempted.  At the end of the Single Elimination, the top 4 is exactly the same as last year’s overall top 4. Men’s Single Elimination The form book for the Men’s Single Elimination was seemingly thrown out of the window in the opening Freestyle event of the year with all 3 of last year’s top 3 being eliminated in the second round or earlier as vice-world champion - Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) - and Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) - suffered surprise early exits just as Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / Duotone) experienced yesterday. Bosson fell at the hands of Giovanni Passani (Tabou / GA Sails / AL360), while fellow Bonairean Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti) defeated Vrieswijk and both Passani and Schmit would go on to be two of the sailors of the day. With all 3 of the last year’s top 3 out of the equation, it looked as though the door would be held wide open for either Yentel Caers (I-99 / Point-7) - 4th overall in 2018 - or Steven Van Broeckhoven (Starboard / Gun Sails) - 5th overall in 2018 - to come through and pick up the pieces. Both men successfully navigated their way through their opening heats of the day to set up a tie against each other in the quarterfinals. The battle of Belgium which followed proved to be the tightest heat of the entire single elimination with just 0.8 of a point separating the two sailors at the end of the duel, but crucially for Caers, the decision went in his favour.  However, next up for Caers was - Julian Mas (JP / Gun Sails) - who claimed the scalp of Gollito Estredo on the opening day before producing another excellent performance to defeat Nic Hibdige (Tabou / GA Sails) followed by fellow countryman - Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde) - to prove it wasn’t just a one heat fluke and that he meant serious business. And unfortunately for Caers, Mas continued his incredible form into their semifinal with the 29-year-old barely  putting a foot wrong, and seemingly landing whatever move he wanted, including another new combination with a super technical flaka-clock, which saw Mas set the highest scoring heat of the contest so far - 171.30 points - and book himself a place in a first ever winners’ final. Waiting for Mas in the final would be local boy Youp Schmit after the Bonairean managed to defeat Julian Wiemar (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) in the quarters followed by an impressive victory against Giovanni Passani (Tabou / GA Sails), who had been in inspired form, in the semis. Schmit came out with all guns blazing in the Winners’ Final and was clearly pumped to be competing at his home event. The 24-year-old has had his fair share of injuries and misfortune so far in his career, but today everything clicked into place as he continued his rich vein of form landing trademark super tweaked shuvit spocks, one-handed double ponches and even a clew-first ponch to claim a memorable and thoroughly deserved first victory in front of his home crowd.  In the Winners’ Final, Mas faltered a little for the first time during the contest and as a result he couldn’t land a telling blow to worry Schmit, but will still be delighted with his best performance ever on the world tour. Yentel Caers secured the final place on the podium by winning the battle for third and 4th between himself and Giovanni Passani with the Belgian posting the highest scoring heat of the entire single elimination - 171.5 points. Take nothing away from Passani though as the Italian sailed several outstanding heats, which earlier saw him two highly impressive victories against both Adrien Bosson and Taty Frans (Point-7). The 23-year-old showed sailed with style and swagger throughout while showing off clinical execution of his moves. Passani is now guaranteed his best result no matter what happens from here. Double Elimination After the completion of the Single Elimination, the contest rolled almost immediately into the double elimination, which featured 9-time world champion - Gollito Estredo - in the first round - not something you hear very often, if ever. The Venezuelan faced Tonky Frans and was clearly out prove a point as he went on to post the highest scoring heat of the contest so far in Heat 18a - 172.6 points. Gollito then successfully continued his comeback by defeating Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360) to set up a mouthwatering third round tie against Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) after the Bonairean dispatched of Mattia Fabrizi (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) in Heat 22b by posting the highest score so far - 181.9 points.  At the start of the week, no-one would have ever predicted that Gollito and Vrieswijk would meet each other in just the third round of the Double Elimination, but they are now set for a colossal tie with whoever loses potentially already realistically out of the title race. The remainder of the first round was also completed and Riccardo Marca (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins), Jamie Howard (F2 / F2), Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails), Max Rowe (Simmer / Simmer Sails), Davy Scheffers (Tabou / GA Sails) and Antoine Albert (Goya Windsurfing) are all successfully into the second round. Unfortunately, during the opening round it looked as though defending event champion - Kiri Thode (Severne / Severne Sails) - suffered a serious injury against Antony Ruenes and everyone from the PWA would like to wish Kiri all the best with his recovery. The wind is predicted to be lighter tomorrow with WindGuru forecasting 16-19 knots. The sailors will meet again at 9am tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 9:30am 
(GMT-4) onwards.
To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Bonaire — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images, and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle Single Elimination 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU - Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Maaike Huvermann (NED - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Oda Johanne (NOR - Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Arrianne Aukes (NED - Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Johanna Rümenapp (GER - I-99 / Gun Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
Result FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle Single Elimination 1st Youp Schmit (NB - I-99 / Avanti)
2nd Julian Mas (FRA - I-99 / Gun Sails)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL I-99 / Point-7
4th Giovanni Passani (ITA - Tabou / GA Sails)
5th Julian Wiemar (GER - Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
5th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL - Starboard / Gun Sails)
5th Taty Frans (NB - Point-7)

Goya Windsurfing

11 04.2019
Super Skinny Pro Boom „WIDE“ - Goya Windsurfing
Bei Foil-Ready-Boards war Goya mit dem erfolgreichen Proton eine der ersten Marken bei deren Umsetzung, und dieser Anspruch in der kontinuierlichen und gesunden Weiterentwicklung bleibt weiter das Ziel. So war es nur konsequent und logisch, den Wissensvorsprung auch im Bereich von Zubehör konsequent zu nutzen. Möglich gemacht hat diese nächste Evolutionsstufe der intensive, persönliche Input, das direkte Feedback und familiäre Miteinander aller Team Rider wie Levi, Brawzinho, Loick & Co., sowie vieler „Amateure“ deren Feedback für Goya ganz wichtig ist, um am Puls zu bleiben. Das Ergebnis ist der neue Super Skinny Pro Wide Boom mit einem neu entwickelten, breiten Endstück, welches einen komplett freien Twist des Segels zulässt, gepaart mit dem besten ergonomischen Handling. Technische Daten: Durchmesser 24.5mm 130-180 / 140-190 / 150-200 2.08 – 2.2 kg Prepreg Carbon / Double Pin Preis ab €695 Mehr Details unter www.goyawindsurfing.com oder beim deutschen Importeur „FreestyleWorld“ www.freestyleworld.com

PWA Bonaire Tag 1

10 04.2019
Julien Mas produziert den Schock des Tages, als der Franzose den 9-fachen Freestyle-Weltmeister Gollito Estredo in der ersten Runde besiegt.
Der Wind hat am Eröffnungstag der FORSA Bonaire PWA World Cups 2019 etwas aufs sich warten lassen, aber schließlich kehrte die Brise am Nachmittag zurück, um die erste Runde der Single Eliminations der Männer und Frauen abzuschließen. Die anschließende Action war explosiv, da die besten Freestyler der Welt die Vorteile der angebotenen Weltklassebedingungen voll ausschöpften, aber nicht nur massive Moves wurden gezeigt, sondern es gab auch ein paar massive Überraschungen! Women’s Single Elimination Just the first two heats of the Women’s Single Elimination were completed on the evening of the opening day. Italian Francesca Floris produced a confident performance to defeat Jazzy Zwerus (JP / NeilPryde) in Heat 10a, before Poland’s Julia Pakosz sailed excellently to take down local girl Angela Koch. Men’s Single Elimination Julian Wiemar (Starboard / Severne) claimed an impressive victory against Antoine Albert (Goya Windsurfing) in the opening heat of the contest to book his place in the top 16. The 21-year-old combined the latest power moves and combinations to progress and will now face Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360) in the next round. The Italian faced a late scare against the young upcoming talent of Corto Dumond (Starboard / Severne), but the New Caledonian’s shaka-flaka wasn’t quite enough as he lost out to Testa by just 2 points. The fireworks exploded in Heat 2a as Davy Scheffers (Tabou / GA Sails) went blow-for-blow with Bonairean Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti). At one point the two sailors almost collided with Schmit carving downwind for a one-handed ponch just in front of Scheffers, who was mid double e-slider. Luckily they avoided each other. In the end Schmit came out on top with a trademark shuvit spock and a sick spock into one-handed ponch inflicting some of the damage. Next up Schmit will face fellow Bonairean - Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne), who successfully dispatched of 15-year-old - Lennart Neubauer (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins). Taty Frans (Point-7) became the next home grown hero to progress into the top 16 as he defeated Balz Müller (MB-Boards / Severne) in Heat 3a, before former world champion - Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails) - produced a clinical performance to dispatch of Max Rowe (Simmer / Simmer Sails) - Frans and van der Eyken will now go head-to-head in the round of 16. Giovanni Passani (Tabou / GA Sails) produced the first real upset of the day in Heat 4a as the Italian claimed a narrow victory over teammate - Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails). In fact by the end of the heat there was just 1 point separating the two sailors - crucially for Passani that was in his favour.  Heat 4b saw the matchup of the first round as vice-world champion - Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) - was drawn against former world champion and current event champion - Kiri Thode (Severne / Severne Sails) and the action didn’t disappoint with both sailors producing explosive performances, which saw the lead continually changing hands. However, it was Bosson who eventually progressed as the 27-year-old survived a stern test. The level was so high that Bosson and Thode set the two highest scores of the day at that point - 127.7 & 127.07 points. Francesco Cappuzzo (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360) faced Jamie Howard (F2 / F2) in the first round and the Italian successfully navigated his way past the Brit with a late kabikuchi sealing the deal. Cappuzzo will now face a tough test against Steven Van Broeckhoven (Starboard / Gun Sails) after the Belgian produced the highest scoring heat of the day - 131 points - against Takuma Sugi (Tabou / GA Sails). On his way to victory Van Broeckhoven landed a variety of moves but the pick of the bunch was a new combination - a shaka-spock.  In Heat 6a - Nicolas Akgazciyan (JP / NeilPryde) - made the perfect start as the Frenchman produced a polished performance to eliminate Riccardo Marca (Fanatic / Duotone), who sailed welled below par. The Italian will now have to look forward to the double elimination to try and stage a comeback. Meanwhile, in Heat 6b - Yentel Cabers (I-99 / Point-7) - looked to be in fine form as he ended the hopes of Aaron Etmon (Starboard / S2Maui) - with a combination of old school moves and the latest power combinations. Heat 7a saw another incredibly close heat between Mattia Fabrizi (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) and Loick Spicher (RRD / RRD Sails) and in the end there was just a point separating the two sailors. Spicher made the brighter start, but Fabrizi battled back by the end to set an intense finish. However, Spicher sealed the deal as he landed a kabikuchi in the dying seconds to advance. The Swiss will now face Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde) in the next round after the young Frenchman produced a late fight back against Adam Sims (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg). For a long time it looked as though Esteve would be crashing out early after sailing below par for much of the heat, but luckily he escaped this time around. The penultimate heat of the day saw Nic Hibdige (Tabou / GA Sails) take on local hero Tonky Frans and the young Brit, who used to live here, produced the best performance of his career so far to take down Tonky. The 23-year-old was on fire throughout as he inflicted telling blows with kabikuchis, a no-handed culo and a super tweaked shuvit spock to deservedly progress. Hibdige will now lineup against Julian Mas (JP / Gun Sails) after the Frenchman not only produced the biggest shock of the day, but also one of the biggest upsets in recent years, by defeating 9-time world champion - Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / Duotone) - in the first round. The Venezuelan certainly didn’t sail a bad heat, but just met a sailor who came out with all guns firing, and seemingly being able to pull off almost any move he wanted today - which included landing a new combination - flaka into bob. Mas was understandably delighted after claiming the biggest scalp of his career, while Gollito now faces a mammoth task to salvage anything from the event. However, with 9-world titles you definitely wouldn’t bet against him doing just that! There’s another promising looking forecast for Wednesday and the sailors will meet again at 8am tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 8:15am (GMT-4) onwards.  To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Bonaire — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images, and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Summer Opening 2019

08 04.2019
Multivan Summer Opening Sylt 2019 12 Tage Wassersport, Event und Lifestyle
Jedes Jahr läutet das Multivan Summer Opening über Himmelfahrt und Pfingsten die Sommersaison auf Sylt ein. Insbesondere die Wettfahrten der Kite- und Windsurfer aber auch ein umfangreiches Angebot an Land locken vom 30. Mai bis zum 10. Juni zahlreiche Besucher an den Brandenburger Strand in Westerland. Im Rahmen der Multivan Kitesurf Masters kämpfen vom 30. Mai bis zum 02. Juni Deutschlands beste Kitesurfer um die ersten Punkte auf dem Weg zum Titel des offiziellen Deutschen Meisters. Beim Multivan Summer Opening haben die Fahrer die Möglichkeit, je nach Windbedingungen in den Disziplinen Racing, Slalom und Freestyle zu starten. Die Zuschauer können vom Strand aus die verschiedenen Taktiken, die Positionskämpfe und die hohen Sprünge der Teilnehmer beobachten. Die Moderation begleitet die Wettfahrten und bringt den Zuschauern das Geschehen näher.   Am 03. Juni übernehmen die Windsurfer die Bühne bis zum 10. Juni. Im Rahmen des Multivan Windsurf Cups wird die IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaft in Westerland ausgetragen. "Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir in diesem Jahr die IFCA Slalom WM ausrichten dürfen. Wir freuen uns, die weltweit besten Windsurfer der Slalomdisziplin begrüßen zu dürfen. So viel Talent an einem Ort wird die Zuschauer in jedem Falle begeistern", so Matthias Regber (CEO der ausrichtenden Agentur Choppy Water GmbH). In der vergangenen Saison fanden die IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften in Hvide Sande, Dänemark statt. Der Kroate Enrico Marotti (CRO-401) sicherte sich den Sieg vor Maciek Rutkowski aus Polen (POL-23) und dem dänischen Lokalmatador Sebastian Kornum (DEN-24). Vincent Langer (GER-1), einer der deutschen Top-Fahrer, musste letztes Jahr verletzungsbedingt leider frühzeitig abbrechen. Ob er in diesem Jahr einen Podiumsplatz einfährt, kann auf Sylt live mitverfolgt werden. Andere deutsche Anwärter auf eine Podiumsplatzierung sind der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) und der Schönberger Nicolas Prien (GER-7). Asmussen und Prien belegten in der vergangenen Saison die Plätze zwei und drei in der Slalom Jahresrangliste. Parallel zu den IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften zieht der Multivan Windsurf Cup die gesamte deutsche Windsurf-Elite an die Nordseeküste und bietet seinen Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit neben Slalom in den Disziplinen Racing und Wave zu starten. Die Teilnehmer können hier die ersten Punkte für die Jahresgesamtrangliste sammeln.   Neben dem sportlichen Teil wird die Veranstaltung durch ein großes Eventgelände abgerundet. Das Eventvillage besteht aus zahlreichen Ausstellern und Caterern, die die Besucher zum Stöbern, Schlemmen und Verweilen einladen. Damit der Sport unter den Besuchern auch nicht zu kurz kommt, bieten die Partner von Black Label Power Yoga und Syltfit täglich Yoga und das Bootcamp zum Mitmachen am Strand an. Die Tage klingen am Meer bei Musik, einem Kaltgetränk und dem Sonnenuntergang zu unterschiedlichster Musik aus.   „Diesen Start in den Sommer sollte sich niemand entgehen lassen. Wir freuen uns, unsere Partner, Sponsoren und Teilnehmer nach dem langen Winter wiederzusehen“, freut sich Matthias Regber.

Summer Opening 2019

08 04.2019
Multivan Summer Opening Sylt 2019 12 Tage Wassersport, Event und Lifestyle
Jedes Jahr läutet das Multivan Summer Opening über Himmelfahrt und Pfingsten die Sommersaison auf Sylt ein. Insbesondere die Wettfahrten der Kite- und Windsurfer aber auch ein umfangreiches Angebot an Land locken vom 30. Mai bis zum 10. Juni zahlreiche Besucher an den Brandenburger Strand in Westerland. Im Rahmen der Multivan Kitesurf Masters kämpfen vom 30. Mai bis zum 02. Juni Deutschlands beste Kitesurfer um die ersten Punkte auf dem Weg zum Titel des offiziellen Deutschen Meisters. Beim Multivan Summer Opening haben die Fahrer die Möglichkeit, je nach Windbedingungen in den Disziplinen Racing, Slalom und Freestyle zu starten. Die Zuschauer können vom Strand aus die verschiedenen Taktiken, die Positionskämpfe und die hohen Sprünge der Teilnehmer beobachten. Die Moderation begleitet die Wettfahrten und bringt den Zuschauern das Geschehen näher.   Am 03. Juni übernehmen die Windsurfer die Bühne bis zum 10. Juni. Im Rahmen des Multivan Windsurf Cups wird die IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaft in Westerland ausgetragen. "Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir in diesem Jahr die IFCA Slalom WM ausrichten dürfen. Wir freuen uns, die weltweit besten Windsurfer der Slalomdisziplin begrüßen zu dürfen. So viel Talent an einem Ort wird die Zuschauer in jedem Falle begeistern", so Matthias Regber (CEO der ausrichtenden Agentur Choppy Water GmbH). In der vergangenen Saison fanden die IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften in Hvide Sande, Dänemark statt. Der Kroate Enrico Marotti (CRO-401) sicherte sich den Sieg vor Maciek Rutkowski aus Polen (POL-23) und dem dänischen Lokalmatador Sebastian Kornum (DEN-24). Vincent Langer (GER-1), einer der deutschen Top-Fahrer, musste letztes Jahr verletzungsbedingt leider frühzeitig abbrechen. Ob er in diesem Jahr einen Podiumsplatz einfährt, kann auf Sylt live mitverfolgt werden. Andere deutsche Anwärter auf eine Podiumsplatzierung sind der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) und der Schönberger Nicolas Prien (GER-7). Asmussen und Prien belegten in der vergangenen Saison die Plätze zwei und drei in der Slalom Jahresrangliste. Parallel zu den IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften zieht der Multivan Windsurf Cup die gesamte deutsche Windsurf-Elite an die Nordseeküste und bietet seinen Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit neben Slalom in den Disziplinen Racing und Wave zu starten. Die Teilnehmer können hier die ersten Punkte für die Jahresgesamtrangliste sammeln.   Neben dem sportlichen Teil wird die Veranstaltung durch ein großes Eventgelände abgerundet. Das Eventvillage besteht aus zahlreichen Ausstellern und Caterern, die die Besucher zum Stöbern, Schlemmen und Verweilen einladen. Damit der Sport unter den Besuchern auch nicht zu kurz kommt, bieten die Partner von Black Label Power Yoga und Syltfit täglich Yoga und das Bootcamp zum Mitmachen am Strand an. Die Tage klingen am Meer bei Musik, einem Kaltgetränk und dem Sonnenuntergang zu unterschiedlichster Musik aus.   „Diesen Start in den Sommer sollte sich niemand entgehen lassen. Wir freuen uns, unsere Partner, Sponsoren und Teilnehmer nach dem langen Winter wiederzusehen“, freut sich Matthias Regber.

GPS-Speed Events

07 04.2019
GPS-Speedsurfing Wettbewerbe 2019 in Deutschland
Speedsurfen wird dank der GPS-Geräte immer beliebter, kein Wunder dass es auch immer mehr Wettbewerbe gibt. Ein kleiner Überblick über die verschiedenen GPS-Wettbewerbe in Deutschland: German Speed King Nach einigen Problemen im vergangenen Jahr, hervorgerufen durch den Wechsel von GP3S (www.gps-speedsurfing.com) zu einer eigenen Webseite, ist der seit über zehn Jahren bestehende German Speed King im März wieder gestartet. Veranstalter ist der VDS (Verband deutscher Speedsurfer), gewertet wird der Durchschnitt aus fünf 10 Sekundenläufen. Der Event endet am 31. Dezember 2019. Achtung: Für die Laufzeit der deutschen Meisterschaft vom 31.8. – 6.9.2019 werden keine Sessions außerhalb der DM für die Speed King Wertung akzeptiert. Wertungen: Offene Wertung: Alle Europäischen Reviere. Binnenseewertung: Alle deutschen Binnenseen. Ranglisten gibt es für die Damen, Herren und Jugendlichen (U20 und U16). Die Sessions müssen innerhalb von  14 Tagen nach erreichen hochgeladen werden. Zur Verfügung steht eine kostenlose Version von GPS Results. Ab April gibt es für die Teilnehmer monatlich immer wieder Überraschungen in Form von Sachpreisen. 1x La Franqui 2x Ouddorp  - Rob Hofmann (Starboard / Severne)  vor Patrick Oberlender (Starboard / Severne)  und Carsten Hanke (Patrik / Loft). Es geht schnell los dieses Jahr bereits jetzt sind die ersten 4 im Schnitt schon über 43 Knoten. Die Stürme im Februar und März mit über 40 Knoten Wind und Temperaturen zwischen 8°C und 10°C haben ungewöhnlich viele Sessions in Südholland zugelassen. Die ganze Rangliste findet ihr unter:
http://gps-speed.com/GSK/Speed.php Wer mitfahren will: http://speedking-germany.de/mitmachen Bayerischer Speed Kini Ebenfalls sehr beliebt, jedenfalls im Süden der Republik - der bayerische Speed Kini. Den Event gibt es seit 2013 und im vergangenen Jahr sind 113 Teilnehmer gestartet. Die Teilnahme ist, wie bei allen anderen Events auch, recht einfach. Sofern man auf einem bayerischen Gewässer gesurft ist, sendet man seine GPS Datei zusammen mit Namen, Spot, gefahrenem Material auf der Webseite www.speed-kini.de über ein spezielles Uploadformular ein. Die Wertung setzt sich aus der schnellsten Maximalgeschwindigkeit (Vmax) sowie der schnellsten gefahrene Geschwindigkeit über 500 Meter zusammen. Der Titel Bayerischer Speed Kini wird aus dem Durchschnitt des schnellsten Vmax-Werts und des schnellsten 500m-Wertes jedes Teilnehmers errechnet. Es gibt eine Damen, Herren und Jugendwertung daneben noch eine eigene Wertung für Foils und den jeweiligen schnellsten auf den einzelnen Seen. Preise gibt es für die Plätze 1-3 (Damen, Herzren, Jugend) in Form von Einkaufsgutscheinen vom Surfshop Surf Tools in Starnberg. Der Event „Bayerischer Speed Kini 2019? beginnt am 1.Januar 2019 und endet am 31. Dezember 2019. Der letzte erlaubte Tag zur Einsendung von GPS-Daten ist der 31.12.2019. Die Aktuelle Rangliste findest Du auf der Event-Internetseite unter www.speed-kini.de Aktuell führt Andy Laufer (JP / Neilpryde) mit 35,111 Knoten, gefahren im März auf dem Ammersee, dahinter  Christian Hirschberg (Fanatic / Neilpryde) mit 34,126 Knoten und Ralf Kott (Fanatic / Doutone) mit 32,610 Knoten. Sax Speedking Der Sax Speedking 2019 läuft vom 01.01. bis 31.12.2019. Gefahren werden kann auf allen Surfrevieren innerhalb Sachsens und den Grenzbereichen inklusive Neuseenland. Gewertet wird die Maximalgeschwindigkeit (Vmax 2sec Wert). Im vergangenen Jahr hatte der Event 46 Teilnehmer, den Event gibt es seit 2016. Wer mitmachen will, lädt seine GPS-Datei über ein Uploadformular hoch, es gibt eine Damen und Herrenwertung sowie mehrere Jugendwertungen und eine Alpha 500 (schnellste Halse). Aktuell führt die 2019er Rangliste Jan Seidel mit 37,46 Knoten vor Steven Karg mit 36,46 Knoten und auf Platz 3 Robert Peschl mit 33,15 Knoten. Hier geht es zur Eventwebseite. Deutscher Speedcup Das Event "Deutscher Speedcup" läuft auf der  Webseite von GP3S (GPS-Speedsurfing www.gps-speedsurfing.com) beginnt am 1. März 2019 und endet am 31. Dezember  2019. Zugelassen sind alle Spots / Reviere in Deutschland. Die Platzierung erfolgt aus dem schnellsten V-Max (2sec) Run der Session jeder hochgeladenen Datei beim Event "Deutscher Speedcup". Es wird ebenso der schnellste 500 m Lauf gekürt. Veranstalter des Events ist der Windsurfing Club Wesermuende. Die Teilnehmer der Plätze 1- 10 erhalten eine Urkunde (Versand per email). Die Siegerehrung erfolgt online über die Homepage des Windsurfing-club-wesermuende.de Hier geht es zum Ranking. Neue Jahresrangliste für die deutschen Speedsurfer. Das Team der international führenden Webseite GPS-Speedsurfing (www.gps-speedsurfing.com) hat sich für diese Saison etwas Neues einfallen lassen und ein neues Ranking-Modul entwickelt. Das neue Modul nennt sich Nation Ranking und genau das ist es auch! Es werden automatisch alle Speedsessions eines Jahres hinzugefügt, die von Speedern der jeweiligen Nationalität auf GP3S hochgeladen und veröffentlicht wurden. Das jeweilige Ranking kann nach den verschiedenen Speed-Wertungen (5x10 Sek., 2 Sek, 100 / 250 / 500m usw.), nach Geschlecht und weiteren GP3S-Standardkategorien sortiert werden. Für eine Teilnahme am neuen Nation Ranking ist keine weitere Registrierung nötig, jeder registrierte User von GP3S nimmt automatisch teil. Das Nation Ranking läuft dabei unabhängig zu den bestehenden Events auf GP3S, so dass jeder auf diese Weise an der für ihn gültigen Nationalen Rangliste und an lokalen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen kann, ohne seine Sessions - so wie bisher - mehrfach posten zu müssen. Im Nation Ranking sind bereits jetzt schon 60 Teilnehmer gelistet und es bildet die Leistungsstärke der einzelnen Nationen gut ab. Aktuell führen Gunnar Asmussen (Starboard / Severne) mit 46.7 Knoten vor Robert Hofmann (Starboard / Severne) mit 44.99 Knoten, beide fuhren im südfranzösischen La Franqui und Patrick Oberlender (Starboard / Severne) mit 43.77 Knoten, gefahren in Ouddorp Haven,  die 5x10 Sekunden des deutschen Nation Ranking an. Hier geht’s zur Rangliste.