19 06.2019
Starboard Proshop - 50% Rabatt auf alle Artikel!
Der „Spring Sale“ im Starboard Proshop, wo seit über 6 Jahren Waterwear, Mode, Zubehör und Promo Artikel der Marken Starboard und Severne vertrieben wird, geht am kommenden Wochenende ins Finale. Bevor ab Juli eine Kollektion präsentiert wird, könnt ihr euch noch bis Montag, den 24.06.2019 um 00:00 Uhr im Starboard Proshop 50% Rabatt auf alle Artikel sichern. Schlagt zu und stattet euch für den Sommer aus. Es sind beispielsweise noch einige Boardshorts, Watershirts und Lycras für die heißen Tage lagernd – und wer bereits einen Blick in die Wettervorhersage für kommende Woche geworfen hat kann sicher gehen, dass der Stuff direkt zum Einsatz kommen wird. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Shoppen.

Prince of Speed 2019

16 06.2019
Erster Wettkampftag am 10. Juni 2019 für den Prince of Speed 2019, am Strand von Le Rouet in La Palme / Frankreich.
Dieser Event besteht aus zwei Veranstaltungen: einem 500-Meter-Rennen und einem Weltrekordversuch über die nautische Meile. Auf dem Wasser sind daher sowohl Wind- als auch Kitesurfer auf dem jeweils 500 bzw. 1852 m langen Kurs.  Die Geschwindigkeiten werden mittels Videotiming (eine Kamera am Anfang der 500 m Strecke, eine am Ende, Auswertung über die Zeit zwischen Durchfahrt erste und zweite Kamera) und nicht mit GPS Geräten gemessen.  An diesem Wettbewerb nehmen nicht weniger als 40 Starter aus allen Nationen teil, darunter maximal 20 Teilnehmer für die nautische Meile. Dieses Rennen ist vom World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSRC) genehmigt. Für die zweite Ausgabe des Prince of Speed war der Wind mehr als nur da – perfekte Speedbedingungen mit Spitzenböen über 45 Knoten.  Und schon am ersten Wettkampftag wurden 3 Weltrekorde und 9 nationale Rekorde aufgestellt (s. Grafik in der Slideshow)!  Die erzielten Rekorde unterliegen derzeit noch der Ratifizierung durch das WSSRC. Zum Geburtstag des Veranstalters, Principe Andrea Baldini, wurde eine weitere Seite der Speed Sailing History geschrieben! Die schnellsten 500m des POS 2019 erzielte bei den Windsurfern der Belgier Vincent Valkaenaers mit 46,93 Knoten vor Jaques Van der Hout (45,57 Knoten) und Speedlegende Thierry Bielak (44,48 Knoten). Schnellster Deutscher wurde Thorsten Luig (Rang 6, 43,19 Knoten) vor Rainer Motloch (Rang 9, 41,52 Knoten), Tim Otte (Rang 10, 40,65 Knoten) und Thorsten Mallon (Rang 12, 38,81 Knoten). Bei den Damen gewann die Schweizerin Heidi Ulrich mit 39,16 Knoten, dahinter Birgit Höfer die mit 38,03 Knoten auch den neuen deutschen Rekord über 500m (und mit 30,95 Knoten auch noch den deutschen Rekord über die nautische Meile!) gefahren ist.   Das „World Speed Tour“ Ranking des POS 2019 (4 Heats, 1 Streicher) gewann ebenfalls Vincent Valkaenaers vor Jaques Van der Hout, Dritter wurde Dirk Jan Knol aus Holland. Aus deutscher Sicht erfreulich, auf Platz vier Thorsten Luig vor Tim Otte auf Rang 6. Der Weltrekordversuch über die nautische Meile im Rahmen des Prince of Speed läuft noch bis zum 1. Juli.


11 06.2019
Multivan Summer Opening Sylt – Basile Jacquin ist IFCA Slalom Weltmeister 2019
Nach 13 actiongeladenen Veranstaltungstagen ging am Pfingstmontag auf Sylt das Multivan Summer Opening zu Ende. Nachdem am Himmelfahrtswochenende die Kitesurfer für sportliche Highlights am Brandenburger Strand gesorgt hatten, übernahmen im zweiten Teil die Windsurfer das Ruder. Im Rahmen der IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften sicherte sich der Franzose Basile Jacquin (FRA-498) den Weltmeistertitel vor dem Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) und Vincent Langer (GER-1) aus Kiel. Damit holte das deutsche Favoritenduo am letzten Veranstaltungstag noch deutlich auf und konnte sich die Plätze zwei und drei auf dem Podium sichern.  „Ich bin super glücklich darüber, den Weltmeistertitel geholt zu haben. Wir hatten hier tolle und spannende Wettkämpfe auf Sylt. Mein Equipment war perfekt eingestellt und es lief einfach richtig gut für mich“ sagte der strahlende Sieger Basile Jacquin nach der Siegerehrung. Auch am Finaltag des Multivan Summer Openings wurden noch einmal Läufe für die IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften ausgetragen. Der Franzose Basile Jacquin hatte sich aber schon eine komfortable Führung herausgefahren, so dass sein Sieg unabhängig vom Ausgang der fünften Slalom Elimination nicht mehr in Gefahr war. Tagessieger wurde der Ex-Slalom Weltmeister Enrico Marotti (CRO-401) aus Kroatien vor Gunnar Asmussen und Vincent Langer. Auf den Plätzen vier und fünf folgten der Norweger Martin Moeller Hovda (NOR-41) und der Italiener Francesco Scagiola (ITA-353). Die Ergebnisse des letzten Rennens hatten durch den zweiten Streicher, der nach fünf absolvierten Läufen greift, einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Gesamtwertung. Diese wird mit großem Vorsprung von Basile Jacquin angeführt. Ihm folgen Gunnar Asmussen auf dem zweiten Platz und Vincent Langer auf Rang drei. Martin Moeller Hovda belegt den vierten Platz vor dem Franzosen Damien Cervera (FRA-422) auf Platz fünf. Der Pfingstsamstag hielt noch einmal ein besonderes Highlight für die Besucher bereit: Bei acht Windstärken und bis zu drei Meter hohen Wellen konnte die Disziplin Waveriding ausgetragen werden. Allein an diesem Samstag verfolgten fast 20.000 Zuschauer gebannt die Wettbewerbe der Brettartisten. Im Finale kam es zu einem Kieler Duell zwischen Klaas Voget (GER-4) und Leon Jamaer (GER-208). Nach einem packenden Kampf konnte sich hier Klaas Voget durchsetzen. Mathias Genkel (GER-984) wurde Dritter. Am Freitag konnten die Windsurfer sogar die Disziplin Foil-Racing durchführen. Hier konnte Vincent Langer seiner Favoritenrolle gerecht werden. Er dominierte in beiden absolvierten Läufen und sicherte sich damit den Sieg in dieser Disziplin. Zweiter wurde Gunnar Asmussen vor Leon Delle (GER-6) aus Soest. Das Multivan Summer Opening entwickelt sich mehr und mehr zu einem Megaevent. Trotz teilweise extremen Wetters pilgerten wieder 120.000 Kite- und Windsurffans zum offiziellen Auftakt für die Sommersaison auf Sylt. Bei den Kitesurfern wie auch bei den Windsurfern konnten alle Disziplinen ausgetragen werden, so dass die Veranstaltung auch sportlich wieder ein Highlight war. Mit insgesamt 60 Startern bei den Kitesurfern und 87 Teilnehmern bei den Windsurfern wurde ganz nebenbei ein neuer Teilnehmerrekord aufgestellt.  „Das diesjährige Multivan Summer Opening war mal wieder ein voller Erfolg. Ich freue mich über die erfolgreichen Wettbewerbe und das große Teilnehmerinteresse. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Basile Jacquin, den neuen Slalom Weltmeister!“ gratuliert Matthias Regber als Organisator von der Choppy Water GmbH. „Das Multivan Summer Opening ist der offizielle Auftakt der Sommersaison auf Sylt. Die Veranstaltung ist ein Besuchermagnet und sorgt für eine erhebliche Wertschöpfung auf der Insel.“ Gesamtwertung IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften 2019

Ergebnise Multivan Summer Opening 2019 Vom 23. bis zum 28. Juli werden die Windsurfer für den Saisonhöhepunkt, die Deutschen Windsurfing Meisterschaften im Rahmen des Multivan Surf Cups, wieder nach Sylt zurückkehren.

Summer Opening 2019

06 06.2019
IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften 2019 – Gunnar Asmussen geht in Führung
Der dritte Tag bei den IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften 2019 im Rahmen des Multivan Summer Openings brachte endlich den lang ersehnten Wind. Bei optimalen Sideshore-Bedingungen und bis zu sechs Windstärken konnte die erste Slalom-Elimination gestartet werden. Strahlender Sieger wurde der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2) vor dem Niederländer Ingmar Daldorf (NED-191) und dem Franzosen Basile Jacquin (FRA-498). Das lange Warten auf die optimalen Bedingungen hat sich ausgezahlt. Am frühen Nachmittag frischte der Wind deutlich auf, so dass die 65 Starter aus 12 Nationen endlich zum Zug kamen. In spannenden Heats kämpften sich die Fahrer Richtung Finale. Dort standen dann die Top-Favoriten an der Startlinie, um den ersten Sieg unter sich auszufahren. Gunnar Asmussen erwischte einen optimalen Start und konnte die Führung souverän bis ins Ziel halten. Zweiter wurde der Niederländer Ingmar Daldorf vor Basile Jacquin. Die Top-5 werden durch Damien Cervera (FRA-422) und Vincent Langer (GER-1) aus Kiel komplettiert. Es folgen Damien Arnoux (FRA-848) aus Frankreich auf Platz sechs und Enrico Marotti (CRO-401) aus Kroatien auf dem siebten Rang. Stark hervorzuheben ist die Leistung des Youngsters Michele Antoine Becker (GER-277), der mit seinem 8. Platz ein hervorragendes Weltmeisterschaftsdebüt gegeben hat. Die Top-10 der ersten Slalom Elimination werden von Nicolas Prien (GER-7) aus Schönberg auf Platz neun und Sebastian Kördel (GER-220) aus Aach auf dem zehnten Rang komplettiert, nachdem sie das B-Finale klar dominierten. Am frühen Abend wurde die zweite Slalom-Elimination gestartet. Es bleibt also spannend, ob Gunnar Asmussen seine Führung auch in den weiteren Rennen behaupten kann oder es zu einem Schlagabtausch zwischen den Favoriten kommt. Ergebnisse Slalom Elimination 1:

IFCA Slalom WM

04 06.2019
Internationale Slalom-Elite startet bei IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften in Westerland auf Sylt ­
Sommer, Sonne und eine entspannte Atmosphäre bestimmten den ersten Veranstaltungstag der IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften, die im Rahmen des Multivan Summer Openings vom 03. bis 10. Juni in Westerland auf Sylt stattfinden. 65 Teilnehmer aus 12 Nationen haben den Weg auf die Nordseeinsel auf sich genommen, um neben dem Slalom Weltmeistertitel auch um das Preisgeld von 10.000 Euro zu kämpfen. Einzig der Wind ließ die Teilnehmer beim Auftakt der Veranstaltung im Stich. Dies tat der guten Stimmung jedoch keinen Abbruch – Tausende Zuschauer nutzten das vielfältige Rahmenprogramm des Events und flanierten auf der Westerländer Promenade oder genossen die Sonne am Strand. Zu den Favoriten auf den Sieg gehören die Topplatzierten der letztjährigen IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften. Der amtierende Slalom Weltmeister Enrico Marotti (CRO-401) aus Kroatien möchte seinen Titel verteidigen und auch der 2018 Zweitplatzierte Maciek Rutkowski aus Polen (POL-23) hat Ambitionen, wieder ganz vorne mitzufahren. Zu den weiteren internationalen Favoriten zählen der Niederländer Ingmar Daldorf (NED-191), Martin Hovda (NOR-41) aus Norwegen, sowie der Franzose Damien Arnoux (FRA-848). Aus deutscher Sicht haben gleich mehrere Topfahrer das Potenzial, ihren Heimvorteil auf Sylt auszuspielen. Zu ihnen gehört der amtierende Slalom Europameister Vincent Langer (GER-1) aus Kiel, der zugleich amtierender Deutscher Meister im Slalom ist. Andere deutsche Anwärter auf eine Podiumsplatzierung sind der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2), der Schönberger Nicolas Prien (GER-7) sowie Sebastian Kördel (GER-220) aus Aach. Aber auch die deutschen Youngster Michele Antoine Becker (GER-277) aus Bargteheide und Lars Paustian (GER-1999) aus Kiel haben Chancen auf vordere Platzierungen. Parallel zu den IFCA Slalom Weltmeisterschaften haben die deutschen Teilnehmer die Chance, erste Punkte für die Rangliste des Multivan Windsurf Cups zu sammeln. Neben Slalom stehen je nach Windbedingungen auch die Disziplinen Foil-Racing und Wave auf dem Programm. Für die Zuschauer bietet das Multivan Summer Opening eine bunte Mischung aus sportlichen Aktivitäten und Freizeitspaß zum Mitmachen. Für kulinarischen Genuss, eine vielfältige Shoppingmeile und verschiedene DJs mit abendlicher Chill-out Stimmung ist gesorgt.

Catalunya PWA WC Foil Result

03 06.2019
Tag 6: Thomas Goyard hat einen nervösen Finaltag und wartet darauf, zum ersten Mal zum einen PWA Event zu gewinnen - was er auch tut!
Nach mehreren Tagen stabiler, uhrwerkähnlicher Seebrise an der Costa Brava änderte sich das Wetter am letzten Tag ein wenig, wobei sich am Morgen etwas Dunst und eine starke Wolkendecke einstellten, was einige Bedenken hinsichtlich des Eintretens der Thermik aufkommen ließ. Glücklicherweise kam nach ein paar Stunden die Sonne durch und der Wind kam an, so dass zwei weitere Foil Slalom Eliminations in 7-14 Knoten durchgeführt werden konnten. Foil Thomas Goyard (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) started the day with a 16.7 point lead, but after the completion of Elimination 9 and 10 the Frenchman saw his lead cut to just 6.6 points with Julien Bontemps (JP / NeilPryde), who led the event for the first three days, closing in once more. After the completion of Elimination 10 the plan was to switch back to upwind/downwind Foil, but just before the start the wind started to drop which resulted in the sailors being placed on standby. Queueing a nervous wait for Goyard over the next hour and a half. However, with the wind showing no signs of returning, Goyard was put out of his misery with the event officially being called off at 4:30pm, allowing Goyard to finally bask in his glory, having being so close in Japan. Thomas Goyard: “Can’t beliiiiieve I just WON my first foil World Cup on the PWA World Tour ever! No words for this, thanks to everyone who made it happen, sponsors, family, friends and a big shout out to my brother - Nicolas Goyard and Alexandre Cousin, who have been incredible training partners. 
I have been dreaming since I am kid to be where I am right now. It’s never easy to win and it’s one of the best feelings in the world!
Also, I truly believe I have the best and fastest equipment and I want to thanks all my sponsors once again: Phantom International, FMX Racing, Forwardwip, Baouw.Organic.Nutrition, Noerstick & Homespot Family Now it’s time to go back on the RSX mode, I have spent an incredible month lately, had a lot fun and learned a lot, as always. Thanks for all the messages and vibes, I am fully loaded!” Julien Bontemps can be extremely proud of how he sailed this week and walks away with second place, meaning the Frenchman has finished on the podium here for the last two years in a row. Bontemps was by far the most consistent sailor of the week with the 40-year-old only finishing outside the top 7 twice, while he never finished outside of the top 10 to complete an incredible set of results. Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne / Shamal Sunglasses / Starboard Foil) started the day in 6th place, but snatched the final place on the podium after winning Elimination 9 and finishing 4th in the 10th and final race. The Italian excelled in the three Foil Slalom eliminations with results of 1st, 3rd and 4th. Behind Bontemps, Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne / Starboard Foil), has been the most consistent sailor with the Bonairean only finishing outside the top 10 once - 21st. Like Iachino, Vrieswijk finished with a flurry - recording a 4th, 6th and a 3rd in the final 3 eliminations - with that 3rd involving a thrilling battle and photo finish with Iachino and the 23-year-old, who won the event last year, finishes 4th this time around. Reigning world champion - Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) and Nicolas Goyard (Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils), who occupied 3rd place at the start of the day, just miss out on the podium with both sailors finishing the event on 48-7 points. Costa Hoevel finishes in 5th on count back while Goyard N. has to settle for 6th. There is then a 12.3 point gap to their next closest rival - Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sail / Phantom Foil) - who takes home 7th place, while the top 10 is completed by Sebastian Kornum (JP / NeilPryde) - 8th - Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) and Sebastian Koerdel (Starboard / GA Sails / Starboard Foil). Elsewhere, Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde), who had been ranked as high as second at one point just misses out on the top 10 - 11th - while Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) finishes the event in 12th after bouncing back with a second in Elimination 9, before signing off the event with a bullet in the final race. We’ll take a further look at the implications of the results here on the race for the Foil PWA World Championship in the event summary of Tuesday. Result of the 2019 Catalunya Costa Brava PWA World Cup - Men's Foil 1st Thomas Goyard (FRA - FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) 
2nd Julien Bontemps (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) 
4th Amado Vrieswijk (NB - JP / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (ARG - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
6th Nicolas Goyard (FRA - Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils)
7th Alexandre Cousin (FRA - Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
8th Sebastian Kornum (DEN - JP / NeilPryde)
9th Pierre Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL)
10th Sebastian Koerdel (GER - Starboard / GA Sails / Starboard Foil)

Catalunya PWA WC Foil T4

01 06.2019
Tag 4: Thomas Goyard übernimmt die Führung an einem Tag, an dem 3 verschiedene Gewinner aus 3 Rennen hervorgingen.
Der 4. Tag des Catalunya PWA World Cup brachte die bisher meisten Rennen der Woche mit drei weiteren Eliminations bei leichtem Wind mit 6-13 Knoten. Im Eröffnungsrennen teilte sich die Fleet in zwei Hälften, während die nächsten beiden Eliminations als Fullfleet durchgeführt wurden, aber die üblichen Verdächtigen blieben bestehen. Heute brachte jedes Rennen einen anderen Sieger hervor, auf den langen Strecken, die heute für das Fullfleet vorgesehen waren, war einiges los. Men’s Foil For the first time this week there’s a different name at the top of the leader board with long time leader - Julien Bontemps (JP / NeilPryde) - being replaced by Thomas Goyard (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) at the top of the event rankings. The 27-year-old secured back-to-back bullets by winning the opening race of the day, which allowed Goyard to discard a 24th place from the second elimination. Goyard started the day in 6th place, but ends it with a 11.3 point advantage over Bontemps and his brother Nicolas Goyard (Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils - who are tied on 22.7 points. Nicolas Goyard surprisingly missed out on the opening winners’ final, but bounced back with a third before going on to win the last race of the day, which potentially brings him back into contention for the event tile as after the completion of the next race, the second discard comes into play, which means he could potentially discard a 13th place and make significant inroads to his brothers’ lead. For a while, Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) moved up into the top 3 after the reigning world champion claimed his first bullet of the season in Elimination 5. However, a 13th place in the next means the Argentine drops to 5th for now, while Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde), who started the day in second, falls two places to 4th - after a 19th and a 3rd today. Elsewhere, Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils), drops one place to 6th, while Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne / Starboard Foil) rises into 7th from 10th after recording his best result of the week - 2nd - in the opener, followed by two more top 10 finishes - 8th and 9th - as the Bonairean continues to show why he is one of the best all round windsurfers in the world. Sebastian Kornum retains his place in the top 10 - 8th - with the Dane enjoying an excellent day after recording a 9th, 6th and a 5th from the 3 eliminations completed today. Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne / Shamal Sunglasses / Starboard Foil) and Kiran Badloe (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) move into the top 10 with both men enjoying two excellent races (a second and a 5th for the Italian & a second and a 4th for Badloe) and one mediocre result, while both stand to gain plenty from the completion of the seventh elimination. Tomorrow looks very promising on the latest forecast with 11 to 19 knot southwesterly winds and clear skies predicted for Saturday, which should ensure an action packed day of racing. The sailors will meet again tomorrow morning at 10am for the skippers’ meeting with a first possible start at 11am.  You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Costa Brava — including elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Catalunya PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil
*After 6 Eliminations
1st Thomas Goyard (FRA - FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) 
2nd Julien Bontemps (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
3rd Nicolas Goyard (FRA - Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils)
4th Mateus Isaac (BRA - JP / NeilPryde)
5th  Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (ARG - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
6th Alexandre Cousin (FRA - Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
7th Amado Vrieswijk (NB - JP / Severne / Starboard Foil) 
8th Sebastian Kornum (DEN - JP / NeilPryde)
9th Matteo Iachino (ITA - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
10th Kiran Badloe (NED - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)

Catalunya PWA WC Foil T3

31 05.2019
Tag 3: Julien Bontemps führt weiter, aber Thomas Goyard steigt nach der ersten gewonnenen Elimination wieder in den Wettbewerb ein.
Der Wind hat die Starter heute mehrmals geärgert, als die Tramontana mehrere Stunden lang mit dem lokalen thermischen Effekt kämpfte. Schließlich, als die Temperatur fiel, drehte der Wind schließlich nach Südosten und stabilisierte sich am frühen Abend so weit, dass die dritte Elimination der Woche in 5-13 Knoten abgeschlossen werden konnte. Having been disqualified for a starboard tack infringement during yesterday’s final, Thomas Goyard (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) responded in the perfect fashion by securing his first bullet of the week as he beat Kiran Badloe (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) and Nicolas Goyard (Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils) to top spot in Elimination 3. Goyard’s victory puts him right back in contention, as when the 4th elimination is complete, the Frenchman will be able to discard a 24th place, while his other counting result at the moment is second place, which potentially puts him in pole position for the event on current form. Goyard rises from 9th to 6th after today's performance. Meanwhile, Julien Bontemps (JP / NeilPryde), who has led the event since the opening day continues to set the pace at the top of rankings, but sees his lead at the top reduced from 5.3 points overnight to 3.3 points with Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde) moving into second place after an excellent 4th place today and cutting the Frenchman's advantage. Nicolas Goyard, who finished 3rd in Elimination 3, is only two points further back and also stands to gain a great deal from the discard as he currently counts a 13th from yesterday after dropping his gybe when in the lead. The Goyard brothers are a serious threat and both are now prominently placed to attack the top moving into the second half of the event.  Elsewhere, Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) is just one point outside of the top 3 after another solid showing - 6th - and the Argentine remains in 4th.  Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) started the day in second place, but drops 3 places to 5th after a 12th place today, while fellow countryman - William Huppert (Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) - falls two places to 7th after his worst result of the week so far 18th, but can obviously look to discard that moving forwards. Another Frenchman, Antoine Questel (I-99 / S2Maui / Starboard Foil) breaks into the top 10 - 8th - after his best result this week - 9th, while defending champion - Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne / Starboard Foil) completes the top 10 after an 8th place today. Sebastian Kornum (JP / NeilPryde) falls to 9th. Yesterday, Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) won his first bullet on the world tour and he built upon that performance today to secure 5th place, which sees the 25-year-old rise to 12th in the overall rankings, while he is one of the sailors who could benefit the most with the discard as he is currently counting 36.5 points from the first race.  Both Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) and Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) drop out of the current top 10 after they both missed out on the winners’ final in Elimination 3. Albeau, in particular, will be kicking himself as he was leading his semifinal but was forced to tack back after failing to correctly round a buoy, which cost Albeau dearly as his missed out in 13th place with the top 12 qualifying. That result leaves Albeau needing at least two discards to have any hopes of mounting a comeback as he is also counting a 24th from the opening elimination. The forecast for tomorrow doesn’t look particularly promising on paper, but as always anything can happen. The sailors will meet again at 9am tomorrow morning with a first possible start at 10am (GMT+2). You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Costa Brava — including elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Catalunya PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil
*After 3 Eliminations
1st Julien Bontemps (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Mateus Isaac (BRA - JP / NeilPryde)
3rd Nicolas Goyard (FRA - Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils)
4th Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (ARG - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th Alexandre Cousin (FRA - Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
6th Thomas Goyard (FRA - FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
7th William Huppert  (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL)
8th Antoine Questel (FRA - I-99 / S2Maui / Starboard Foil)
9th Sebastian Kornum (DEN - JP / NeilPryde)
10th Amado Vrieswijk (NB - JP / Severne / Starboard Foil)

Defi Wind Gruissan 2019

31 05.2019
Warembourg und Cousin führen das Feld nach 80 km Renndistanz an.
Am Donnerstag, den 30. Mai, wird das Défi Wind 2019 in Gruissan (Frankreich) offiziell eröffnet.  1200 Profi- und Amateurwindsurfer trafen im Süden Frankreichs ein, um sich beim legendären Marathonrennen zu messen. Dank gutem Tramontane konnten bereits am Eröffnungstag der 19. Ausgabe des Défi Windes zwei 40 km lange Läufe stattfinden, die von Nicolas Warembourg und Delphine Cousin dominiert wurden. Hier geht es zur offiziellen Seite des Defi Wind 2019 Ranking Defi Wind 2019

Catalunya PWA WC - Foil

29 05.2019
Tristan Algret gewinnt seine erste Elimination unter extremsten Folienbedingungen, doch Julien Bontemps führt weiterhin den Event an.
Während der ganzen Nacht und auch am zweiten Tag der Catalunya PWA-World Cups 2019 blies der Tramontana mit voller Kraft weiter, so dass es nur zwei sehr kurze Zeiträume gab, in denen es möglich war, sicher auf den Foils zu fahren. Um zu versuchen die tatsächlichen Bedingungen etwas einzuordnen - die maximale gemessene Böe lag heute bei 59,9 Knoten, als der Tramontana zum ersten Mal seit des legendären Events 2011 wieder sein Gesicht zeigte. Am Ende war es nur möglich, eine Elimination durchzuführen und für die überwiegende Zeit war es wirklich eine Überlebensmission, bei der sich viele der späteren Finalisten nach teilweise heftigen Stürzen noch qualifizierten. The final itself proved to be an exciting affair with the lead changing hands several on several occasions. Current world tour leader - Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) - led the race to the upwind mark, but Nicolas Goyard (Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils) soon picked up pole position, only to be hunted down by Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde), who showed incredible speed on the downwind leg. However, Albeau then ran super wide when gybing, which he blamed on the media boat interfering, which allowed Goyard to retake the lead and open up a decent advantage. However, the Frenchman then fell on the gybe meaning Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) would come through and collect the lead, but the man from Guadeloupe was hard pressed by Albeau, who flew down the donwwind leg again, which led to a photo-finish.  The decision went in the favour of Algret, who managed to just hold on was absolutely delighted upon returning to the beach after winning his first ever elimination on the world tour, building upon claiming his first ever podium last week in South Korea. Albeau came to complain about the press boat incident, but his pleas fell on deaf ears this time around. Upon completion of the second race, Julien Bontemps (JP / NeilPryde) has extended his lead at the top of event rankings to 5.3 points after a solid 6th place - adding to the bullet he claimed yesterday. Bontemps closest rival at this stage is fellow countryman - Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) - who continues his fine start to the season. Cousin is the day’s biggest mover within the top 10 - improving from 8th in the overnight standings to second place after finishing 4th in today’s race. Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde) climbs into the top 3  having finished 9th in Elimination 2, while Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) rises to 4th in the overnight rankings ahead of William Huppert (Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL), who moves into 5th place after another 7th place today and Nicolas Goyard, who falls to 6th from 3rd after crashing that gybe - meaning he eventually finished 13th today. Pierre Mortefon breaks into the overall top 10 - 7th - after a 5th place - while Sebastian Kornum (JP / NeilPryde) sits in 8th. The Dane could only manage a 20th place finish today having been stung by a weaver fish earlier in the day. Thomas Goyard (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) looked set to remain in second place in the current event rankings after finishing 10th in the second elimination, but was later disqualified for a right of way infringement with Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails), which means the Frenchman drops to equal 9th with Antoine Albeau, who along with Mortefon was the only other sailor to break into the top 10.  Losing their place in the top 10 are Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails / Starboard Foil), who was forced to retire after the opening lap of the final due to the German thinking he had suffered a suspected slipped disc, and defending event champion - Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne / Starboard Foil)  - who drops to 15th. Elsewhere, Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil), who was one of the sailors pushing to race, finished 3rd in Elimination 2 to climb into 12th place and is now just 2.5 points outside the top 10. At the time of writing the Tramontana is still howling and the forecast predicts for It to continue tomorrow morning, so we will just have to wait and see what conditions await. The sailors will meet again at 9am on Thursday for the skippers’ meeting with a first possible start at 10am (GMT+2). You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Costa Brava — including elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Catalunya PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil
*After 2 Elimination
1st Julien Bontemps (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Alexandre Cousin (FRA - Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
3rd Mateus Isaac (BRA - JP / NeilPryde)
4th Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (ARG - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th William Huppert  (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL)
6th Nicolas Goyard (FRA - Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils)
7th Pierre Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL)
8th Sebastian Kornum (DEN - JP / NeilPryde)
9th Thomas Goyard (FRA - FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
9th Antoine Albeau (FRA  - JP / NeilPryde)

Starboard Proshop

24 05.2019
Spring Sale mit 50% Rabatt
Seit fast 6 Jahren betreibt die APM Marketing GmbH, der Deutschland Importeur der Marken Starboard und Severne Sails mit dem einen  Onlineshop für die Bereiche Waterwear, Mode, Accessoires und Promo Artikeln. Der Shop wurde in dieser Zeit stetig erweitert und im Zuge von Starboards Engagement in Sachen Umweltschutz auch die Produktpalette umgestellt. Viele Produkte weisen beispielsweise einen hohen Anteil an recyceltem Polyester auf. Doch nicht nur Fans von Mode und Funktionsbekleidung kommen auf ihre Kosten, auch Promo Artikel wie Aufkleber, Fahnen und vieles mehr gibt es im Starboard Proshop zu erwerben. Nachdem das Wetter in diesem Jahr bisher eine echte Achterbahnfahrt für die Windsurfer bereithielt, ruft der Starboard Proshop nun einen radikalen Spring Sale mit 50% Rabatt auf die gesamte Kollektion aus. Das Special gilt bis zum 08.06.2019. Danach wartet die neue Kollektion auf die Fans von Starboard und Severne Link zum Shop:

Ulsan PWA WC Tag 6

23 05.2019
Finaltag: Cousin Questel & Iachino gewinnen den Event an einem dramatischen Finaltag in Südkorea.
Die Prognose für den Finaltag des Ulsan PWA World Cup 2019 sah auf dem Papier wie der leichtwindigste Tag der Woche aus, produzierte aber tatsächlich die besten Rennbedingungen des Events, wobei der thermische Wind früh einsetzte und stabiler war als am Dienstag und Mittwoch und viele der Mädchen nach ihren 6.3er und die Männer nach 7.7er Jahren griffen. Insgesamt wurden weitere 3 Slaloms für Frauen und 2 für Männer absolviert, während eine Foilelimination auch an einem actionreichen Finaltag durchgeführt wurde, der Tag an dem Jinha sein wahres Potenzial unter Beweis stellte. Foil Women’s Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui / Starboard Foil) led from start to the finish in the final Foil elimination of the week to claim a clear cut victory in the second women’s foil event. At the start of the day she had just a one point advantage over Marion Mortefon ( Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) and two point lead of Marina Alabau (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil), but by winning the 4th elimination that allowed Cousin Questel to discard a 3rd place. Eventually, Cousin Questel won by 4.6 points with 3 victories from 5 races.  Meanwhile, after a disastrous start, Marina Alabau did well to recover into second place and with a little bit more luck the 2012 Olympic Champion could’ve easily been the one to end the week on top of the podium and there is an exciting rivalry developing between herself, Cousin Questel, Mortefon and Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) with the 4 continually battling it out between each other. Mortefon just misses out on second place on count-back having finished tied on 8.7 points, but still completes the podium ahead of Blanca Alabau in 4th. Meanwhile, Helle Oppedal (Fanatic / Duotone) completes the top 5. Slalom Women’s The final day of the women’s slalom saw 3 eliminations completed and the event lead changed hands on several occasions. Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins) began the day with as the event leader, but the last day won’t have gone as the 30-year-old planned as she not only lost the event lead, but also her place on the podium. After a 4th place in the second elimination, Erdil then finished 8th and 10th in the next two races as she dropped a couple of late gybes to crash out of contention and eventually finished 5th. Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) briefly held the event lead after winning her first elimination of the season in the second race after producing a brilliant gybe to overtake Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui), but her event lead was short-lived as the reigning world champion produced her best performances of the week when it mattered most as the 27-year-old claimed back-to-back bullets to extend her winning streak on the world tour. Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) went slightly under the radar after finishing 9th in the second elimination, but the 22-year-old fought back brilliantly to claim the final place on the podium after recording a 4th and 3rd in the last two races, while denying Lilou Granier (Starboard / Phantom Sails) a place in the top 3. Men’s Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) started the day at the top of the event rankings after winning his first ever elimination yesterday. However, Vonk saw his bid for a first event victory dwindle away after being eliminated from the second round in the semifinals. However, a 6th in the third and final race steadied the ship and he still walks away from South Korea with his second ever podium - 2nd. With Vonk missing out in the winners’ final of Elimination 3 that opened the door for vice-world champion - Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne / Shamal Sunglasses) - and the Italian duly obliged as he finished 5th and 4th in the two eliminations completed today to claim his first event victory of the year. The Italian was the only sailors to qualify for every winners’ final and that consistency paid dividends.  Tristan Algret has been close to securing a place on the podium before, but has never quite made it a reality, but today that all changed as he pipped Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) - who won the third elimination -  to the final place on the podium by just 0.2 of a point after Algret finished 7th in Elimination 3.  With the results varying so greatly here in South Korea there were plenty of changes in the overall standings on the final day. 7 of the sailors ranked in the event top 10 at the start of the day remained in the top 10, but with the second elimination being completed several sailors saw their ranking slip away. Taty Frans (Future Fly / Point-7) is the sailor that lost the most as he dropped from second in the overnight rankings to 29th after his disqualification from the second round. Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sails) and Ben van der Steen (Goya Windsurfing / Gun Sails) were the other sailors to lose their place in the top 10. One man’s misfortune Is another man’s gain and in this case, those men are Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde), who climbs into 5th place, Antoine Albeau, who as previously mentioned finished 4th and Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde), who claims the final place in the top 10.  Elsewhere, Antoine Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) climbs 4 places into 6th after the Frenchman claimed a brilliant second place in the third elimination, while Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Shamal Sunglasses) dropped out of podium contention after a quarterfinal exit in the third race, which saw the Brit drop from 4th to 7th for the event. Meanwhile, Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) falls two places to 8th, while Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails) records his first top 10 finish on the world tour in 9th.  Bruno Martini (I-99 / Challenger Sails) followed in the footsteps of Jordy Vonk as the Italian earned his first ever bullet on the world tour in Elimination 2 with a highly impressive performance, but was then quickly brought back down to earth after being eliminated in the quarterfinals of the next race.  Things may not have gone the way either Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) or Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) would have wanted in South Korea, but both will be pleased to have signed off in a positive manner in the final elimination. Mortefon suffered two quarterfinals exits but then finished 3rd in Elimination 3, while Rutkowski went on to win the b-final - 9th. We'll be back on Friday with a full look at what the results mean for the overall PWA World Tour rankings. You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from South Korea — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Overall Result 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup - Women's Foil
1st Delphine Cousin Questel ( FRA - Starboard / S2Maui / Starboard Foil)
2nd Marina Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL)
4th Blanca Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th Helle Oppedal (NOR - Fanatic / Duotone)
Overall Result 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup - Women's Slalom 1st Delphine Cousin Questel ( FRA - Starboard / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone)
3rd Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA - Patrik / Loftsails)
4th Lilou Granier (NC - Starboard / Phantom Sails)
5th Lena Erdil (TUR - Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
Overall Result 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup - Men's Slalom 1st Matteo Iachino (ITA - Starboard / Severne / Shamal Sunglasses)
2nd Jordy Vonk (NED - Fanatic / Duotone)
3rd Tristan Algret (GPE - Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins)
4th Antoine Albeau (FRA - JP / NeilPryde)
5th Mateus Isaac (BRA - JP / NeilPryde)
6th Antoine Questel (FRA - I-99 / S2Maui)
7th Ross Williams (GBR - Tabou / GA Sails / Shamal Sunglasses)
8th Cedric Bordes (FRA - Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Ethan Westera (ARU - Tabou / GA Sails)
10th Enrico Marotti (CRO - JP / NeilPryde)

Ulsan PWA WC Tag 5

22 05.2019
Jordy Vonk gewinnt seine erste World Tour Elimination und Lena Erdil die erste Eliminiation seit ihrer Verletzung.
Die ersten Slalom-Eliminations des Ulsan PWA World Cups 2019 wurden am vorletzten Tag in Südkorea abgeschlossen. Ein Tag der möglicherweise enorme Auswirkungen auf das Titelrennen für die Herren hat, sollte alles so bleiben, wie es derzeit ist. Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins) zeigte bei den Damen, dass sie - nach dem Gewinn der Eröffnungs-Slalom-Elimination - wieder auf dem Podium ganz oben stehen kann. Slalom Women’s Lena Erdil showed everyone she’s ready to challenge to top honours again after returning from a lisfranc fracture. The Turk led from start to the finish in the opening women’s elimination to claim her opening bullet of the season and her first since that injury. Erdil looked blisteringly quick throughout and was required to call upon that speed in the second elimination after being taken out by Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) in the semifinals, which left Erdil outside of the qualification places. However, the 30-year-old overtook several rivals to move back into 4th place by the final buoy and is safely into the winners’ final. Erdil has an excellent record here over the last few year’s - winning the event in 2016, while finishing second in the last two years and it looks as though she could add to that victory heading into the final day as the event leader. However, reigning world champion and current world tour leader, Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui), will have other ideas as she looks to extend her winning run which dates back to November 2017. The 3-time world champion finished second in the opening elimination and it wouldn’t take much to see the tides reversed tomorrow.  Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) maintained her strong start to the racing year by securing third place in the opening slalom race ahead of Guilbaud and Lilou Granier (Starboard / Phantom Sails), who finished 4th and 5th respectively. However, Guilbaud will drop down the rankings slightly after missing out on the winners’ final of elimination 2.  Having missed out on the opening winners’ final Nimet Tulumen (Tabou / GA Sails) successfully navigated her way into Heat 4 of the second elimination, while Mio Anayama (Starboard / S2Maui) and Noriko Nishikata (Starboard) also booked their place in the top 8. Men’s Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) will be sitting on cloud nine after today’s racing after the flying Dutchman claimed his first ever bullet on the PWA World Tour and he was understandably delighted, punching the air in celebration as he crossed the finish line. Vonk has been in many winners’ finals over the last couple of years and today everything clicked Into place as he led from start to finish. Vonk leads the event heading into final day and is safely into the semifinals of Elimination 2. If things were to remain as they are then Vonk would also take control of the title race with many of the other top seeds struggling here. Taty Frans (Future Fly / Point-7) qualified for just his second winners’ final since that infamous crash in Fuerteventura in 2017 by winning his semifinal heat. The Bonairean endured a tough 2018 with no top 16 results and looked firmly on course to eradicate that record after finishing second in the opening race, while also gaining a confidence boost. However, Frans was then involved in a crash with Malte Reuscher (Tabou / GA Sails) in the quarterfinals of the second elimination, which resulted in the 35-year-old being disqualified from the round for dangerous sailing. Frans accepted the outcome, but did add that he was blinded by the glaring sunlight as he approaches the mark and simply couldn’t see Reuscher. Frans’ result now rests on what the wind does tomorrow as the second round does not count yet. A further two heats need to be completed in order to validate the result, so Frans could yet hang on to a podium finish or plummet down the rankings. Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne / Shamal Sunglasses) suffered an early exit in Marignane in the opening event of the year, but the Italian bounced back today with a solid third place. Like Iachino, Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Shamal Sunglasses), Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sails / Chopper Fins), Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails), Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins), Ben van der Steen (Goya Windsurfing / Gun Sails) and Antoine Questel (FRA - I-99 / S2Maui) were all looking to bounce back from disappointing results in France and they all did that in the opening elimination here in South Korea. Williams secured 4th place, while Cousin claimed 5th ahead of Bordes finished 6th, Algret 7th, van der Steen 8th and Questel 10th. However, Cousin, van der Steen and Questel will all be praying for no wind tomorrow after being eliminated in the quarterfinals of the second elimination. Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails) continued his solid start to the season thus far by winning the b-final - Heat 13 - to secure 9th place in the opening elimination, while also navigating his way into the top 16 of elimination 2. If things were to remain as they are then Westera would rise to 3rd in the overall world tour rankings after a very consistent start and many of the top seeds faltering.  While some sailors will be praying for a no wind scenario on the final day, there will also be several sailors praying for wind so that they can improve their result here. Pascal Toselli (JP / Loftsails / Chopper Fins), Julien Quentel (Patrik / Gun Sails), Andrea Ferin (I-99 / Challenger Sails / AL360), Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde), Arnon Dagan (Future Fly / NeilPryde), Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde) and Bruno Martini (I-99 / Challenger Sails) will all be looking to improve their results here after early exits in the opening elimination, while already being in the top 16 of the second round.  Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) had been in tremendous form coming into South Korea having won the last two slalom events and his first foil event. However, the Frenchman has been well off the pace here with two quarterfinal exits and realistically he will be looking to discard this event by the end of the season. As things stand Mortefon would go from world tour leader to 9th. Elsewhere, Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) produced another superb comeback in Heat 9 as he pipped Alexandre Cousin to the final qualifying place in Heat 9. Cousin looked to be in control as they headed down the last and looked to squeeze Vrieswijk out of it, but in doing so Vrieswijk quite literally sat on Cousin’s board, which slowed the Frenchman down and allowed Vrieswijk to accelerate into the top 16 of elimination 2.  The forecast for the final day predicts lighter gradient winds than the last couple of days with 9-12 knot southwesterly winds currently expected for the afternoon. With clear skies and the wind remaining in its prevailing southwesterly direction there is definitely a chance of more thermal activity during the afternoon, but there are no guarantees that it will be windy enough to finish the second Slalom eliminations, however, there should definitely be enough for the Women’s Foil Fleet. The sailors will meet for the final time this week at 9am for the skippers’ meeting with a first possible start at 10am (GMT+9).  You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from South Korea — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil
*After 4 Eliminations
1st Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA - Starboard / S2Maui / Starboard Foil)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) 
3rd Marina Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) 
4th Blanca Alabau (ESP - Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th Helle Oppedal (NOR - Fanatic / Duotone)
Current Ranking 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom
*After 1 Elimination
1st Lena Erdil (TUR - Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
2nd Delphine Cousin Questel ( FRA - Starboard / S2Maui)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA - Fanatic / Duotone)
4th Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA - Patrik / Loftsails)
5th Lilou Granier (Starboard / Phantom Sails)
Current Ranking 2019 Ulsan PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom
*After 1 Elimination
1st Jordy Vonk (NED - Fanatic / Duotone)
2nd Taty Frans (NB - Future Fly / Point-7)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA - Starboard / Severne / Shamal Sunglasses)
4th Ross Williams (GBR - Tabou / GA Sails / Shamal Sunglasses)
5th Alexandre Cousin (FRA - Patrik / Phantom Sails / Chopper Fins)
6th Cedric Bordes (FRA - Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Tristan Algret (GPE - Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins)
8th Ben van der Steen (Goya Windsurfing / Gun Sails)
9th Ethan Westera (ARU - Tabou / GA Sails)
10th Antoine Questel (FRA - I-99 / S2Maui)