Olympia 2024

04 11.2019
iFoil: Eine neue Ära des olympischen Windsurfens.
Während der World Sailing Generalversammlung am 03.11.2019 fiel die finale Entscheidung zum Windsurfequipment für die olympischen Spiele 2024 in Paris/Frankreich. Den Empfehlungen des Councils und des technischen Komitees folgend, bestätigte die Generalversammlung die Wahl des von Starboard eingebrachten iFoil-Konzepts. Dies obwohl es auch starke Stimmen einzelner Nationen zur Beibehaltung des bisherigen Formates RS:X gab.

Mit der getroffenen Wahl setzt auch das olympische Windsurfen auf die Zeichen der Zeit und macht damit einen großen Schritt in Richtung des attraktiven Breitensports. Details zum Starboard iFoil sind hier zu finden: Vorstellung des neuen Equipments (engl.) Newsartikel von World Sailing (engl.)

Mercedes Aloha Classic Final

01 11.2019
Sarah-Quita Offringa holt sich ihren ersten Wave-Weltmeistertitel | Philip Köster holt sich im Alter von nur 25 Jahren den fünften Weltmeistertitel & Antoine Martin & Mariah Andrés gewinnen die jeweiligen IWT-Titel.
Der letzte Wettbewerbstag des Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic 2019 begann mit einer Strandsäuberung um 9 Uhr mit @lovetheseaplasticfree, einer globalen Non-Profit-Organisation mit Sitz in Maui, die das Bewusstsein und die Unterstützung für die Umwelt fördern wollte. Nach der Strandsäuberung war der fünfte Tag relativ ruhig, wobei der Wellengang an Größe verlor - nur über Kopf hoch in den Sets - und leichte Onshore-Winde, was bedeutete, dass der Wettbewerb für den Vormittag und den frühen Nachmittag auf Eis lag, ohne dass eine echte Aussicht bestand, jemals wettbewerbsfähig zu werden. Für die Teilnehmer, die offiziell um 13 Uhr entlassen wurden, bedeutete das: Mit dem Gewinn des Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic 2019 - Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) gewinnt die PWA-Weltmeisterschaft 2019. Offringa startete das Jahr mit zwei dritten Plätzen, gewann dann aber deutlich in Sylt und Maui und holt sich zu Recht ihren ersten PWA Wave-Weltmeistertitel. Ohne weiteren Wettbewerb gewinnt Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) seine 5. PWA-Weltmeisterschaft im Alter von nur 25 Jahren.   Sarah-Quita Offringa on winning her first PWA Wave World title: “Honestly, this one feels totally different from any other title I’ve previously won. Wave sailing was a challenge, still is a challenge and this year we’ve had so many different conditions with completely different conditions. The race for the title has been really tight, so that makes it so much sweeter to win this title. Actually, I didn’t really expect it to happen this year so I’m super happy!” That is not only an incredible achievement for Offringa, who completes a career grand slam - having already won 12 Freestyle and 4 Slalom world titles, but it is also testament to the incredible level that both Iballa (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) & Daida (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) have set over the last two decades and their reign at the top is by no means over.  Daida dominated in Pozo earlier in the year, while Iballa finishes the year as the vice-world champion having won the world title for the last 5 years and was extremely close to winning this year’s title. If Iballa had have been able to hold on to her radical aerial in the final then the rankings may well have been reversed, but those are the fine margins that make the difference at the very top of the sport.  Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360) discards her result from Maui, but deservedly claims her place on the overall podium for the first time in her career - having finished on the podium in each of the opening three events. Mariah Andrés (Fanatic / Duotone) and Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) both discard their results from the Aloha Classic, which means Andrés wins the 2019 IWT Championship. Men’s With no further contest being complete that means that Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) wins his 5th PWA World Championship at just 25-years-old. Incredibly this is just the second year in which Köster did not win an event during the season since winning his first world title in 2011. The only other time that that has happened was in 2016 when he missed the final two events of the year. This time around it was his consistency that proved key with 3 podiums in Europe setting a solid base heading into Maui. Before this year’s Aloha Classic the German had never won a heat in Maui, but he righted that record this year and his 3rd place in quarterfinals here proved decisive as if he had finished 4th - Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) would’ve collected his second wave world title and third overall. Philip Köster speaks after officially becoming the 2019 Men’s PWA Wave World Champion: “Honestly this one feels different. This title has been a lot of work honestly. I didn’t win any events this year, which is what makes it different from the other times. Otherwise, I’m super, super happy that I made it. It’s also kind of nice to have done okay at the Aloha Classic. Before now I hadn’t actually won a heat here, so I’m stoked to have passed through a heat at the Aloha Classic. It’s really nice to finish the year here and I’m also pleased to have made it a bit further in the contest this time around. So yeah, just really happy about it!” Browne eventually ends the 2019 season as the vice-world champion - just 258 points shy of Köster and if he had found a way to advance into the top 4 here he would have been world champion. However, 2019 still represents a fantastic year for the Brazilian, who has now finished in the overall top 10 every year since his title winning year in 2013. Meanwhile, Ricardo Campello (Brunotti Boards) finishes on the overall podium for the second consecutive year - 3rd. Coming into the Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Antoine Martin - was enjoying his best competition year to date on both the PWA and IWT, and the 26-year-old signs off 2019 in the best fashion possible by winning the prestigious Aloha Classic, which is also his first victory on the world tour. That victory here means Martin wins the IWT title for the first time in his career, whilst also recording his best result on the world tour to date - 4th overall. We’ll take a full look at the results in the event summary.   If you are thinking about visiting Maui then make sure you check out North Shore Maui rental cars - windsurf cars, by windsurfers - Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / SWOX) & Marcilio Browne. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Maui — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Women's 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Motoko Sato (JPN | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Angela Cochran (USA)
5th Tatiana Howard (USA | Quatro / Goya Windsurfing)
Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Men's  1st Antoine Martin (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Camille Juban (GPE | Quatro / S2Maui)
3rd Bernd Roediger (USA - Naish | Naish)
4th Kai Lenny (USA | Quatro / Goya Windsurfing)
5th Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
7th Robby Swift (GBR | JP / NeilPryde / SWOX)
7th Ricardo Campello (VEN/BRA | Brunotti Boards)
9th Graham Ezzy (USA | Tabou / Ezzy Sails)
9th Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
9th Morgan Noireaux (HI | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails) Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Youth’s 1st Takuma Sugi (JPN | Tabou / GA Sails)
2nd Jake Schettewi (USA | JP / Hot Sails Maui)
3rd Takara Ishii (JPN | RRD / RRD Sails)
4th Zee Schettewi (USA | JP / Hot Sails Maui)
Overall Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Women’s Wave 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Justyna Sniady (POL | Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360)
4th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Maaike Huvermann (NED | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
Overall Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Men’s Wave 1st Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Ricardo Campello (VEN/BRA | Brunotti Boards)
4th Antoine Martin (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
6th Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jaeger Stone (AUS | Starboard / Severne / SWOX)
8th Leon Jamaer (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Marc Paré (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
10th Alex Mussolini (ESP | RRD / RRD Sails)

Mercedes Aloha Classic Tag 3

30 10.2019
Leichte Cross-On-Winde & eine gewaltige Welle sorgen für extrem schleppende Fortschritte bei den Wettkämpfen. Geduld ist gefragt bei der Annäherung von Offringa & Köster an die jeweiligen Weltmeistertitel.
Da die Wellen auch am dritten Tag des Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic laufen und die Tradewinds erste Anzeichen von Bewegung zeigten, wurde beschlossen, die Doppel-Elimination der Herren um 11 Uhr zu beginnen. Allerdings, da der Wind quer auflandig und leicht war und kaum stärker wurde, wurden nur zwei Läufe in zwei Stunden abgeschlossen. Zahlreiche Läufe wurden gestartet, aber mit riesigen West-Sets die auf den Hoopika Beach Park zurollten und den Channel abschlossen, wurde bald die Entscheidung getroffen, den Wettbewerb auf Eis zu legen, mit der Begründung, dass die Bedingungen zu gefährlich seien, um fortzufahren. Unfortunately, Zane Schweitzer (Starboard) sustained a dislocated knee during Heat 27, which was one of the only heats to be completed, but despite that, the 26-year-old still advanced in second place, behind Julian Salmonn (Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS). Everyone from the PWA wishes Zane a quick recovery. The only other heat of the day to be completed was Heat 25, which saw Russ Faurot (S2Maui) use his local knowledge to full effect as he stayed out of trouble, while linking together a 6.38 and a back up of 3.88 points to win the heat ahead of Flo Jung (Starboard / GUNSAILS), who was making his first appearance on the world tour since 2018 after sustaining a serious knee injury. Klaas Voget (Fanatic / Duotone) had his chances but was unable to cleanly complete his best waves, which cost him a place in the next round - however, the two heat results gained thus far will not count unless the whole of the first round is completed. The difficulty of the conditions today was clearly highlighted by the amount of broken gear and the number of sailors who ended up on the rocks and once the contest was placed on hold at 1pm the conditions never really looked like becoming suitable to resume - with the wind remaining onshore and the swell continuing to pump - so the fleets were released at 4pm. Realistically with just two days of the contest period remaining, and the forecast not looking particularly promising to complete the Double Eliminations, that means that both Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) and Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) are slowly edging closer to a first and 5th wave world title respectively.  Offringa’s main threat would be Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), who finished second in the Single Elimination, but Iballa would be required to defeat Offringa twice to deny the Aruban a maiden world title, while defending her own world crown, but she may not get the opportunity to do that. For Köster, the German would be required to win two heats in the Double Elimination to defend his 9th place in the Double Elimination as if the 25-year-old was to lose before that stage he would then be demoted to joint 13th or 17th, which would then see Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) overtake Köster in the race for the world title. However, it now looks extremely unlikely that we will be able to even get to his first heat in the Double - which would be Heat 38. Looking ahead, Wednesday on paper realistically looks like a lay day with light onshore winds expected, but as always you never know until the day, so the sailors will meet again at 10:30am (GMT-10) tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Maui — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Women's Single Elimination 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Motoko Sato (JPN | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Angela Cochran (USA)
5th Tatiana Howard (USA | Quatro / Goya Windsurfing)
Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Men's Single Elimination 1st Antoine Martin (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Camille Juban (GPE | Quatro / S2Maui)
3rd Bernd Roediger (USA - Naish | Naish)
4th Kai Lenny (USA | Quatro / Goya Windsurfing)
5th Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
7th Robby Swift (GBR | JP / NeilPryde / SWOX)
7th Ricardo Campello (VEN/BRA | Brunotti Boards)
9th Graham Ezzy (USA | Tabou / Ezzy Sails)
9th Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
9th Morgan Noireaux (HI | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)

Mercedes Aloha Classic Tag 2

29 10.2019
Antoine Martin steht kurz davor, als IWT-Champion ausgezeichnet zu werden, nachdem er einen Ho'okipa-Klassiker gewonnen hat, während das Weltmeistertitelrennen der Männer weiterhin sehr spannend bleibt.
Der zweite Tag des Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic 2019 erwies sich als Klassiker mit 8-12 Fuß hawaiianischen Wellen (20 Fuß plus Faces), die zeigen, warum der Ho'okipa Beach Park den ikonischen Status hat, den er in der Welt des Wave Sailings einnimmt. Die berüchtigten Ho'okipa-Felsen forderten - wie erwartet - mehr als ihren gerechten Anteil an Opfern, aber die weltbesten Wavesurfer lieferten eine wirklich erstaunliche Leistung, um die Menge zu begeistern und gleichzeitig eine unglaubliche Werbung für den Sport zu schaffen. Mit den Aloha Classic-, PWA- und Weltmeistertiteln, die auf dem Spiel stehen, hat niemand bei seinem Kampf um den Ruhm zu wenig riskiert...... There’s a saying in life that says ‘No risk, no reward’ and you have to take your hat off to - Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde) - as he risked absolutely everything in the final. The 26-year-old hunted out mast and a half to double mast high waves, and where some would’ve backed down against the waves of consequence, he instead took aim at the lip. That no-fear approach saw Martin deservedly rewarded with the second 10-point wave of the contest, which set him up to win the Single Elimination ahead of Camille Juban (Quatro / S2Maui), Bernd Roediger (Naish / Naish Sails) and Kai Lenny, which is the first time that Martin has won a Single Elimination on the world tour. In the end, Martin finished the final with a destroyed rig after attempting to hit a double mast high bomb and then experiencing arguably the heaviest washing of the event, but the reward of winning the Single Elimination of the Aloha Classic will more than made up for that - especially as he said that it was nothing compared to a beating at Pe’ahi.  In the past, Martin has been a bit hit and miss - equally capable of producing incredible moments or flopping completely. However, over the last year the 26-year-old seems to have come of age and refined his risk taking, and after winning the Single Elimination he is now on the verge of a career defining moment as he is in an incredibly strong position to win the overall IWT title - with his only threat Morgan Noireaux (JP / NeilPryde) currently 9th here - while if things were to remain as they are then Martin would record by far his best result on the world tour - 4th overall - having never finished in the top 10. Juban finishes second in the Single Elimination after opening the final with an excellent 8.62 point wave, but the 29-year-old then couldn’t find another proper score during the remaining 16 minutes, but as always when the conditions get big, Juban was once again one of the standouts.  Bernd Roediger (Naish / Naish Sails), who has won the Aloha Classic 3 times in the past - produced arguably the best wave of the contest thus far, which earned the first perfect 10 of the competition during the semifinal. The 23-year-old began his 10-point wave with a huge aerial straight into a powerful turn before ending with a super inverted goiter! Roediger completes the podium after the Single Elimination. Throughout the day - Kai Lenny (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing) - had showed off his trademark combination of speed, power and flow to successfully negotiate his way into the final, but the final didn’t really pan out the way he would’ve wanted as he elected to kick out early on several waves as he took the patient approach. Unfortunately, this time around the waiting game didn’t pay off and the global waterman had to settle for 4th in the single. The race to become the 2019 PWA Wave World Champion took several twists and turns today. First of all with reigning world champion - Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone) - and at the time current world tour leader - Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) - being knocked out in the quarterfinals  it looked as though the draw was opening up nicely for either Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) or Ricardo Campello (Brunotti Boards) to seize the initiative - after Campello had been reinstated after an interference issue with Jake Schettewi (JP / Hot Sails Maui) in Heat 17, which upon review showed that it was actually Campello’s wave, which led to Schettewi having his highest wave score removed meaning the local boy was demoted from 2nd to 4th, while Campello advanced in his place, which led to a furious discussion on the beach which threatened to boil over. The semifinal then didn’t go Campello’s way and he was soon eliminated in joint 7th in the Single Elimination, which left Browne with fate in his own hands… if he progressed into the final 4 then the Brazilian would have moved into pole position in the race to become the 2019 PWA Wave World Champion. However, like Campello, Browne couldn’t force his way into the final - finishing 3rd in Heat 22 - and joint 5th in the Single Elimination, which leaves him shy of Köster by just 258 points at the close of play. Köster finished 3rd in Heat 19 - which equates to joint 9th in the Single Elimination - but if the German had finished 4th in that heat, then it would now be Browne leading the world ranking - such are the fine margins at the top. The 25-year-old has had his starboard tack sailing questioned in the past, but it’s safe to say that Köster answered more than his fair share of those queries today as he showed off an array of turns and aerials to silence some of his critics. Köster is now on course to earn a 5th world title and with the forecast looking as though it may be tough to complete the Double Elimination - Köster may have done exactly what is required of him here. Elsewhere, Leon Jamaer (JP / NeilPryde), claimed joint 5th alongside Browne, while Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde / SWOX) finished joint 7th alongside Campello, while Graham Ezzy (Tabou / Ezzy Sails), Morgan Noireaux (JP / NeilPryde) and Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) share joint 9th with Köster. The swell is expected to remain massive tomorrow, potentially increasing slightly again in size - from 6ft  at 15 seconds to 6.5ft at 15 seconds - while different forecast models have different predictions for the wind, so we will have to wait and see if the trade winds kick in again. However, with the easterly airflow expected to continue, we remain hopeful of more epic action on Tuesday. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10am (GMT-10) tomorrow morning. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Maui — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Women's Single Elimination 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Motoko Sato (JPN | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Angela Cochran (USA)
5th Tatiana Howard (USA | Quatro / Goya Windsurfing)
Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Men's Single Elimination 1st Antoine Martin (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Camille Juban (GPE | Quatro / S2Maui)
3rd Bernd Roediger (USA - Naish | Naish)
4th Kai Lenny (USA | Quatro / Goya Windsurfing)
5th Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
7th Robby Swift (GBR | JP / NeilPryde / SWOX)
7th Ricardo Campello (VEN/BRA | Brunotti Boards)
9th Graham Ezzy (USA | Tabou / Ezzy Sails)
9th Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
9th Morgan Noireaux (HI | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)

Mercedes Aloha Classic Tag 1

28 10.2019
Sarah-Quita Offringa gewinnt die Einzel-Elimination vor Iballa Moreno und behält die Kontrolle über das Rennen um den Weltmeistertitel, während der IWT-Titel weit offen bleibt.
Nach einem langsamen Tagesbeginn mit leichten Winden und einem im Vergleich zur Prognose relativ geringen Wellengang belebten sich die Bedingungen während des Eröffnungstages des Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic 2019 allmählich, und am Ende schwoll der Wellengang an, während der Wind viel stärker als erwartet wehte. Da der Swell jedoch aus dem Westen kam und der Wind manchmal leicht auflandig war, waren die Bedingungen schwierig mit kabbeligen Faces und Double-ups, die die Wellenauswahl entscheidend für den Erfolg machten. Women’s Two out of the three PWA World title contenders successfully negotiated their way into the final - Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) & Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins), but current World No.2 - Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360) - was eliminated in the quarterfinals and it now looks a very long road back for the Pole to challenge for the world title. Joining Offringa and Moreno in the final were Motoko Sato (Starboard / Severne Sails), who looked extremely dangerous in the quarters and semifinals, and current world No.4 - Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) - who is competing in her first Aloha Classic. In the final, Moreno went for broke and came agonisingly close to scoring two waves in the excellent range. Crucially, however, the reigning world champion couldn’t quite hold on to her radical aerial attempt on her first wave, while she had to eject from the second, which left the door open for Offringa. The Aruban moved into the lead as she registered two solid mid-range waves, while she enhanced her position with her final wave as she started with a powerful opening turn before delivering a critically late hit to earn 7 points and effectively wrap up the final with the other girls stuck on the inside with the wind dropping.  Victory in the Single Elimination sees Offringa edge closer to a maiden wave world title, but things remain incredibly tight at the top and it now looks as though it will be a straight fight between Offringa and Moreno for this year’s world title. Given how Iballa sailed today you would have to say that the title race remains very open and there should be a fascinating finale to decide this year’s title.  Sato, who set the highest score of the day - 14.12 points - in the quarterfinals eventually claimed the final place on the podium in the Single Elimination with Erpenstein completing the top 4. Some will be wondering where multiple-time Aloha Classic and IWT Champion - Sarah Hauser (Tabou / S2Maui) finished as she missed out on the top 5 in the single, but she was involved in an incredibly tight opening semifinal with Moreno, Sato, Tatiana Howard (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing), which could have seen any of the 4 women progress. By the end of the heat, just 0.39 of a point separated second to fourth and you wouldn’t bet against the 30-year-old staging a come back through the Double Elimination.  In terms of the IWT title race, Hauser’s semifinal exit means that current tour leader - Mariah Andrés (Fanatic / Duotone) - has not been fully punished for her quarterfinal exit and the Spaniard still remains in with a chance of claiming the overall title. However, she will be aware that she will need to improve her ranking in the double, while Arrianne Aukes (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) - who came into the event ranked second - also remains in contention. Men’s The first round of the Men’s Single Elimination didn’t really produce any major upsets, but the standout from the first round was former Aloha Classic Champion - Levi Siver (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing) - who set the highest score of the day with 16.37 points after showing off trademark turns, aerials and 360s. The other standouts from the first round were 2016 Aloha Classic Champion - Kevin Pritchard (Goya Windsurfing / Ezzy) - and Kai Lenny, who looks like he could be a real threat for the Aloha Classic Crown - especially with the swell expected to increase in size throughout the night and into Monday - he will now be up against Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD Sails), Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) and Diony Guadagnino (AHD / Loftsails) in the round of 32. Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA sails) - who is competing in his first Aloha Classic - also looked to be in decent form. In the opening heat of the second round - Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde) looked very dangerous as he linked fluid rail-to-rail turns with a variety of aerials to win the heat ahead of local boy Jake Schettewi (JP / Hot Sails Maui), who also sailed well. With Martin successfully advancing the 26-year-old remains in control of the IWT title race - although multiple-time Aloha Classic Champion - Morgan Noireaux (JP / NeilPryde) is yet to sail. During Heat 9 the waves were pumping with several mast high sets rolling through Ho’okipa, which led to the sailors in Heat 10 waiting out the back for a solid set to arrive. However, as the minutes ticked by there was no sign of a set arriving, so Ricardo Campello (Brunotti) showed excellent tactical awareness to quickly notch up two solid wave scores on smaller waves to put himself comfortably in the lead. After waiting it out - Graham Ezzy (Tabou / Ezzy) - finally got himself on the board with a variety of turns and the local eventually stole the heat win with a quick second wave. Klaas Voget (Fanatic / Duotone) had his opportunity in the dying seconds, but crucially just went out the back on his frontside 360, which proved to be the difference between progressing or not. Ezzy and Campello will now face Martin and Schettewi in the next round.  The swell is only expected to increase overnight - from 4-6ft to 6-9ft @ 16 seconds - so Monday has all the hallmarks of being a potential classic with the trade winds expected to continue . The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10:15am (GMT-10) tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 11am onwards. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Maui — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic - Women's Single Elimination 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Motoko Sato (JPN | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Angela Cochran (USA)
5th Tatiana Howard (USA | Quatro / Goya Windsurfing)

Dein neuer Job!!

18 10.2019
Die APM Marketing GmbH, der Vertrieb der Marken Starboard Windsurfing / Starboard SUP und SEVERNE sucht dringend Verstärkung in Lager und Logistik.
Die APM Marketing GmbH ist ein renommiertes Großhandelsunternehmen im Wassersportbereich mit Sitz in Wolfratshausen und vertreibt exklusiv führende Marken im Windsurfen, Kitesurfen und Stand Up Paddling. Werde Mitglied in einem motivierten Team und bewirbt dich jetzt als:
Mitarbeiter für Lager und Logistik
Deine Aufgaben:
· Kommissionierung, Verpacken und Versand täglicher Aufträge
· Bearbeitung von Wareneingängen
· Bearbeitung von Transportschäden
· Verwaltung und Organisation von Lagerplätzen
· Abwicklung von Reklamationen
· Wartung des Lagerbereichs innen und außen
· Pflege des Fuhrparks Dein Profil:
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82515 Wolfratshausen

Dein neuer Job!

18 10.2019
Die APM Marketing GmbH, der Vertrieb der Marken Starboard Windsurfing / Starboard SUP und SEVERNE sucht dringend Verstärkung in Lager und Logistik.
Die APM Marketing GmbH ist ein renommiertes Großhandelsunternehmen im Wassersportbereich mit Sitz in Wolfratshausen und vertreibt exklusiv führende Marken im Windsurfen, Kitesurfen und Stand Up Paddling. Werde Mitglied in einem motivierten Team und bewirbt dich jetzt als:
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z.Hd. Angelika Ziermann
Hans-Urmiller-Ring 57
82515 Wolfratshausen

Sylt PWA WC 2019

08 10.2019
Zusammenfassung des Events: Yentel Caers & Nicolas Goyard wurden Weltmeister, während das Titelrennen der Herren & Damen in der Disziplin Wave spannend bleibt.
Sylt erzielte zum vierten Mal in Folge Ergebnisse in allen Disziplinen (Wave, Freestyle & Foil), da der Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt 2019 eine Vielzahl von Bedingungen hervorbrachte - von Wind in Sturmstärke, peitschendem Regen und relativ milden Temperaturen über bitterkalten Sonnenschein und ablandigen Winden bis hin zu einem kompletten Test für die Elite der Windsurfingwelt. Sylt lieferte an insgesamt 8 von 10 Tagen, die die Besucher, die zu Tausenden ankamen, durchweg  unterhielten. Wave Women’s Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) claimed her first victory on the 2019 PWA Wave World Tour as the Aruban successfully defended her event title from 2018 - which is the first time she has won back-to-back events on the Wave World Tour. With how results went elsewhere that victory also sees Offringa move into lead on the Wave World Tour for the first time in her career and she now holds a 650 point advantage over Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360) and a 2,045 point advantage over reigning world champion - Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) heading into the final event of the year in Maui at the end of the month. In the double elimination, conditions were extremely tricky with bolt onshore winds, a strong current and Sylt’s infamous shorebreak making even getting off the beach an art form, while equipment choice was key for battling the elements. Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) was one of the women to deal best with the tough conditions and that saw the 21-year-old complete an unlikely double over Iballa Moreno before going on to also negotiate her way past Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) and Justyna Sniady to claim her first podium on the world tour - 2nd - which sees her ranked 4th in the overalls.  Having never finished on the podium before 2019 - Sniady - has now secured 3 consecutive podiums after finishing 3rd here, which sees her ranked second in the overall rankings, whilst guaranteeing her a place on the overall podium. Iballa Moreno remains third in the overall rankings after a shock 5th place in Sylt, but fate remains in the 10-time world champions own hands with a victory at the Aloha Classic guaranteeing retention of her world title. Men’s There seems to be something about Sylt that brings the best out of - Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) - after the Frenchman defended his event title - just like Offringa. TT made the tough conditions look comparatively easy and claimed a famous victory after winning both the Single Elimination and the Double Elimination on the same day. After winning the event Traversa then had to be flown by helicopter to hospital after suffering excruciating pain from a kidney stone - everyone from the PWA would like to wish Thomas well and hope he is 100% fit in time for Maui - where he will go into the event with faint title hopes. TT is currently ranked 6th after the opening 3 events.  After storming back through the double with a series of eye-catching displays it looked as though Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) may go all the way and win his first event on the world tour since his world title winning year in 2013. However, he fell just one place short after winning six consecutive heats with Traversa coming out on top. The Brazilian will head to Maui with a great chance of earning a second world title with second place in Sylt seeing him climb into third place in the overall rankings. And given his Ho’okipa expertise, he may well head into the final event of the year as the narrow favorite. Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) completed the podium in Sylt, which is enough to see the 4-time world champion take the world tour lead for the first time this season. Köster is now the only sailor in the fleet with a 100% podium record, but will need to produce his best performance yet at an Aloha Classic to claim a 5th world title. Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone) sailed as brilliantly and consistently as ever and only Marcilio Browne’s fantastic come back denied Fernandez his second podium of the season. 4th place in Sylt keeps Fernandez firmly in the title race heading into Maui with the Spaniard ranking 3rd after the opening 3 events.  Ricardo Campello (Brunotti Boards) and Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne / SWOX) have both lost ground in the title race, but are certainly no means out of the equation. The Venezuelan/Brazilian and Australian came into Sylt ranked No.1 and No.2 in the world but have clipped to 5th and 4th respectively after finishing 9th and 7th here. However, things remain tight at the top just 2,439 points separating the top 5 sailors, while Traversa is then only a further 1,117 points off the lead, so there is all still to play for at the prestigious Aloha Classic. Elsewhere, Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde) continues to enjoy his best season to date on the world tour. The 25-year-old qualified for the semifinals of a Single Elimination for the first time in Sylt before eventually finishing 5th, which sees him ranked 7th in the overall rankings ahead of Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD Sails), Marc Paré (Simmer / Simmer Sails) and Adam Lewis (Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX), who moves into the overall top 10 for the first time this season after his best result of 2019 - 6th. Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) earned his second top 10 finish of the season after fighting back from the first round of the double elimination, while German veteran - Klaas Voget (Fanatic / Duotone) - also managed the same feat to share 9th place with Campello and Mussolini. Freestyle Yentel Caers (I-99 / Point-7) had to do things the hard way after both he and fellow world title hopeful - Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti) - were eliminated in the second round of the single elimination. However, the Belgian regained his composure in the double and completed a famous come back to claim his first world title to cap a fantastic year for the 24-year-old, who earlier this year was also crowned the European Freestyle Champion. Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) bounced back from a disappointing 9th place in Fuerteventura to win the 2019 Mercedes Benz Windsurf World Cup undefeated as he rediscovered his competition form. Vrieswijk won two out of the three Freestyle events and missed out on a maiden world title by just 50 points. The 23-year-old finishes as the vice-world champion for the third time in the last four seasons. Steven Van Broeckhoven (Starboard / GUNSAILS) completes the overall podium after securing his second top 3 finish of the year in Sylt - after winning in Fuerteventura. An injury free Van Broeckhoven looked back to his best this year and deservedly claims a place in the overall top 3 for the first time since 2014. Things weren’t quite meant to be for Youp Schmit this time around with the Bonairean finishing 13th in Sylt, but he deserves great credit for even making it on to the water in Germany having only undergone knee surgery roughly just over a month ago. The 24-year-old still ends the year with his best overall result to date of the world tour - 4th - and everyone from the PWA wishes Youp all the best with the rest of his recovery and hope to see him back fit and strong in 2020. Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) was unlucky not to go deeper in the opening couple of events of 2019, but the 2018 vice-world champion has looked extremely dangerous throughout and in the final event of the season the Frenchman gained the result he deserved - finishing 3rd in the single and 4th in the double, which sees him ranked 5th overall for the season! Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / Duotone) was the sailor to knock Bosson out of the event top 3 as the Venezuelan produced a superb come back to earn just his first podium of the year, which is almost unheard of for the 9-time world champion. Gollito sailed with his inimitable style throughout and eventually finishes the season in 6th place.   The overall top 10 is completed by Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails), Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails), Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde) and Giovanni Passani (Tabou / GA Sails / AL360). Men’s Foil The battle to become the 2019 Men’s Foil PWA World Champion was incredibly tight coming into Sylt with just 300 points separating the top 9 sailors. In the end, Nicolas Goyard (Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils) produced an inspired performance, which saw the Frenchman finish outside the top 4 just once in the 10 eliminations completed to deservedly earn his first world title. Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) pushed Goyard N. all the way as he won his first elimination of the week in Elimination 10, but unfortunately, it wasn’t quite enough with Cousin finishing just 0.7 of a point behind Goyard. That left the two sailors tied on 29,700 points at the end of the season, but Cousin misses out on countback. Being crowned the vice-world champion is still the Frenchman’s best result and the foiling future looks bright for him. Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil) completes the overall podium after finishing 4th in Germany, after Luuc Vanopzeeland (JP / NeilPryde) won the battle for the final place on the event podium - which is the Dutchman’s best result to date on the world tour. Thomas Goyard’s (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) event and world title dreams slipped through his fingers on the final day as a costly wipeout on the final reach saw him drop from 4th to 29th in Elimination 9, which ultimately brought his hopes to an end. The 27-year-old has been truly dominant in the upwind/downwind racing, but eventually finished 4th overall with the Foil Slalom discipline letting him down.  Completing the overall top 10 are Sebastian Kördel (Starboard / GA Sails / Starboard Foil) - 5th - Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL) -6th - Julien Bontemps (JP / NeilPryde) - 7th - Sebastian Kornum (JP / NeilPryde) - 8th - Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne / Starboard Foil) - 9th - and Mateus Isaac (JP / NeilPryde). Where’s Next on the PWA World Tour? In just a few weeks' time, the Men’s and Women’s Wave world titles will be decided at Maui’s Iconic Ho’okipa Beach Park with the 2019 Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic taking place between 27th October until 9th November. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Germany — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Women's Wave
1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 
3rd Justyna Sniady (POL | Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360)
4th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Men's Wave  1st Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
2nd Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Adam Lewis (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX)
7th Jaeger Stone (AUS | Starboard / Severne / SWOX)
7th Marc Paré (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
9th Alex Mussolini (ESP | RRD / RRD Sails)
9th Ricardo Campello (BRA/VEN | Brunotti Boards)
9th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Klaas Voget (GER | Fanatic / Duotone) Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Men's Freestyle 1st Amado Vrieswijk (NB | JP / Severne)
2nd Gollito Estredo (VEN | Fanatic / Duotone) 
3rd Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS / Shamal)
4th Adrien Bosson (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Dieter van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Yentel Caers (BEL | I-99 / Point-7)
7th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)
7th Francesco Cappuzzo (ITA | RRD / RRD Sails / AL360)
9th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Balz Müller (SUI | MB-Boards / Severne)
9th Jacopo Testa (ITA | RRD / RRD Sails / AL360)
9th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails) Overall Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Men's Freestyle 1st Yentel Caers (BEL | I-99 / Point-7)
2nd Amado Vrieswijk (NB | JP / Severne)
3rd Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS / Shamal)
4th Youp Schmit (NB | I-99 / Avanti)
5th Adrien Bosson (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
6th Jose ‘Gollito’ Estredo (VEN | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
8th Dieter van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
9th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Giovanni Passani (ITA | Tabou / GA Sails / AL360) Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Men’s Foil 1st Nicolas Goyard (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils)
2nd Alexandre Cousin (FRA | Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
3rd Luuc Vanopzeeland (NED | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
5th Thomas Goyard (FRA | FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) 
6th Sebastian Kördel (GER | Starboard / GA Sails / Starboard Foil)
7th Julien Bontemps (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
8th Sebastian Kornum (DEN | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / LOFEFOIL)
10th William Huppert (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / LOFEFOIL) Overall Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Men's Foil 1st Nicolas Goyard (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails / Phantom Foils)
2nd Alexandre Cousin (FRA | Patrik / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne / Starboard Foil)
4th Thomas Goyard (FRA | FMX Racing / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) 
5th Sebastian Kördel (GER | Starboard / GA Sails / Starboard Foil)
6th Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / LOKEFOIL)
7th Julien Bontemps (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
8th Sebastian Kornum (DEN | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | JP / Severne / Starboard Foil)
10th Mateus Isaac (BRA | JP / NeilPryde)

Sylt PWA WC Tag 6

02 10.2019
Yentel Caers beendet großartiges Comeback in der Double Elimination, um zum ersten Mal zum Freestyle-Weltmeister gekürt zu werden, & ein bitterer, süßer Sieg für Vrieswijk.
Nach einem schwierigen Start in den Tag kam der Wind am sechsten Tag des Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt schließlich gut, so dass die Herren Freestyle Double Elimination bei klirrender Kälte und Kabbelwelle durchgeführt werden konnte, während auch der PWA Freestyle World Titel der Herren 2019 entschieden wurde. Freestyle At the beginning of the day - Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) - led the race to become the 2019 PWA Freestyle World Champion after winning the Single Elimination on Tuesday. However, with fate out of his own hands the Bonairean would face a tense wait to see whether either - Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti) or Yentel Caers (I-99 / Point-7) - could mount a comeback through the Double Elimination into at least 6th place - at which point either Schmit or Caers would be world champion. Both men safely made it through their second round heats, but Schmit - who only had knee surgery a month ago - fell in the third round to Antoine Albert (Goya Windsurfing) to leave just three men standing in the race of the 2019 Freestyle World title - Caers, Vrieswijk and Steven Van Broeckhoven (Starboard / GUNSAILS / Shamal Sunglasses). Caers could’ve been forgiven for showing some sign of nerves as he bid to win his first world title, but he showed absolutely no signs that he may falter. The Belgian confidently overcame - Giovanni Passani (Tabou / GA Sails / AL360) - next before winning a tight heat against - Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde) - to leave him just one heat win away from becoming the world champion. The all important heat - Heat 30b - would be against Antoine Albert (Goya Windsurfing) - after the New Caledonian defeated Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360). Heat 30b proved to be another tight heat and for a little while Albert was leading as the lead swung back and forth, however, a late well executed pasko allowed Caers to replace a forward loop on port tack to claim the all important victory and complete a superb come back through the double elimination to claim his first PWA Freestyle World Championship. Amado Vrieswijk did everything in his power to win his first world title, but this time around it wasn’t meant to be with Caers denying him. The Bonairean defeated - Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / Duotone) - in the double elimination to win the 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt, but despite winning two out of the three events this season he misses out by just 50 points - with the disappointing 9th place in Fuerteventura costing him dearly, so the wait for a maiden world title goes on for the 23-year-old. Vrieswijk eventually finishes the season as the vice-world champion. 9-time world champion - Gollito Estredo - produced a superb come back in the double elimination to earn his first podium of the season after winning 6 heats on the bounce against; Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails), Francesco Cappuzzo (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360), newly crowned Freestyle world champion - Yentel Caers - Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails), Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) and finally Steven van Broeckhoven (Starboard / GUNSAILS). Steven van Broeckhoven slipped one place to third for the event, but the Belgian completes the overall podium, which is the first time the 2011 world champion has finished in the overall top 3 since 2014. Elsewhere, Lennart Neubauer (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), will remember this day for a long time to come after the 15-year-old recorded his first heat wins on the world tour after claiming the scalp of 2013 world champion Kiri Thode (Severne / Severne Sails) in Heat 18b, before also beating Riccardo Marca (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins). Thursday looks like a lay day judging by the forecast, which currently predicts virtually no wind before turning to an easterly air flow for the Friday and into the weekend. With the Wave and Freestyle contests already completed, the focus is now solely on the Foil and they will meet again at 10am (GMT+2) tomorrow morning for their skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 11am onwards - conditions depending.  To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Germany — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Women's Wave 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 
3rd Justyna Sniady (POL | Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360)
4th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Men's Wave  1st Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
2nd Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Adam Lewis (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX)
7th Jaeger Stone (AUS | Starboard / Severne / SWOX)
7th Marc Paré (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
9th Alex Mussolini (ESP | RRD / RRD Sails)
9th Ricardo Campello (BRA/VEN | Brunotti Boards)
9th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Klaas Voget (GER | Fanatic / Duotone) Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Men's Freestyle 1st Amado Vrieswijk (NB | JP / Severne)
2nd Gollito Estredo (VEN | Fanatic / Duotone) 
3rd Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS / Shamal)
4th Adrien Bosson (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Dieter van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Yentel Caers (BEL | I-99 / Point-7)
7th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)
7th Francesco Cappuzzo (ITA | RRD / RRD Sails / AL360)
9th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Balz Müller (SUI | MB-Boards / Severne)
9th Jacopo Testa (ITA | RRD / RRD Sails / AL360)
9th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails) Overall Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Men's Freestyle 1st Yentel Caers (BEL | I-99 / Point-7)
2nd Amado Vrieswijk (NB | JP / Severne)
3rd Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS / Shamal)
4th Youp Schmit (NB | I-99 / Avanti)
5th Adrien Bosson (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
6th Jose ‘Gollito’ Estredo (VEN | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
8th Dieter van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
9th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Giovanni Passani (ITA | Tabou / GA Sails / AL360)

Sylt PWA WC Tag 5

01 10.2019
Fokusverlagerung auf Freestyle nach einem Ruhetag.
Nach dem gestrigen wahnsinnigen Wettkampftag erwies sich der fünfte Tag des Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt 2019 als das Gegenteil von dem, was mit nur leichtem Wind durchweg der Fall war, so dass kein Wettkampf möglich war. Für kurze Zeit waren einige der Foil-Flotte auf dem Wasser, aber es sah nie wirklich so aus, als würde etwas passieren, und kurz nach 17 Uhr wurden die Teilnehmer für diesen Tag entlassen. Mit einer vernünftig aussehenden Prognose für Mittwoch mit 21-27 Knoten nordwestlich wird der Fokus für morgen darauf liegen, die Freestyle Double Elimination der Herren abzuschließen und damit die Freestyle Weltmeisterschaft 2019 zu entscheiden. Nach gestern führt Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) das Rennen an, aber das Schicksal ist ihm selbst überlassen, denn wenn sich entweder Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti) oder Yentel Caers (I-99 / Point-7) auf Platz 6 zurückkämpfen, wird einer von ihnen Weltmeister.

Sylt PWA WC Tag 4

01 10.2019
Freestyle - Rennen um den Weltmeistertitel auf den Kopf gestellt | Traversa verteidigt Eventtitel & Offringa übernimmt erstmals die Führung der Wave World Tour.
Der 4. Tag des Mercedes-Benz Windsurf-Weltcups 2019 brachte einen phänomenalen Actiontag mit großen Umbrüchen und einigen massiven Siegen mit gravierenden Auswirkungen auf die Titelrennen sowohl in der Herren- und Damen-Wellenfleet als auch in bei den Freestylern. All dies geschah während 11 Stunden intensiven Wettkampfes, da Sylt weiterhin eine Vielzahl von Bedingungen bietet, um die besten Surfer der Welt wirklich zu testen. Am Nachmittag war der Wind auflandig und mit der zunehmenden Wellengröße war schon das Aussteigen eine Art Kunstform. Wave Women’s Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) successfully defended her single elimination crown this evening to be crowned the champion of Sylt for the second consecutive year. The Aruban came into Sylt ranked third in the overall rankings, but with Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360) finishing 3rd and Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins finishing 5th that means that Offringa now leads the PWA Wave World Tour for the first time in her career heading into the final event of the season in Maui - where she is also the defending champion. Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) started the day in 4th place, but finishes the event with her first wave podium after sneaking her way past - Iballa Moreno, Justyna Sniady & finally Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails)  - to claim second place, which keeps the 21-year-old in 4th place in the overall rankings. Justyna Sniady falls one place from the single to third, while also slipping to second in the world rankings, but as a whole, the event should go down as another huge success for the Pole, who secures her third straight podium. Sniady required stitches in her foot after her last heat of the day and everyone from the PWA wishes her well with her recovery. Sometimes it just not your day and that was the case for reigning world champion - Iballa Moreno - who has to settle for 5th place here. Iballa will now head to Maui knowing that with a discard to come victory in Maui would still guarantee her the wave world title, so there is all still to play for! Men’s Like Offringa, Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) also successfully defended his event title after producing a superb performance to firstly defeat Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) in the Single Elimination Final, before bringing Marcilio Browne’s (Goya Windsurfing) charge back through the double to an end. Traversa made the extremely difficult conditions look comparatively easy and deservedly claims his first victory of the season, which sees him climb to 6th in the overall rankings. Browne was on somewhat of a rampage in the double elimination and the Brazilian deservedly fought his way back from joint 5th in the single to finish second here after winning 6 heats on the bounce. Browne first defeated Ricardo Campello (Brunotti Boards) before going on to also dispatch of Marc Paré (Simmer / Simmer Sails), Adam Lewis (Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX), Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde), Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone) and Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) with a combination of excellent double forwards - despite the tricky conditions - and fluid wave riding bringing him plenty of success. Browne’s come back is made all the more impressive due to reports saying that he has also been battling a fever over the last few days. Second place here means that Browne rises to third in the overall rankings and he will head into Maui with every chance of earning a second wave world title. Philip Köster now leads the world tour for the first time this season after completing the podium here with another solid performance. Unfortunately against Browne, Köster looked underpowered and got caught on the inside in the latter part of the heat to rule out any chance of defending his second place from the single. Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone) climbs two places in the overall rankings to second after a 4th place finish in the double elimination and he too will go to Maui with every chance of adding to his three wave world titles. Fellow world title hopefuls - Ricardo Campello and Jaeger Stone - have lost valuable ground in the title race after 9th and 7th place finishes today. However, they are certainly not out of the equation heading into Maui, while Traversa now also has an outside shot at the title after his victory earlier today. Antoine Martin’s (JP / NeilPryde) fine season continues with the 25-year-old earning his best result in a double elimination on the world tour - 5th - which equals his result from Tenerife, where only a single could be completed. That result sees Martin ranked 6th with an event to go. Elsewhere, Adam Lewis records his best result of the year - 6th - while Marc Paré shares joint 7th with Stone, while Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD Sails), Campello, Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) and Klaas Voget (Fanatic / Duotone) complete the top ten here. Both Denel and Voget both fought back from the first round of the double elimination. Freestyle Sylt has produced hardcore freestyle conditions for the last few years, and today was no different with strong winds, waves, chop and a lot of current making competing extremely difficult for the world’s best freestylers. However, while conditions may have been tricky to compete in, it also produced the most spectacular Freestyle of the year with huge moves being thrown down by the elite of the freestyle world. By the end of Day 4, the Freestyle world title race has been turned on its head with both Youp Schmit (I-99 / Avanti) and Yentel Caers (I-99 / Point-7) being eliminated from the single elimination in the second round (joint 9th). Meanwhile, their two rivals - Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne) and Steven Van Broeckhoven (Starboard / GUNSAILS) - both negotiated their way into the winners’ final and whoever won that final would take the world title race lead. In the end, Vrieswijk claimed a dominant victory in the final to take the world tour lead, but both he and Van Broeckhoven will now face a nail biting wait to see how Schmit and Caers perform in the double as their world title fate remains out of their control.  If either Schmit or Caers is able to climb back into the top 6 then Vrieswijk/Van Broeckhoven are powerless to prevent them from winning a maiden world title. However, in order for Schmit/Caers to recover into at least 6th place they will have to win 4 consecutive heats, which is no mean feet.  Elsewhere, Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins) was at his explosive best today and he currently completes the podium after beating Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails), who had earlier defeated Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / Duotone), in the losers’ final.  van der Eyken also deserves great credit for his sportsmanship today as he continually caddied for several sailors to help them combat the extreme and tiring conditions, and really epitomised that sporting mantra. Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD Sails / AL360), Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde), Balz Müller (MB-Boards / Severne Sails) and Gollito currently share 5th place. With lighter winds expected for Tuesday the Freestyle sailors have been given a later skippers’ meeting of 12pm (GMT+2) with a first possible start at 12:30pm. However, with the waves expected to drop quite rapidly overnight, there is plenty of potential to complete the first Foil eliminations of the event. Particularly in the afternoon with 10-13 knot north to northwesterly winds expected. The Foil fleet will meet at 10am with the action commencing from 11am onwards.
To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Germany — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Sylt PWA World Cup - Women's Wave 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 
3rd Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Simmer Sails / AL360)
4th Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) Result 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Men's Wave  1st Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
2nd Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Adam Lewis (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX)
7th Jaeger Stone (AUS | Starboard / Severne / SWOX)
7th Marc Paré (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
9th Alex Mussolini (ESP | RRD / RRD Sails)
9th Ricardo Campello (BRA/VEN | Brunotti Boards)
9th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Klaas Voget (GER | Fanatic / Duotone) Result Single Elimination 2019 Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt - Men's Freestyle 1st Amado Vrieswijk (NB | JP / Severne)
2nd Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS)
3rd Adrien Bosson (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Dieter van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Balz Müller (SUI | MB-Boards / Severne)
5th Jacopo Testa (ITA | RRD / RRD Sails / AL360)
5th Gollito Estredo (VEN | Fanatic / Duotone)

PWA World Tour Sylt

30 09.2019
Philip Köster fliegt vor Westerland aufs Podium und übernimmt Führung in der Weltrangliste
Philip Köster hat beim vorletzten Stopp der PWA World Tour einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung fünften WM-Titel gemacht. Der viermalige Windsurf-Weltmeister belegte am Montag beim Windsurf World Cup Sylt Platz drei und übernahm die Führung in der Waveriding-Weltrangliste. Damit hat sich der 25-Jährige eine gute Ausgangsposition geschaffen, um beim Finale auf Hawaii vom 27. Oktober - 09. November zum fünften Mal Champion im Wellenreiten zu werden.  „Es waren die erwartet harten Bedingungen, mit auflandigem Wind und chaotischen Wellen. Leider ließ bei meinem Halbfinal-Lauf der Wind auch noch nach, dazu kam die starke Strömung. Deshalb konnte ich meine Moves und Sprünge nicht wie gewohnt ausführen. Der dritte Platz auf Sylt hat aber gereicht, um als Weltranglistenerster zum Finale nach Hawaii zu fahren. Damit habe ich meine Chancen auf WM-Titel fünf gewahrt und das ist das Wichtigste“, so der neue Weltranglistenführende Philip Köster.

Sylt PWA WC Tag 3

29 09.2019
Float and Ride Down-The-Line Bedingungen lassen das Rennen um den Weltmeisterschaftstitel weit offen.
Sylt zeigt sich auch in der ersten Hälfte des Mercedes-Benz Windsurf World Cup Sylt 2019 von verschiedenen Seiten - mit dem dritten Tag, an dem vor allem ein Tag mit Float- und Ride bedingungen stattfand, was zu einem großen Umbruch führte, der das Titelrennen umd den Wavetitel eröffnen könnte. Nach den ersten 5 Läufen setzte der vorhergesagte Starkregen ein, der mit dem Wind für Chaos sorgte und dazu führte, dass keine weiteren Läufe mehr durchgeführt wurden. Wave Men’s The main news of the day is that current world tour leader - Ricardo Campello (Brunotti Boards) - is out of the single elimination in joint 9th place after suffering defeat to Antoine Martin (JP / NeilPryde) in Heat 12b. The 34-year-old wasn’t particularly happy with the conditions and struggled to find the wave scores he required, but Martin looked extremely impressive - picking off plenty of waves and showing excellent timing to perform critical turns and aerials to deservedly advance as he continues to enjoy his best year on tour. The 25-year-old came into Sylt ranked joint 7th and is already guaranteed his third top 10 result in a row. Martin will now face Adam Lewis (Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX) in Heat 14b after the Brit dispatched of Marino Gil (Goya Windsurfing) with an excellent display. Lewis showed plenty of aggression and took a lot of risk to throw powerful turns and aerials. With Lewis guaranteed at least 5th place in the single elimination the 31-year-old is already guaranteed his best result of the season no matter what happens. With Campello out of the single elimination that potentially opens up the title race for Jaeger Stone (Starboard / Severne / SWOX), Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone) and Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), who now all stand to gain valuable ground, but Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) also fell today against Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails), who remains in the race to defend his event title from last year and looks to be in dangerous form.  Victor Fernandez, who is 4th in the current world rankings, has already secured his place in the top 4 of the single elimination after negotiating his way past two potentially very tricky heats against Julian Salmonn (Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS) and Marc Paré (Simmer / Simmer Sails). The reigning world champion showed off plenty of well-timed full rail turns to progress and he will now face Traversa in the semifinals. With Stone pitted against Köster in the quarterfinals, one of the world title hopefuls is guaranteed to be eliminated in joint 5th in the single elimination and Heat 14a could yet prove to be a pivotal point in this seasons title race. Stone eliminated Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / Duotone) earlier today, while Köster defeated Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails). A couple of attempts were made to run Heat 14, but on both occasions the conditions were deemed unsuitable and it was therefore cancelled. There is still a long way to go in this wave contest with the double elimination to come, but Campello is now under severe pressure to mount a come back or his title challenge for 2019 would take a major dent with no discards this year. The wave fleet will meet at 7:30am (GMT+2) for the skippers’ meeting on Monday morning with 29-34 west-north-west winds predicted and expected to stay for the duration of the day, so Monday should see a full day of action. The Freestyle fleet will meet at 10am with a first possible start at 10:30am.  The Foil fleet have a skippers’ meeting at 12pm, but realistically the chances of them competing tomorrow is extremely slim.
To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Germany — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.