Surf Movie Night zur boot

31 12.2019
#savethedate – Surf Movie Night – 18.1.2020
JAKLAR – Positive Vibes präsentiert Riders of the Liquid Plains  - die erste Weltpremiere des Films feiert das Team um IWT Tour-Direktor Simeon Glasson am ersten Abend der boot 2020 in Düsseldorf und ihr könnt live dabei sein. Freut euch auf einen einmaligen Abend in der Seifenfabrik Dr. Thompson’s, Erkrather Str. 232 in 40233 Düsseldorf. Mit von der Partie sind die Stars der Windsurfszene, die direkt vom Messegelände in die derzeit angesagteste Event Location der Stadt fahren, um mit euch gemeinsam den Film zu schauen und anschließend bei der Aftermovieparty zu feiern. Riders of the Liquid Plains ist kein reiner SurfAction-Streifen, sondern gibt auch tiefe Einblicke in das Leben der Fahrer auf der IWT Tour. Präsentiert wird der Film von JAKLAR – Positive Vibes, die den einen oder anderen Stargast als Überraschung parat haben und für euch interviewen. Zusammen mit der aus Kalifornien stammenden Produktionsfirma Poor Boyz Productions und Regisseur und Kameramann Jace Panebianco hat der Tour-Direktor der IWT Simeon Glasson eine Dokumentation der Wave-Tour 2019 produziert. Gefilmt wurde an den besten Wave Spots der Welt wie Pacasmayo, Peru; Topocalma, Chile und Baja California, Mexiko mit einem atemberaubenden Finale beim Mercedes-Benz Aloha Classic auf Maui, Hawaii. Die Helden in diesem sehr aufwendig produzierten Streifen sind die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen der IWT Tour 2019 und der hawaiianische Big-Wave-Star Kai Lenny. Doch der IWT Tour-Direktor und Produzent Simeon Glasson verfolgt mit dem Film noch eine andere Vision: Er will mit dem Windsurfsport in absehbarer Zeit der World Surf League, dem Spitzenverband der Wellenreiter, wieder Konkurrenz machen. Denn einst war Windsurfen wesentlich populärer und kommerzieller als Wellenreiten. Der Film zeigt, dass dies nicht unmöglich scheint

Frohe Weihnachten

22 12.2019
Es weihnachtet sehr... und wir von addicted-sports wünschen Euch allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein tolles, gesundes, glückliches neues Jahr mit viel Wind und Wellen.
Auch dieses Jahr ging vorüber wie im Flug, viel zu schnell, wie wir finden. 2020 startet addicted-sports in die neunte Saison. Ein großes Dankschön gilt unseren Besuchern, Freunden und Werbepartnern, ohne die der Erfolg und das Wachstum der Webseite nicht möglich wäre. Ein herzlicher Dank auch all denjenigen, die uns an ihren Surferlebnissen teilhaben ließen. Danke für viele tolle und interessante Reports, viele schöne Bilder und spektakuläre Bildergalerien. Auch in diesem Jahr kamen wieder ein paar neue Webcams hinzu, eine an der Ostsee, genauer in Prerow. Ein toller Spot, herrlicher Sandstrand, oft Wind und kein Seegras. Eine weitere in den Bergen, in der Nähe des Spitzingsees, die auf den ersten Blick so gar nicht ins Portfolio passt. Interessant sind für uns hier vor allem die Wetterdaten der Station. Wer sich, so wie wir auch,  ein wenig mit künstlicher Intelligenz und Wettermodellen beschäftigt, kann sich vielleicht auch vorstellen was wir vorhaben. Eine weitere Webcam wird noch in den nächsten Tagen online gehen, sehr weit weg, türkises Wasser, Wellen und Wind – lasst Euch überraschen! Bald beginnt wieder ein neues Jahr, für alle die, die es bislang noch nicht getan haben, die Gelegenheit in der neuen Saison all ihre Surfsessions bei uns zu posten. Du kannst Deine eigenen Sessions aufzeichnen und wirklich sehr detailliert auswerten, so dass Du weißt, wie viele Stunden Du mit welchem Board / Segel, an welchem Spot, auf dem Wasser verbracht hast. Und an allen Spots an denen wir eine Webcam mit Wetterstation betreiben, werden bei jedem Report die Windmesswerte und ein Webcambild gespeichert – eine schöne Erinnerung an Deine Session. Zudem kannst Du unbegrenzt eigene Bilder hochladen und eigene Bildergalerien erstellen. Sei dabei!

Frohe Weihnachten

22 12.2019
Es weihnachtet sehr... und wir von addicted-sports wünschen Euch allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein tolles, gesundes, glückliches neues Jahr mit viel Wind und Wellen.
Auch dieses Jahr ging vorüber wie im Flug, viel zu schnell, wie wir finden. 2020 startet addicted-sports in die neunte Saison. Ein großes Dankschön gilt unseren Besuchern, Freunden und Werbepartnern, ohne die der Erfolg und das Wachstum der Webseite nicht möglich wäre. Ein herzlicher Dank auch all denjenigen, die uns an ihren Surferlebnissen teilhaben ließen. Danke für viele tolle und interessante Reports, viele schöne Bilder und spektakuläre Bildergalerien. Auch in diesem Jahr kamen wieder ein paar neue Webcams hinzu, eine an der Ostsee, genauer in Prerow. Ein toller Spot, herrlicher Sandstrand, oft Wind und kein Seegras. Eine weitere in den Bergen, in der Nähe des Spitzingsees, die auf den ersten Blick so gar nicht ins Portfolio passt. Interessant sind für uns hier vor allem die Wetterdaten der Station. Wer sich, so wie wir auch,  ein wenig mit künstlicher Intelligenz und Wettermodellen beschäftigt, kann sich vielleicht auch vorstellen was wir vorhaben. Eine weitere Webcam wird noch in den nächsten Tagen online gehen, sehr weit weg, türkises Wasser, Wellen und Wind – lasst Euch überraschen! Bald beginnt wieder ein neues Jahr, für alle die, die es bislang noch nicht getan haben, die Gelegenheit in der neuen Saison all ihre Surfsessions bei uns zu posten. Du kannst Deine eigenen Sessions aufzeichnen und wirklich sehr detailliert auswerten, so dass Du weißt, wie viele Stunden Du mit welchem Board / Segel, an welchem Spot, auf dem Wasser verbracht hast. Und an allen Spots an denen wir eine Webcam mit Wetterstation betreiben, werden bei jedem Report die Windmesswerte und ein Webcambild gespeichert – eine schöne Erinnerung an Deine Session. Zudem kannst Du unbegrenzt eigene Bilder hochladen und eigene Bildergalerien erstellen. Sei dabei!

Neue Webcam!

07 02.2020
Anfang Februar geht wieder eine neue HiRes Webcam in Betrieb.
Ab sofort gibt es täglich Bilder und Wetterdaten auch von der zweiten, seit Dezember 2018 bestehenden Boa Vista - Bahia Planet Allsports Wasserstation auf den Kapverden. Die beiden Planet Allsports Stationen – und somit auch unsere beiden Webcams auf Boa Vista - sind nur wenige Minuten am Strand entlang entfernt voneinander. Zwischen beiden Stationen liegen ideale  Surf und SUP Wave Spots, hier finden übrigens auch SUP-Wellen- und Surf-Kurse statt, zudem ist es der perfekte Ort für eine wunderschöne Sundowner-Session mit dem SUP- oder Surfboard. Klickt gleich mal rein: Webcam Boa Vista Bahia

Neue Webcam!

07 02.2020
Anfang Februar geht wieder eine neue HiRes Webcam in Betrieb.
Ab sofort gibt es täglich Bilder und Wetterdaten auch von der zweiten, seit Dezember 2018 bestehenden Boa Vista - Bahia Planet Allsports Wasserstation auf den Kapverden. Die beiden Planet Allsports Stationen – und somit auch unsere beiden Webcams auf Boa Vista - sind nur wenige Minuten am Strand entlang entfernt voneinander. Zwischen beiden Stationen liegen ideale  Surf und SUP Wave Spots, hier finden übrigens auch SUP-Wellen- und Surf-Kurse statt, zudem ist es der perfekte Ort für eine wunderschöne Sundowner-Session mit dem SUP- oder Surfboard. Klickt gleich mal rein: Webcam Boa Vista Bahia

Weihnachtsspecial – 50% off!

04 12.2019
Bis zum 24.12 läuft im Starboard-Proshop ein Weihnachtsspecial – es gibt satte 50% Discount auf alle Artikel!
„Das Jahr neigt sich langsam aber sicher dem Ende entgegen und die “stressige Vorweihnachtszeit” beginnt. Wir wollen euch diese ein wenig erleichtern und hoffen ihr findet in unserem das ein oder andere passende Weihnachtsgeschenk. Mit dem Gutscheincode “Advent” könnt ihr bis zum 24.12 50% sparen. Unser Weihnachtsspecial gilt ab einem Warenwert von 50 Euro und ist für alle Artikel gültig. Von Boardshorts über Lycras, T-Shirts, Hoodies bis zu Rucksäcken und (Reise)Taschen erstreckt sich das “Starboard Apparel” Angebot. Auch Accessories und “Fanartikel” wie Fahnen, Banner oder Aufkleber sind im Starboard Proshop erhältlich. Auch SEVERNE Fans kommen voll auf ihre Kosten und können sich die neue Brandwear jetzt mit extra Rabatt sichern. “


27 11.2019
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Bureau Vallée Dream Cup Tag 6

24 11.2019
Delphine Cousin Questel & Pierre Mortefon werden nach einem intensiven Finaltag Slalom-PWA-Weltmeister 2019.
Der Finaltag beim Bureau Vallée Dream Cup 2019 erwies sich als ein unvergesslicher Tag, an dem Neukaledonien einen weiteren Tag im Weltklasse-Rennsport erlebte. Im Laufe des Tages gab es mehrere dramatische Wendungen, bei denen das Herren-Titelrennen bis zur endgültigen Elimination der Veranstaltung ging - so knapp war der Abstand zwischen Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) und Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne) - während Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) die von ihr benötigten Top 3 Ergebnisse erzielte! Women’s Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) saved her best performance of the week until last to deservedly clinch her 4th world title ahead of Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone). The 28-year-old started the day in third place, but after winning both of the opening eliminations Cousin Questel already had the world title wrapped up with a race to spare after Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) finished 8th in Elimination 10. Cousin Questel had a bit of a turbulent week by her usual standards, but still won 5 out of the 11 eliminations completed over the last 6 days to be crowned the 2019 Women’s PWA Slalom World Champion. Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) did everything she possibly could to deny Cousin Questel the title by winning the final event of the year, but even that wasn’t enough in the end. However, the 27-year-old can still be delighted with her performance this week which earns her her first victory on the world tour, while she also finishes the season as the vice-world champion, which is her best result to date! Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins) completes the event podium, but finishes just 0.2 of a point behind Cousin Questel despite winning the final elimination of the week. With Erdil slipping to third in the event rankings that means that she just misses out of the overall podium as Maëlle Guilbaud finishes in the overall top 3 for the first time in her career - after finishing 4th for the event, Meanwhile, Lilou Granier (Starboard / Phantom Sails) finishes 5th for both the event and in the overalls, which means the 19-year-old finishes the season as the 2019 Youth’s PWA Slalom World Champion. Men’s You couldn’t have written the script for how the Men’s world title race would unfold between Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) and Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne) as the battle took several dramatic twists and turns.  Iachino started the day with a 2.7 point advantage, but he soon saw that lead evaporate into a 5.7 point deficit after the completion of Elimination 9. The Italian looked to have made an excellent start to the first semifinal, but he soon lost speed on the opening reach and rapidly dropped back through the pack after unbelievably hitting a sea snake. Iachino tried to stage a come back but just missed out in 5th place.  On several occasions yesterday, Mortefon had failed to make Iachino pay for his mistakes, and while this was misfortune rather than a mistake on Iachino’s part, Mortefon rubbed salt into the world by clinching his second bullet of the week to take the world title lead! With a little bit of breathing room at the top of the event rankings, it looked as though Mortefon may have the title race under control, but that soon all changed as the 30-year-old was eliminated from Elimination 10 in the semifinals, which gave Iachino a glimmer of hope to get his own title bid back on track having already qualified for the Winners’ Final. Iachino would go on to finish second behind - Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails) - who won his first race of the season - while Iachino closed to within just 2.7 points of Mortefon - to ensure that the race to be crowned the 2019 World Champion would go down to the wire. With both men successfully negotiating their way into the final of Elimination 11 the stakes couldn’t have been higher. For Iachino to snatch the title he would need to finish at least 3 places ahead of Mortefon, while Mortefon knew finishing within two places or better would guarantee him a first world title. Heading down the opening reach it looked as though Iachino was better positioned, but Mortefon would come round the first buoy and cover Iachino. The Frenchman accelerated away much quicker, while Iachino went backwards, which was another defining moment in the title race. Mortefon kept his calm over the remainder of the course and crossed the finish line ahead of Iachino to leave the result in no doubt and after so many years of being second or third in the world, the 30-year-old finally has his hands on the most coveted prize! This loss will hurt Iachino having come so close to his second world title, but you can guarantee he'll be back even stronger next season and with a bit of time he can still be hugely proud of his efforts this year as he finishes the season as the vice-world champion. Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) finished 3rd in the opening race of the day, but then lost his 100% Winners Final record as he missed out on the top 8 in the last two races. Albeau still completes the event and overall podium to cap another excellent year on the world tour. Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) enjoyed a simply amazing final day with the Croat qualifying for all 3 Winners’ Finals today where he recorded a 5th, a 3rd and a 2nd to cap a fantastic week. The 28-year-old gains one place from the overnight rankings to finish in a 4th place - which is a personal best! Marotti relegated Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) to 5th place for the event, but the Pole signed off the week in the best possible fashion by winning his second race on the world tour, which sees him ranked 7th in the overalls. The event top 10 is completed by Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) - 6th - Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails) - 7th - Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails) - 8th - Julien Quentel (Patrik / GUNSAILS) - 9th - and local boy Basile Jacquin (I-99 / Point-7), who also wins the Youth’s PWA Slalom World title for the second consecutive year. We’ll take a full look at the overall rankings for the year in the event summary next week. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from New Caledonia — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Overall Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Women’s Slalom 1st Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA | Starboard / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
3rd Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA | Patrik / Loftsails)
4th Lena Erdil (TUR | Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
5th Lilou Granier (NC | Starboard / Phantom Sails)
Result 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
2nd Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA | Starboard / S2Maui)
3rd Lena Erdil (TUR | Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
4th Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA | Patrik / Loftsails)
5th Lilou Granier (NC | Starboard / Phantom Sails)
Overall Ranking 2019 PWA World Tour - Men’s Slalom 1st Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins)
2nd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne)
3rd Antoine Albeau (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Julien Quentel (SXM | Patrik / GUNSAILS)
6th Ross Williams (GBR | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
8th Tristan Algret (GPE | Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins)
9th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Marco Lang (AUT | Fanatic / Duotone)
Result 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins)
2nd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne)
3rd Antoine Albeau (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
6th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Ethan Westera (ARU | Tabou / GA Sails)
8th Ross Williams (GBR | Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Julien Quentel (SXM | Patrik / GUNSAILS) 
10th Basile Jacquin (FRA | I-99 / Point-7)

Bureau Vallée Dream Cup Tag 5

22 11.2019
Der Tag der Weltmeister steht vor der Tür, das Titelrennen ist auf dem Weg zum Finale.
Gestern dominierten zwei Namen den Event, nachdem Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) und Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne) alle 6 Rennen gewonnen hatten die sie absolvierten, aber mehrere andere Racer stahlen am vorletzten Tag des Bureau Vallée Dream Cup 2019 ein Stück vom Kuchen, wobei es heute 5 verschiedene Gewinner aus den 6 abgeschlossenen Eliminationen gab. Das mag ein Ergebnis der starken Winde und der schwierigen Wasserverhältnisse gewesen sein - mit Chop und einer starken Dünung, die die Dinge gefährlich macht - oder vielleicht unterstreicht es auch nur den unglaublich hohen Level auf der Tour mit so vielen Fahrern, die in der Lage sind, eine Elimination zu gewinnen.  Women’s Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) started the day with a much needed return to form, which saw the 28-year-old quickly rack up back-to-back bullets to steady the ship after a poor day, by her standards, yesterday.  After winning both of the opening races, Cousin Questel put herself firmly in control of the title race as those victories saw her rise to second place in the event rankings - when she only requires a top 3 finish to guarantee herself world title No.4. However, a premature start in the last race of the day means that she drops back to 3rd place and now only has a 1.9 point cushion over Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) in 4th, who luckily for Cousin Questel, was also disqualified from the 8th Winners’ Final. Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) started the day as the event leader, and at the close of play today the 27-year-old has now built an almost unassailable 14.5 point lead heading into the final day after signing off with her 5th bullet of the week in Elimination 8. In terms of the title race, fate still remains in Cousin Questel’s hands, but the final day promises to be filled with tension for both Mortefon and Cousin Questel. Mortefon has done everything she can up to this point and will face an agonising wait to see whether Cousin Questel can successfully defend her place on the podium or whether Guilbaud can overtake her and hand a maiden world title to Mortefon. Despite missing out on one Winners’ Final today, Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins), has still improved her position from overnight. The Turk started the day with a 3 point advantage over Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails), but ends it with a 4 point cushion after finishing second and third in the other two eliminations. Erdil remains second in the event rankings, while Guilbaud drops one place to 4th, so Erdil remains on course to claim the final place on the overall podium. Men’s What a Difference A Day Can Make Yesterday Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne) couldn’t put a foot wrong with the Italian winning all three eliminations, but today was a different story with the world title contender missing out on both of the opening winners’ finals, which opened the door for Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) to potentially steal control of the title race… However, luckily for Iachino, Mortefon was unable to land a hammer blow in either of those finals with the Frenchman finishing 5th in both Elimination 6 and 7. That may yet come back to haunt Mortefon as when he had an opportunity to go for the kill and seize initiative of the title race he effectively let Iachino off the hook rather than punishing him for his mistakes. After the completion of Elimination 7, and the second discard coming into play, there was just 0.4 of a point separating the two title contenders, which created a tense end to the day with Elimination 8 deciding who would lead the title race heading into the all important final day. In the end, it is Iachino who will start Day 6 with a 2.7 point advantage after finishing second behind Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde), while Mortefon again only finished 5th. Mortefon held 4th for much of the race but was just pipped by Bruno Martini (I-99 / Challenger Sails) in the closing staged, which could yet prove pivotal in deciding the title. So, after a disastrous start to the day, Iachino walks away at the top of the event rankings, while Mortefon falls one place to third - tied on 18.7 points with Albeau. With so little between Iachino and Mortefon, the title could still go either way and it is likely that whoever holds their nerve better will be crowned the 2019 Men’s PWA Slalom World Champion. Albeau maintains his remarkable record of qualifying for every Winners’ Final this week, but after firing so many blanks in the final, AA finally notched up the bullet he has been searching for in Elimination 8. Albeau may be out of the running for the world title, but that victory puts him firmly in contention for the event title heading into the final day.  Elsewhere, Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails), who earned his best ever finish in an elimination - second - earlier in the week, went one better today as the Aruban led from start to finish to earn his first bullet on the world tour in Elimination 7, which sees the 22-year-old climb one spot to 6th. Having won his first elimination on the world tour earlier this year in Denmark, something seems to have clicked for Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) with the Croat claiming his second bullet of the week (and 3rd overall) in Elimination 6. Marotti pulled off some unbelievable comebacks - showing an unbelievable turn of pace to reel in his rivals when it looked like he had virtually no chance to do so. Marotti climbs 4 places from the overnight rankings - 9th to 5th - and is on course to record his best result on the world tour. Like Iachino, Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) endured a torrid start to the day, which threatened to undo all of his hard work from earlier in the event. However, the Pole was able to steady the ship with an excellent 3rd in Elimination 8 to finish the day in 4th place. The podium now looks out of his reach as he trails Albeau and Mortefon by 9.3 points, but there is all still to play for, for Rutkowski with a place in the overall top 10 at stake.  Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) falls two places to 7th, while Julien Quentel (Patrik / GUNSAILS) remains in 8th. Quentel was unlucky in Elimination 7 as he broke his fin as he crossed the start line when in the Winners' Final. Bruno Martin enjoyed a superb day with the Italian recording two 4th places and a 10th from the 3 eliminations completed today, which sees him break into the top 10 for the first time this week - 9th.  The top 10 is currently completed by Marco Lang (Fanatic / Duotone), who slips 4 places from the overnight rankings, but there are a bunch of sailors behind him who can still challenge for the event top 10 tomorrow. The trade winds are expected to be slightly lighter tomorrow, but it should still be plenty windy enough for a full day of racing and the world title contenders will need to gear up for another gruelling day with the plan being to try and complete 3 more eliminations, which means there’s still plenty of time for the world title battles to change. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 9am (GMT+11) on Saturday morning with the racing commencing from 10am onwards. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from New Caledonia — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Women’s Slalom
*After 8 Eliminations
1st Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
2nd Lena Erdil (TUR | Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
3rd Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA | Starboard / S2Maui)
4th Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA | Patrik / Loftsails)
5th Lilou Granier (NC | Starboard / Phantom Sails)
Current Ranking 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Men’s Slalom
*After 8 Eliminations
1st Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne)
2nd Antoine Albeau (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
3rd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins)
4th Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
5th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Ethan Westera (ARU | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
8th Julien Quentel (SXM | Patrik / GUNSAILS)
9th Bruno Martini (ITA | I-99 / Challenger Sails)
10th Marco Lang (AUT | Fanatic / Duotone)

Luderitz Speed Challenge

19 11.2019
17. November - was für ein Tag...... mit Böen von bis zu 65 Knoten Wind, einem fast neuen Weltrekord und fünf nationalen Rekorden, schreibt dieser Tag Speed-Geschichte bei der Luderitz Speed Challenge.
Vinvent Valkenaers (JP/NeilPryde) verpasst den Weltrekord nur um einen Wimpernschlag  und setzt seinen nationalen belgischen Rekord auf 53,25 kt hoch. Twan Verseput übernimmt den niederländischen Rekord mit 52,49 kt und Gunnar Asmussen verbessert seinen deutschen Geschwindigkeitsrekord mit einem 52,26 Knoten Lauf. Trotz der Verbesserung des deutschen Rekords strebte Gunnar Asmussen (Starboard/Severne) den Weltrekord an. Gunnar über den spektakulären Tag: "Kein guter Tag für mich. Der Wind war manchmal gut, aber man musste Glück haben, um eine starke Böe den ganzen Kanal hinunter zu bekommen. Ich beendete den Tag mit einem massiven Crash, bei dem ich meine gesamte Ausrüstung mit fast 100kmh zerstörte. Ich habe mir dabei auch meinen Fuß verdreht, was für mich ein paar freie Tage bedeutete, aber ich werde für den nächsten Big Day wieder fit sein." Twan Verseput fährt einen neuen holländischen Rekord mit einem 52,49 Knoten Lauf. Twan: "Der Sonntag begann bereits mit viel Wind und gegen 14 Uhr legte er mit Böen von 60/65 kn nochmal zu. Obwohl es super windig war, war der Winkel für ca. 20 Minuten optimal für gute Geschwindigkeiten. In diesem Zeitfenster wurden alle der schnellsten Geschwindigkeiten des Tages gefahren. Ich benutzte ein 5,2er SeverneMach3 Speed mit einem 40cm AV-Speedboard und einer 19cm Finne. Auch der spanische Fahrer Pep Bonet gehörte zu den Jungs, die einen neuen nationalen Rekord auf den neuen Severne Mach3 Speed Segeln aufstellten. Pep verbessert den spanischen Rekord mit einem 50,88 Knoten Lauf. Auch Andy Laufer war auf Rekordjagd hatte aber am „Big Sunday“ Pech. Andy fuhr mit seinem 5.2er, wurde von Lauf zu Lauf schneller, stürzte dann aber in der Auslaufzone in sein Segel  und hat es dabei zerrissen. Da Andy nur ein 5.2er Segel dabei hatte, musste er danach mit seinem 5.6er an den Start gehen, kam damit aber nicht mehr an die Topzeiten heran. Taty Frans hatte ein phänomenales Debüt und erreichte 48,58 kt an seinem ersten Tag in Luderitz was auch gleichbedeutend mit dem Bonaire Speed Rekord ist. Die Norwegerin Miriam Rasmussen verbesserte den norwegischen Speed Rekord auf 43,26 Knoten. Die Schweizerin Heidi Ulrich ist ebenfalls auf der Jagd nach dem Weltrekord und mit 46,1 Knoten nur noch 0,39 Knoten vom aktuellen Weltrekord von Zara Davis (46,49 Knoten) entfernt. Alle erreichten Zeiten müssen noch durch die ISAF/World Sailing Speed Record Council ratifiziert werden. Die Luderitz Speed Challenge läuft noch bis zum 1. Dezember 2019. Alle Teilnehmer warten gespannt auf weitere Nuking Days, um eine weitere Chance zu haben, den bestehenden Weltrekord in Angriff zu nehmen. Hier geht’s zum Live-Timing der LSC 2019.

Bureau Vallée Dream Cup Tag 4

21 11.2019
Matteo Iachino & Marion Mortefon dominieren alle Rennen des Tages.
Nachdem die Passatwinde am vierten Tag des Bureau Vallée Dream Cup mit großem Elan zurückgekehrt waren, ging das Racing heute in eine andere Dimension: 20-30 Knoten Wind und tückisches Kabbelwasser sorgten für einen aufregenden Wettkampftag. Am Ende des Tages haben zwei Namen die Schlagzeilen erobert - Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) und Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne) - wobei beide alle 3 Eliminations gewonnen haben, die heute abgeschlossen wurden! Women’s Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) enjoyed her best day to date on the world tour as the 27-year-old produced a devastating performance on day 4 to win all 3 eliminations completed today, which means she has now won the last 4 races and currently holds a perfect record after discarding a second place from the opening race. Mortefon now has a stranglehold over the event with a 7.7 point lead over her next closest challenger Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins), while more importantly, if things were to remain as they are at the moment she would also pip - Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) - to the 2019 Women’s PWA World Championship. Title Race While Mortefon is doing everything in her power to deny Cousin Questel, the fact remains that fate remains out of her hands, and in Cousin Questel’s. At the moment, the reigning world champion finds herself in 4th place, which is just one place short of the top 3 finish she requires to guarantee herself a 4th world title. The 28-year-old trails third place - Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) - by just 2.7 points, but there is plenty of cause for concern in the Cousin Questel camp as she just simply doesn’t look her normal clinical self. The 3-time world champion has won the previous 3 editions of this event but looks to be struggling with a 2nd, a 5th and an 8th today. The title is still well within her grasp, but she now can’t afford any more mistakes.  Battle For The Overall Podium Lena Erdil enjoyed another solid day of racing as the Turk recorded two second places and a third, which means she has not finished outside the top 3 yet in the opening 5 eliminations. Crucially for Erdil, her performance today sees her leapfrog - Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) - into second place. The two women are involved in a separate battle of their own for the last place on the prestigious overall podium and as things stand Erdil would finish 3rd overall. Erdil currently holds a 3 point advantage over Guilbaud heading into the final two days of the event.  Men’s Yesterday, Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne) made a solid, if unspectacular start to the event, but after laying the framework on Day 3, the Italian clicked into top gear today to blow away the rest of the competition with 3 decisive bullets, which sees him establish himself not only as the event leader, but also as the favourite for the 2019 world title. Iachino’s hat-trick here should not be underestimated as the last time he achieved such a feat was in Sylt in 2016, while the man to do it most recently was Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) in Fuerteventura last year. Iachino still only holds a 3.6 point advantage over his main title contender - Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins) - but he showed his ruthless killer instinct today, while also displaying a humble confidence, which makes him such a formidable competitor and hard man to bet against. However, the title race is still far from over with Mortefon hauling himself back into contention after that disastrous start yesterday. The Frenchman is the biggest mover of the day, after recording 1 second and two 3rds, which seems him gain 23 spots from 25th to second and with two full days of racing to go there is still all to play for with the title race now firmly lit! Two Horse Race? With the two favourites for the world title - Iachino and Mortefon - set to go head-to-head over the coming days, it looks as though Antoine Albeau’s hopes of claiming a 26th world title are almost over. The reigning world champion now trails Iachino by 14.9 points, which realistically, would require a monumental meltdown by both Iachino and Mortefon to allow Albeau back into the picture as both men would need to finish outside the top 5 to give Albeau any hope. Albeau, still remains 4th in the event rankings and is the only sailor who can still boast a 100% winners’ final record this week, but he has uncharacteristically faltered in the finals. A position he is usually so clinical in - last year once qualifying for the final Albeau had a win rate of 68.75% - so for him not to have one of the 5 finals here is quite something. Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) started the day as the event leader and despite another solid day, the Pole slips two places to third. The 27-year-old missed out on the winners’ final of Elimination 3 after being disqualified from the semifinals for a premature start. However, he bounced back strongly by qualifying for the next two winners’ finals - recording a second and a 5th - which leaves him in a solid third place as he aims to earn consecutive podiums on the world tour.  Elsewhere, Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) falls two places to 5th, while his teammate Marco Lang (Fanatic / Duotone) gains 8 places, which sees the Austrian rise into 6th place. Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails) slips one place to 6th. Local boy - Damien Cervera (Starboard / Severne) - enjoyed an incredible day with the 21-year-old producing an inspired display at his home event. Cervera breaks into the top 10 - 8th - after qualifying for all 3 winners’ finals today - finishing 4th, 6th and 8th. The top 10 is currently completed by Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) and Julien Quentel (Patrik / GUNSAILS) - 9th and 10th respectively. The two sailors were involved in an altercation after Elimination 5 - which could yet see Quentel disciplined. Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails), Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins) and Antoine Questel (I-99 / S2Maui) all drop out of the current top 10. With another excellent forecast to come for Friday - with 18-22 knot south-easterly winds predicted and clearer skies - there should be another exciting day of racing ahead. The sailors will meet again at 9am tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting with the racing commencing from 10am (GMT+11) onwards. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from New Caledonia — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Women’s Slalom
*After 5 Eliminations
1st Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
2nd Lena Erdil (TUR | Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
3rd Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA | Patrik / Loftsails)
4th Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA | Starboard / S2Maui)
5th Lilou Granier (NC | Starboard / Phantom Sails)
Current Ranking 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Men’s Slalom
*After 5 Eliminations
1st Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne)
2nd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins)
3rd Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
4th Antoine Albeau (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
6th Marco Lang (AUT | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Ethan Westera (ARU | Tabou / GA Sails)
8th Damien Cervera (FRA | Starboard / Severne)
9th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Julien Quentel (SXM | Patrik / GUNSAILS)

Bureau Vallée Dream Cup

20 11.2019
Neukaledonien – Tag 3: Maciek Rutkowski & Marion Mortefon setzen eine frühe Pace. Zwei Eliminationen wurden am dritten Tag gefahren, beide mit jeder Menge Spannung.
Nach einer ruhigen Eröffnung und zwei ruhigen Tagen des Bureau Vallée Dream Cup 2019 – kam der Wind am dritten Tag endlich auf Touren, so dass die ersten paar Eliminations der Woche sowohl in der Männer- als auch in der Frauenfleet abgeschlossen werden konnten. In den 5 Stunden des Rennens gab es viele Diskussionsansätze mit viel Dramatik und Aufregung auf der Rennstrecke...... Women’s After claiming a convincing victory in the opening race of the week it looked as though reigning world champion and current world tour leader - Delphine Cousin Questel (Starboard / S2Maui) - may threaten to put the title race to bed on the first day of racing, whilst also quashing any injury concerns. However, that all changed in the second elimination as the 3-time world champion crashed out in the semifinal - where the top 4 sailors from 6 advance. That surprise early exit sees Cousin Questel drop to 5th in the event rankings, while also raising question marks about her foot injury - especially given the water is likely to be even choppier over the coming days which will make gybing even trickier. Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone), who is the only woman who can stop Cousin Questel, enjoyed a near perfect day. The 27-year-old chased home Cousin Questel in the opener before securing a bullet in the next to take full advantage of Cousin Questel’s mistakes. Mortefon holds a 3.3 point lead at the close of play and is currently doing everything in her power to deny Cousin Questel. Maëlle Guilbaud (Patrik / Loftsails) and Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins) are currently Mortefon’s closest challengers with both women on 6 points. Crucially though, for Guilbaud at least, she is ahead on countback after securing second place in Elimination II, which keeps her ahead in the race for the final place on the podium.  Meanwhile, local girl - Lilou Granier (Starboard / Phantom Sails) - completes the current top 5 in 4th place after recording a 6th and a 4th place in today’s races.  Men’s Title Race Pierre Mortefon’s title bid couldn’t have gotten off to a worse start as he was disqualified from the opening elimination for a dangerous sailing incident with Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails), which saw Mortefon t-bone Williams at the final mark of the first semifinal - with Mortefon desperately trying to avoid being eliminated in 5th place. However, that moment of desperation led to his disqualification - with Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) and Williams - having words with the Frenchman, who quickly apologised to the Brit.  After a disastrous start, Mortefon dug deep in the second elimination to claim a crucial bullet, which could yet prove decisive in deciding this year’s title race. That victory leaves Mortefon ranked 25th at the end of the opening day of racing, and while there aren’t any more room errors - he has at least taken a big step towards putting himself back in the picture. Mortefon punched the air several times after crossing-the-line, clearly knowing the potential importance of that bullet. Luckily, for Mortefon, his main rival - Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne) - couldn’t inflict maximum damage upon him with the Italian also missing out on the opening winners’ final as both title contenders faltered early on. However, Iachino steadied the ship in Elimination II with a solid third place, which leaves him 4th in the overalls - just 4 points off the top - and more importantly in control of the title race at this stage. The only other man who can win the world title - Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) - ends the day ranked second after qualifying for both Winners’ Finals -  finishing 5th in each. The reigning world champion will have taken great interest in the early couple of wobbles by his rivals and will be waiting in the wings to strike if the opportunity arises.  Away from the title race, Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails), who earned his first podium on the world tour in Denmark in September, leads the event at the close of play. The Pole has gone from strength-to-strength so far this season and an excellent second and a 6th today gives him a great platform to build upon for the remainder of the event. Before Fuerteventura - Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) - was struck down by a bug / food poisoning and that had serious knock-on effects. In Fuerteventura he still managed to finish 7th, but in Denmark he produced nothing like the sort of performance we have come to expect from him in the last season or two - finishing in a lowly 22nd - so the flying Dutchman will be delighted to have bounced back here with a 3rd and an 8th place today - 3rd for the event. Vonk is just 3 points off the top after the opening two races and looks to be back to full fitness. Ross Williams would’ve qualified for both Winners’ Finals but for that incident with Mortefon, but the Brit still finds himself ranked 5th after finishing second in the Losers’ Final of Elimination 1 and 4th in Elimination 2. Just behind Williams is his teammate - Ethan Westera (Tabou / GA Sails) - who after finishing 13th in the opener went on to record his best result in an elimination - 6th. The Aruban is still in with a chance of breaking into the overall top 10 and if he can sustain the level of performance he showed today, he may well do just that. The top 10 at this stage is completed by Tristan Algret (Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins), Julien Quentel (Patrik / GUNSAILS), Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde), who earned his second bullet on the tour in the opener, before being eliminated in the quarterfinals of the next to drop from first to 9th and Antoine Questel (I-99 / S2Maui). The forecast for tomorrow looks even better than today, so there should be plenty more racing to come on Thursday. The skippers' meeting has been called for 9am (GMT+11) with the racing commencing from 10am onwards. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from New Caledonia — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
2nd Maëlle Guilbaud (FRA | Patrik / Loftsails)
3rd Lena Erdil (TUR | Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins)
4th Lilou Granier (NC | Starboard / Phantom Sails)
5th Delphine Cousin Questel (FRA | Starboard / S2Maui)
Current Ranking 2019 Bureau Vallée Dream Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
2nd Antoine Albeau (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
3rd Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne)
5th Ross Williams (GBR | Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Ethan Westera (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Tristan Algret (GPE | Starboard / Severne / Chopper Fins)
8th Julien Quentel (SXM | Patrik / GUNSAILS)
9th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Antoine Questel (FRA | I-99 / S2Maui)

Deutscher Speedrekord

08 11.2019
Anne Schindler fährt in Namibia zu neuem nationalen Rekord.
Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Lüderitz Speed Challenge hat Anne Schindler auf dem Speedkanal in Namibia mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 42,81 Knoten über die 500m Distanz einen neuen deutschen Damenrekord* im Speedwindsurfen aufgestellt. Anne lebt seit mehreren Jahren auf Gran Canaria und kommt urspünglich aus Berlin.  Für ihre Rekordfahrt nutzte Anne ein 38cm breites AV Board und ein 5.5er Severne Mach3 Speed. Der Rekord muss noch vom WSSRC (World Sailing Speed Record Council) ratifiziert werden.  Bisherige Rekordhalterin über die 500m Distanz war Birgit Höfer die im Juni diesen Jahres während des ebenfalls vom WSSRC sanktionierten Prince of Speed Wettbewerbs in Frankreich eine Geschwindigkeit von 38,03 Knoten erreicht hatte. *subject to official ratification by the ISAF/World Sailing Speed Record Council