Warschau PWA Indoor

07 09.2014
Neue Champions im Indoor Bereich
Nachdem am ersten Wettkampftag im Nationalstadion von Warschau bereits der Grundstein für das große Finale gelegt wurde und alle 3 Disziplinen bis zum Halbfinale ausgefahren wurden stieg gestern, pünktlich zur Prime Time, mit mehr Zuschauern als am Freitag das große Finale. Neue Indoor Champions im Freestyle, Slalom und Jump wurden gesucht. Zuerst waren die Freestyler an der Reihe. Nico Akgazciyan bestätigte seine Indoor Performance von Tag 1 und siegte mit Switch Chachoo und Shaka 360 vor Taty Frans und Rafa de Windt. Der Österreicher Max Matissek muss sich in einem extrem knappen Ranking mit dem undankbaren 4. Platz begnügen – wir hätten auch ihm einen Platz auf dem Treppchen mehr als gegönnt! Bei den Mädels ging der Sieg nur über Sarah-Quita Offringa die mit One-Handed Spock und Double Flaka auch locker bei den Herren hätte mitfahren können. Slalom Viele scheinen vergessen zu haben dass Ben Proffitt mehr als nur ein PWA Kommentator ist. Der Brite fuhr bis ins Slalom Finale vor wo es zum ultimativen Duell mit Nico Akgazciyan kam, der kurz vorher im Freestyle gewonnen hatte. Ben behielt die Nerven und siegte im “Best of 3? mit 2:1. Matteo Iachino komplettiert das Treppchen – wenigstens ein waschechter Slalomfahrer zwischen Freestyler und Waver. Anders bei den Mädels, hier stand mit Lena Erdil eine Slalom Heizerin ganz oben und Local Zofia Klepacka ist zwar auf der PWA Worldtour nicht bekannt, fährt aber bei Olympia mit und kam mit den Indoor Bedingungen besser zurecht als Arrianne Aukes, die auch im Slalom – genau wie im Freestyle, auf dem Treppchen stand. Jump Thomas Traversa steht mit einem stylischen Table Top ganz oben. Der Franzose setzte sich gegen Ricardo Campello, der eine große Show abzog – aber auch einige Stürze in der Wertung hatte – durch. Bei den Mädels steht Amanda Beenen ganz oben. Warschau Local Justyna Sniady auf 2. Respekt an alle Mädels – egal welcher Platz – die Rampe hatte es wirklich in sich. Heute ging es bei der Red Bull Speed Challenge powered by Björn Dunkerbeck noch um den Geschwindigkeitsrekord. Jeweils 3 Versuche gab es für das Teilnehmerfeld die schnellste Zeit in den Pool zu setzen und am Ende war es Taty Frans der mit 45,7 km/h – fast 25 Knoten – ganz oben auf dem Treppchen stand. Nico Akgazciyan landet auf Rang 2 und bestätigte einmal mehr seine Indoor Qualitäten. Das wars aus Polen - Am 15. September startet mit “Cold Hawaii” eines der Lieblingsevents der Waver und wir freuen uns bereits auf Action aus Dänemark.

Warschau PWA Indoor - Tag 2

06 09.2014
Indoor Windsurfing feiert Comeback
Der Livestream des PWA Indoor Events in Warschau startete gestern Abend erst um 20:00 Uhr, doch bereits tagsüber war die Action im Nationalstadium, welches mit einem übergroßen Pool versehen wurde, in vollem Gange. Die “Trials” wurden ausgefahren und somit die letzten Fahrer für das Hauptevent gefunden. Die schnellste Slalom Zeit fuhr hier übrigens Ben Proffitt und bei den Freestylern qualifizierte sich Fahrer wie Dieter van der Eyken, Max Matissek oder Ricardo Campello für die Abendveranstaltung. Nicolas Akgazciyan zog gestern Abend die rießen Show ab. Der Franzose qualifizierte sich sowohl im Slalom als auch im Freestyle für die Halbfinals und kam wahrscheinlich gestern im Pool von Warschau am Besten zurecht. Außerdem sind Ben Proffitt und die Italiner Matteo Iachino sowie Andrea Rosati im Halbfinale während bei den Mädels Delphine Cousin, Lena Erdil, Arrianne Aukes und Zofia Klepacka am Schnellsten um die Tonnen surften. Im Freestyle sind neben Nico noch Taty Frans, Max Matissek sowie Rafael de Windt im Halbfinale während “Gollito” Estredo, Ricardo Campello und Steven van Broeckhoven das Weiterkommen leider verpassten. Das große Finale des Abends war der Sprungwertung vorbehalten. Hier zog Antoine Martin mit einem planing Backloop und 28 von 30 möglichen Punkten die größte Show ab doch auch Ricardo Campello ließ sich mit einem dicken Pushloop nicht lange bitten. Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails), Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde), Alex Mussolini (Tabou / GA Sails) und Jamie Hancock (Tabou) sind genauso heute Abend wieder am Start wie Andrea Rosati und Ben Proffitt, die genau wie im Slalom auch im “Jump” das Halbfinale schafften. Mehr Infos und Bilder findet ihr auf www.pwa-worldtour.com.

Warschau PWA Indoor WC

05 09.2014
Das Spektakel im Nationalstadion von Warschau startet heute Abend

Indoor ist zurück – nach über 8 Jahren feiert das Spektakel im Stadium von Warschau heute Abend sein Comeback – größer und besser als jemals zuvor. 58.000 Zuschauer passein in das “Nationalstadion”, 40.000 Tickets sind bereits verkauft und der gigantische Pool mit 90 Metern Länge sowie 33 Meter Breite steht bereits. Die Turbinen leisten Wind bis zu 70 km/h – also fast 38 Knoten. Für mehr als ausreichend Druck im “Speed Racing”, “Jumping” und “Freestyle” ist also gesorgt.

Heute Abend um 20:00 Uhr gehts los und natürlich gibts einen Livestream aus Warschau. Wir sagen euch Bescheid!  Bis dahin, checkt die Gallery und die Website der PWA Worldtour.


It’s back… After 8 years away this weekend sees the return of an Indoor PWA World Cup event and it promises to be bigger and better than ever, with Poland’s National Stadium in Warsaw playing host to the créme de la créme of the globes windsurfing talent between the 5th-7th September. 

The National Stadium is situated just under ten miles away from Warsaw Fredrick Chopin Airport and boasts a seating capacity of 58,000, as well as a state-of-the-art retractable roof. To transform the National Stadium into a windsurfers playground a gigantic pool has been installed, spanning 90 metres in length and 33 metres in width. Accompanied alongside the pool will be 34 enormous fans – the most ever used at an indoor event – capable of generating winds of up to 70 km/h – or almost 38 knots – which will be powering sailors into warp speed racing, radical jumping and explosive freestyle for what promises to be a spectacular show as indoor windsurfing prepares to return with a bang!


A total of sixteen men will be competing for the honour of being crowned the racing king of the pool, but first of all sixteen trialists will be competing against the clock for the remaining ten places in the main draw, which currently features Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde), Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne), Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North), Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North), Steve Allen (Starboard / Severne) and, last but not least, Taty Frans (Starboard / MauiSails / Mystic / MFC).

The main event will then see four of the fastest men in the world launching down the start ramp, in four separate heats, as they battle it out for the top two qualifying places, until only the top two remain. At this point the last two standing will compete in a thrilling, high octane, best out of three heats final – where the winner takes all. The women’s division will see reigning world champion - Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) – competing against the likes of Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360), Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic), Maria Andres (Patrik / Gun Sails / Mystic), Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Mystic) and Zofia Klepacka.

The slalom promises to be an exhilarating and nerve jangling affair with only just enough room for the sailors to manoeuvre between each other. Prepare for almost inseparable racing combined with, no doubt, several massive wipeouts.


Five-time PWA Freestyle World Champion – Jose ‘Gollito’ Estredo will line up alongside Davy Scheffers (Tabou / GA Sails), Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde), Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) and the legendary Frans brother’s – Tonky (Tabou / GA Sails) and Taty Frans – in the men’s main draw, whilst the fifteen trialists will be given three attempts on each tack to wow the judges with their biggest and most explosive moves in their effort to qualify for the main event.

Davy Scheffers (Tabou / GA Sails) sees the setup for the first time: “I’m a bit speechless to be honest.”

Max Rowe (Fanatic / North), who is the one the men aiming to make the main draw: “The stadium and pool looks sick, I just want to go out.”

Once into the main event the top sixteen will be given a further two runs on each tack, before the top four battle it out in the final, where the best two runs out of three will decide the overall champion.

Meanwhile, the women’s main draw will feature the undisputed queen of freestyle – Sarah-Quita Offringa – as well as Oda Johanne (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), sixteen year old Maaike Huvermann (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) and Arrianne Aukes (RRD / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins), who is returning to the competition scene after suffering an ankle injury just before the PWA Freestyle event in Fuerteventura added“My ankles not perfect and I only started sailing again last week, so I’m not doing all my moves like flakas and things, but I’m still super excited to be here.”


The final discipline will see some of the best jumpers in the world hurtling themselves towards a stunt ramp at full speed, before launching into a mind-blowing array of jumps as they lay everything on the line to go in search of victory.

Already in the main event for the men’s fleet are world beaters Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC), Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde), Dany Bruch(Starboard / Challenger / AL360), Boujmaa Guilloul (Starboard / Severne / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins), Alex Mussolini (Tabou / GA Sails), Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) and Poland’s very own Maciek Rutkowski (Patrik / Point-7), who said: “Maaan, I’m just over the moon an indoor event is happening at all! And to have it in my country in a 50k capacity stadium is a dream come true. And to be a part of it and compete in it? Are you kidding me?! I’m just waiting for somebody to kick me in the nuts and I’ll wake up! Unreal…“

Meanwhile the women’s fleet will see Sarah-Quita Offringa battling it out against Amanda Beenen (Tabou / GA Sails) and Justyna Sniady.

Amanda Beenen looks ahead to the start of the indoor:

“Like for many of the riders It’s the first indoor event for me. I have been really excited and a bit nervous about it for many days now! When I arrived in Poland everything already exceeded my expectations! From the moment we’ve been picked up it was clear that the event is very well organised. I’ve just visited the pool to take a look and man, it’s mind blowing! The stadium is enormous and really beautiful. It didn’t really help to settle my nerves as I am competing in the jump event and the ramp doesn’t look very easy haha! But I look forward to jumping into the pool in front of a few thousand people. We have the most awesome riders here and I hope we can all show the world how awesome windsurfing is!”

Today will see the main event officially begin at 8pm with super speed slalom followed by a freestyle frenzy, before mayhem is unleashed with the jump, which is expected to finish around 11pm. Don’t miss any of the mind-blowing action by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.com, where you’ll be able to follow the main event as it happens via the live stream and live ticker.


31 08.2014
Tag 6: Julien Quentel feiert ersten Eventsieg, Sarah-Quita Offringa gewinnt die heutige Elimination und auch den Event.
Es lag Spannung in der Luft am letzten Tag des 2014 Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA-Worldcups. Wird  Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) seine Führung gegenüber seinem Freund und Teamkameraden Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde), behaupten können? Alle Augen waren auf Antoine Albeau und Julien Quentel während der finalen Elimination gerichtet. Behält  Quentel die Nerven, um sich seinen ersten Titel zu holen? Der 28 Jährige fuhr in seinem ersten Heat souverän und sicherte sich die Qualifikation für das Viertelfinale mit einem zweiten Platz in Heat zwei. Dann allerdings patzte Quentel, ein schlechter Start in Heat neun kostete ihm die Qualifikation für das Halbfinale. Jetzt war es an Albeau zuzuschlagen, er benötigte Platz vier oder besser um Quentel den Eventsieg noch vor der Nase wegzunehmen.  Leider für den amtierenden Weltmeister, oder zum Glück für Quentel, je nachdem wie man es betrachtet, erlitt auch er das gleiche Schicksal wie er das aktuelle Eventleader –auch er verpasste in Heat zwölf das Halbfinale. Der Mann von Saint Maarten konnte vor Aufregung kaum zusehen, aber seine Sorgen verschwanden als ihm Micah Buzianis (JP / MauiSails) einen großen Gefallen tat, indem er Albeau nicht vorbei lies – Albeau wurde Fünfter. Quentel feierte seinen äußerst verdienten ersten Eventsieg, er gewann insgesamt zwei Eliminations und führ zudem vier dritte Plätze ein. Gefahren wurden heute nur eine Elimination, die verdient Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) gewann und seine gute Leistung während des Events damit nochmals unterstrich. Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) gewann erneut die heutigen Elimination und sichert sich den Gesamtsieg des diesjährigen Alacati Worldcups. Press release der PWA: Day 6: Julien Quentel celebrates maiden victory, while Sarah-Quita Offringa returns with a vengeance There was all to play for on the final day of the 2014 Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cup as Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) looked to defend his overnight lead against good friend Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde), who was hoping to rain on his parade. However, the man from Saint Maarten held his nerve to be crowned champion for the first time in his PWA career. With just the one race completed today, Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) claimed the final bullet of the week to cap a fine performance. Meanwhile, Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) added another first place to her scoresheet to secure an emphatic overall event victory. Men’s Elimination Nine / Winners’ Final Malte Reuscher (RRD / Challenger / AL360) made another perfect start to the winners’ final, but it was Arnon Dagan who entered the opening mark in pole position, after continuing to look extremely quick in the light winds, ahead of Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic), Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) and Reuscher. Over the remainder of the course Dagan opened up a substantial lead as the Israeli went onto claim his first victory of the week, which sees him finish fourth overall in Alacati. Meanwhile, the top four remained unchanged with Van Der Steen, second, Williams, third, and Reuscher fourth for the third consecutive race in a row. Title Battle All eyes were on Antoine Albeau and Julien Quentel during the final elimination of the week. The question was, could Quentel hold his nerve to clinch his maiden title? The twenty-eight year old dealt with the opening hurdle perfectly, safely qualifying for the quarterfinals by finishing second in heat two. However, Quentel failed to advance from heat nine with a poor start costing him dearly. This swung the title race on its head with Albeau now needing to finish fourth or better in the winners’ final to steal the crown from under Quentel’s nose. Unfortunately for the reigning world champion, or fortunately for Quentel depending on how you look at it, he suffered the same fate as the current event leader - also surprisingly falling short in heat twelve to miss out on the semifinals. The man from Saint Maarten could barely watch, but his worries soon disappeared as Micah Buzianis (JP / MauiSails) did him a huge favour by keeping Albeau shut out in fifth. With no more races to come Quentel was soon celebrating a hugely deserved maiden victory - which saw him qualify for all but one winners’ final, consisting of two bullets and four, third places as well.. Julien Quentel earns his first win on the PWA World Tour: “I’m really happy. I couldn’t watch the heat with Antoine because I was just like is he or isn’t he going to make the top four. But, thankfully it worked out for me. I’d like to thank the sponsors and everyone for joining us on the beach. Today is a great day for me, after a week of brilliant racing here in Alacati.” After narrowly missing out on the event title, the main thing for Albeau is that he returns to the top of the overall world rankings, after another fantastic display of sailing, which now makes him very hard to beat. Women’s Elimination Nine / Winners’ Final The final winners’ final of the week saw another flawless performance from Sarah-Quita Offringa, although it was Fujiko Onishi (Starboard / Loft) who made the best start, there was nothing the rest of the fleet could do to stop Offringa marching into first place by the opening gybe. As has happened so often this week, SQO proved uncatchable yet again as she took her seventh victory out of a possible nine ahead of Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) - who secured second place overall - Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Loft Sails), Fulya Unlu (Starboard / Severne) and Esther De Geus (99 NoveNove / Point-7). Sarah-Quita Offringa claims an emphatic victory: “Everything worked out this week. I don’t know what the secret was, the sails that I borrowed from Jordy (Vonk), a massive thanks to him, are really fast and I also had nothing to lose at this event. If I can keep the sails then I’m planning on competing in France and New Caledonia, and hopefully with the discard I’ll have a shot at the title. Thanks to everyone who turned up to watch and of course the sponsors. We had an amazing week in Alacati. Congratulations to Delphine and Lena for their podium finishes.” Another amazing week of racing in Alacati was concluded today, as the windsurfing Mecca of Turkey produced the goods once more, reiterating its status as one of the world class destinations in the world. Overall Results Men's Slalom Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cup: 1st Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 3rd Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) 4th Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) 5th Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 6th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) 7th Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) 8th Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic) 9th Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North) 10th Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) Overall Results Women's Slalom Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cup: 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) 2nd Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) 3rd Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) 4th Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 5th Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne)


31 08.2014
Tag 5: Alacati bietet erneut eine fantastische Bühne für spannende Wettkämpfe.
In Alacati gab es einen weiteren brillanten Renntag. Bereits fünf Tage in Folge bläst der Wind, gestern hatte es erneut Wind mit 10-22 Knoten. Somit wurden erneut zwei komplette Eliminations, sowohl bei den Herren als auch bei den Damen abgeschlossen. Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) gewann seine zweite Elimination dieser Woche. Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) hielt seine Hoffnung auf einen Gesamtsieg dieses Events mit dem Sieg der Elimination 8 am Leben. Derzeit trennen ihn lediglich zwei Punkte auf den Führenden Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) und somit auf den Gesamtsieg. - Bei den Frauen gewann Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) erneut eine Elimination, bevor Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) die Massen begeisterte, indem Sie sich gegen Ihre Konkurrentinnen behauptete und auch einen Elimination gewann. Am Sonntag ist der letzte Wettkampftag des diesjährigen PEGASUS AIRLINES ALACATI PWA WORLD CUP. Skippersmeeting ist um 11:00, frühester möglicher Start um 11:30. Verpasse keinesfalls den Finaltag diese spannenden Events! Klick auf www.pwaworldtour.com und sei via Live-Stream und Live-Ticker dabei. Press release PWA: Alacati produced another brilliant day of racing for the fifth consecutive day as winds of 10-22 knots arrived by just before 1pm - allowing a further two winners’ finals to be completed in both the men’s and women’s divisions. Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) claimed his second bullet of the week, before Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) kept his event title hopes alive with victory in race eight - meaning we a due to see a grandstand finish between him and Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) - with just two points currently separating them. In the women’s Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) added yet another bullet before Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) delighted the Turkish crowds by claiming her first elimination triumph since Aruba in 2011. Men’s Elimination Seven / Winners’ Final Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) made the perfect start to heat 16 as he crossed the line in first place, however the Dutchman’s lead didn’t last for long as Pascal Toselli rounded the first buoy in top spot. Behind the Frenchman at this point was Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) followed by Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) and Malte Reuscher (RRD / Challenger / AL360). From this point on Toselli continued to lead and was soon claiming his second victory of the week, whilst the top four remained unchanged. There was major drama in the opening semifinal as Antoine Albeau suffered a broken mast as he attempted to pump out of the second gybe, whilst holding a place in the top four. With the reining world champion out of contention this presented Julien Quentel with the opportunity to bring the event title within touching distance. However, it wasn’t plain sailing for Quentel as he had to battle his way back from sixth or seventh place at the opening mark to qualify for the winners’ final. The Frenchman remained calm and soon secured his place in the top four, before taking home third in heat sixteen to cement his place at the top of the rankings. Elimination Eight  / Winners’ Final The second final of the week was finally completed at the third attempt of asking. Pascal Toselli was extremely unlucky again as he saw another winners’ final cancelled whilst in the lead due to poor wind. The Frenchman’s misery was then further compounded as he crossed the start line early, together with Ludovic Jossin (Patrik / Loft Sails), to be disqualified. The third time around saw Malte Reuscher make the best start, but Israel’s Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) held the lead by the time the fleet approached the opening mark, followed by Antoine Albeau, Reuscher and Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North). Albeau soon stamped on the gas to blitz down the second straight where he overtook Dagan to move into the lead, and he didn’t look back from here as the big Frenchman claimed victory number two to keep himself in the event title hunt. Elsewhere, Arnon Dagan produced a brilliant gybe to dive down to the inside of Maciek Rutkowski (Patrik / Point-7) at the third to pinch the final qualifying place from heat twelve. Meanwhile, in Rutkowski’s previous heat - 8 - the Pole benefitted from a slice of luck as Ertugrul Icingir (Patrik / Point-7) inadvertently hooked in mid rig flip to go down at the final mark, allowing Rutkowski to claim fourth place. Heat 13 saw Pierre Mortefon, Ludovic Jossin, Julien Quentel and Antoine Questel (Starboard / Loft Sails) all qualify without having to sail after Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North), Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic), Taty Frans (Starboard / MauiSails / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) and Amado Vrieswijk (Starboard / Severne) all jumped the gun to be disqualified. Women’s   Elimination Seven / Winners' Final In the opening winners’ final Sarah-Quita Offringa made the best start and held her lead into the first mark. As so often this week, she was simply unbeatable and this is how it played out again today as she claimed victory number six out of seven. Reigning world champion - Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) - in the meantime had to settle for second place, closely followed by Lena Erdil, Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Loft Sails) and Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic). Elimination Eight / Winners’ Final The final winners’ final of the day saw a turn up for the books as the usually impeccable Sarah-Quita Offringa arrived extremely late for the start. In fact SQO was so late that she rounded the opening buoy in ninth place. However, at the front of the pack Ghibaudo led ahead of Lena Erdil, Fulya Unlu (Starboard / Severne) and Cagla Kubat. The 2012 world champion looked to have things sowed up, however Erdil was able to claw her French rival back in to move into the lead by the exit of the penultimate gybe. Soon Erdil was celebrating her first elimination victory since Aruba in 2011. This resulted in Ghibaudo finishing second, ahead of Unlu, third, Delphine Cousin, fourth and Offringa, who battled her way back fifth place. The skippers’ meeting for tomorrow morning has been called for 11am - with the action commencing from 11:30am. Don’t miss any of the exhilarating racing by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.com where you’ll be able to follow the amazing action as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker. Results After Elimination Eight Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 3rd Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) 4th Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 5th Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) 6th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) 7th Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic) 8th Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) 9th Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) 10th Matte Iachino (Fanatic / North) Results After Elimination Eight Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) 2nd Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) 3rd Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) 4th Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails) 5th Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne) 6th Fujiko Onishi (Starboard / Loft Sails)

Alacati PWA Worldcup - Tag 5

31 08.2014
Einmal mehr 2 Eliminations für Damen und Herren
Einmal mehr brilliante Slalom Bedigungen am 5. Wettkampftag in Alacati – und dass obwohl die Vorhersage garnicht so gut aussah. Doch 10 – 22 Knoten Wind erlaubten 2 weitere komplette Eliminations (und somit ein weiteres Streichergebnis) sowohl für die Damen als auch für die Herren. Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) holte sich seinen zweiten Eliminations Sieg der Woche während Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) , nach einem Mastabruch in Elimination 7,  seine Hoffnungen auf den Eventsieg dank der gewonnenen 8. Elimination aufrecht erhalten kann. Bei den Mädels siegte Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard/Mystic) bevor Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) die letzte Elimination des Tages für sich entscheiden konnte und somit seit Aruba 2011 wieder eine Wettfahrt im Slalom gewinnen konnte. Der einzige deutsche Starter Sebastian Kördel liegt übrigens auf Rang 21 und zeigt guten Speed. Auch im “Losers Final” war er schon anzutreffen – wurde dann aber nach einem perfekten Start an der Halsentonne von Gonzalo Costa Hoevel abgeräumt. Heute steigt das große Finale und dass solltet ihr euch nicht entgehen lassen. Ab in den Livestream – bei den Herren wirds zwischen Antoine Albeau und Julien Quentel so richtig spannend. Mehr Infos sowie alle Bilder von John Carter findet ihr auf www.pwa-worldtour.com


29 08.2014
Tag 4: Alacati lieferte die optimalen Bedingungen für die bislang härtesten Rennen der Woche
Die erste Hälfte des Tages erwies sich zunächst noch als äußerst frustrierend. Ständig änderte der Wind die Richtung, wie auch seine Stärke.  Erst am späten Nachmittag stabilisierte sich der Wind langsam und blies mit 15-28 Knoten. Jeweils zwei Eliminations wurden gefahren, die erste gewann Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde), Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) gewann Nummer zwei. Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) war die erste Frau in dieser Woche der es gelang Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) zu besiegen, allerdings war Offringa in der sechsten Elimination erneut wieder auf der Siegerstraße zurück. Die Windvorhersage für den morgigen Tag sieht ebenfalls gut aus, allerdings nicht mehr ganz so stark. Skippersmeeting ist um 10:30, frühester möglicher Start um 11:00. Verpass nicht die Action, klick auf www.pwaworldtour.com um via Live-Ticker und Live-Stream dabei zu sein. Day 4: Alacati produces the goods to provide the most closely fought racing of the week The early part of day four turned out to be a hugely frustrating affair as variable winds, in terms of both strength and direction, wreaked havoc with the start of the racing at the Pegasus Airlines PWA World Cup. However, over the duration of the afternoon the wind slowly stabilised to provide the most exciting racing of the week in winds of 15-28 knots. In the end there were two separate winners’ in each the men’s and women’s divisions as Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) struck back with his first bullet of the week, before Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) claimed victory number two. Meanwhile, Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) became the first woman this week to defeat Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic), before Offringa quickly returned to winning ways in elimination six. Men’s Elimination Five / Winners’ Final The opening winners’ final of the day saw a terrific battle for the top with several sailors holding the lead at anyone time. Antoine Albeau made the best start of the bunch, but as the fleet rounded mark one it was Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails), who managed to edge into the lead by the narrowest of margins ahead of Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde), Albeau and Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Loft Sails). However, as by the second buoy it was Dagan who grabbed top spot, a lead he was able to hold until the penultimate straight. Albeau turned on the afterburners between mark three and four to move into lead. After safely navigating the final turn he stormed down the home straight to claim victory number one of the week ahead of Dagan and Bordes. Meanwhile, Bjorn Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne / Chris Benz / Dunkerbeck Eyewear) earned his best finish so far as he claimed fourth place. Elimination Six Winners’ Final The winners’ final of elimination five proved to be an exciting race, but elimination six didn’t disappoint either with yet more exhilarating racing. Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) timed his start best to cross the line in first place, but at the first mark the flying Dutchman proved almost inseparable from Micah Buzianis (JP / MauiSails) and Bjorn Dunkerbeck with the trio almost touching. With the front three distracted by each other Antoine Albeau raced into the lead, but his lead didn’t last long as Dunkerbeck ran wide at the second mark, whilst battling with Albeau. Waiting in the wings was Julien Quentel, who swooped to move into the lead and then cruised to his second victory of the week to move back to the top of the event rankings, just ahead of Albeau, who claimed second. However, the action wasn’t finished there as Dunkerbeck dropped his third gybe allowing Buzianis, Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) and Van Der Steen back into the frame. On the final straight Van Der Steen made full use of his blistering speed to claim third ahead of Buzianis, fourth and Mortefon, fifth. Julien Quentel said: “I’m really happy I was on my 7.0m and small board. At the second gybe I managed to go inside Bjorn and then hold onto the lead. The wind was really strong and I’m really happy to win for the second time this week and its even better that it keeps me at the top of the rankings.” Elsewhere in the sixth elimination Sinan Gerzile wasted a golden opportunity to qualify for the quarterfinals. The Turk held fourth place as he entered the final gybe, which he ultimately crashed, presenting Amado Vrieswijk (Starboard / Severne) with the perfect present as the Bonairean snuck into the final qualifying position behind Steve Allen (Starboard / Severne), Bjorn Dunkerbeck and Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic). Women’s Elimination Five / Winners’ Final Delphine Cousin timed her start to perfection to break into the lead from the outset and for the first time this week Sarah-Quita Offringa didn’t hold the lead at the first mark. The reigning PWA Slalom World Champion was able to hold off the 2011 PWA Slalom World Champion as well as Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) and Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic). From here Cousin remained focused and composed and it wasn’t long before she was celebrating her first bullet of the week. Behind her Erdil out manoeuvred SQO to claim second place, whilst Offringa finished third - a result she can discard - and Ghibaudo fourth. Elimination Six Winners’ Final Valerie Ghibaudo entered the opening buoy of the second winners’ final of the day in first place ahead of Sarah-Quita Offringa, Delphine Cousin and Fulya Ünlü. Ghibaudo was able to hold onto her until the third mark, but unfortunately flamed her gybe, which allowed Offringa to burst into first place followed by Erdil Unlu and Cousin. The usually flawless Offringa, made her way through an extremely shaky final gybe, which gave Erdil a chance at victory, but unfortunately for the Turk she wasn’t able to take full advantage of the opportunity presented before her as Offringa claimed victory number five. Erdil secured second ahead of Cousin in third, whilst Estelle Barré (Fanatic / North) finished fourth - her best so far. The forecast for tomorrow predicts further wind, although not as strong as today. As in the previous days the skippers’ meeting has been called for 10:30am with the action commencing from 11am. Don’t miss any of the exhilarating racing by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.comwhere you’ll be able to follow the amazing action as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker. Results After Elimination Six Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 3rd Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) 4th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) 5th Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) 6th Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic) 7th Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 8th Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) 9th Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 10th Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North) Results After Elimination Six Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) 2nd Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) 3rd Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) 4th Fujiko Onishi (Starboard / Loft Sails) 5th Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne) 5th Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Loft Sails)

Tiki Talk

29 08.2014
Ein Einblick in die Entwicklung des Starboard Slalom Boards mit Remi Vila und Cyril Moussilmani
Die 2015er Starboard iSonics sind gerade auf ihrem Weg nach Deutschland und im Container liegt einmal mehr das Ergebnis eines kompletten Jahres Research & Development von Starboards iSonic Chef Entwickler Remi Vila. Die 2015er iSonic’s sind die Racing Maschinen für die Überholspur. Höchster Topspeed, höchste Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit und breite Windrange. 2015 wird die komplette iSonic Range dünner und kompakter – auch die kleinen Modelle für Starkwind, welche in der Vergangenheit stets länger gehalten wurden. Aufgebaut ist die Range um das „3 Board Konzept“ der PWA sodass auch alle Heizer, die privat auf Speedjagd gehen, für jeden Windbereich ihr passendes Board finden werden. Im „Tiki Talk“ gibt euch der 45-jährige aus Martinique einen Einblick in seinen „iSonic Alltag“ und auch Cyril Moussilmani, der mittlerweile Cheftester der iSonic Boards ist, kommt zu Wort. Tiki Talk Willkommen in der Welt von Remi Vila. Ein Leben auf der Überholspur – Designen, Testen und Reisen rund um den Globus – alles um eines der besten Slalomboards am Markt noch ein bisschen besser zu machen. Der iSonic bestimmt das ganze Jahr von Remi. In seinen 5 Jahren als Slalom Chefdesigner für Starboard haben es „Remi’s Boards“ nicht nur zu unzähligen Eventsiegen,- sondern auch Constructors Titeln geschafft. Im „Tiki Talk“ gibt euch der 45-jährige aus Martinique einen Einblick in seinen „iSonic Alltag“ und auch Cyril Moussilmani, der mittlerweile Cheftester der iSonic Boards ist, kommt zu Wort.
[?] Der iSonic ist die gefürchtete Speed Maschine im PWA Line-Up. Wie schaffst du es den Boardspeed Jahr für Jahr zu verbessern? Remi Vila: Der Aufwand ist extrem. Jedes Jahr testen wir an so vielen unterschiedlichen Spots wie möglich um sicher zu stellen dass unsere Boards in allen Bedingungen perfekt funktionieren. Mühelose Performance in Flachwasser und extremen Chop-Bedingungen und volle Performance bei Leicht,- und Starkwind sind hierbei das Hauptaugenmerk.
Mit jedem kleinen Designschritt entwickeln wir uns vorwärts, aber auch viele verschiedene Konzepte die oftmals gar nicht für das iSonic Konzept passen bringen uns voran, denn wir können immer Erkenntnisse daraus ziehen.
Mit am Wichtigsten ist natürlich das Feedback unserer Fahrer. Nur so finden wir die richtige Balance zwischen einem „High Performance PWA Board“ und einem etwas gemäßigteren Brett für die Endverbraucher. Neben unserem Top-Entwickler Cyril Moussilmani testen nämlich auch einige meiner Freunde die nur am Wochenende auf dem Slalomboard unterwegs sind neue Prototypen – die perfekte Mischung ist so garantiert. [?] Die Entwicklung ist seiner Zeit immer voraus. Kannst du uns einen Einblick in deinen Kalender geben? Remi Vila: Ich versuche immer so früh wie möglich mit der Entwicklung zu beginnen. Der 2015er iSonic startete beispielsweise im Mai 2013 beim PWA Event in Korea. Dann begann die Testphase in Thailand, Martinique, Türkei, Spanien und Maui bevor im Februar 2014 der finale Prototyp entwickelt war. Dieser muss dann auch gleich zu Cobra – das ist die Boardproduktion in Thailand – wo ich nochmal alle Produktionsschritte überwache. Dann geht es nahtlos weiter in die Entwicklung des nächsten Jahres. [?] Fühlst du dich unter Druck gesetzt den iSonic Speed jedes Jahr verbessern zu müssen und kann es passieren dass eine Weiterentwicklung irgendwann nichtmehr möglich ist? Remi Vila: Ein bisschen Druck verspüre ich schon – aber das ist eher positiv weil es mir die Energie gibt nie stehen zu bleiben und verrückte Ideen auszuprobieren. Ich glaube dass du irgendwann eine Grenze erreichst, außer du kommst mit einem total neuen Konzept um die Ecke. Der iSonic 107 basierte beispielsweise jahrelang auf dem gleichen Shape bis es 2013 einfach nichtmehr möglich war den Speed weiter nach oben zu schrauben. Ein völlig neues Konzept
war nötig und das haben wir für 2014 umgesetzt und 2015 weiter verbessert. Der iSonic 107 ist übrigens mein absoluter Favorit aus der Range.
Wir können die Boards immer schneller machen, das „Problem“ ist eher dass das Board auch noch von Endkunden gefahren werden will und nicht nur der PWA vorbehalten ist. Cyril und Ich hatten hier schon einige Gespräche über dieses Thema denn einige Boards waren mir als „Wochenend-Surfer“ einfach zu anspruchsvoll und dass ist auf keinen Fall das was wir wollen. Daraufhin haben wir das Konzept komplett geändert,- und es hat funktioniert. [?] Wieviele Prototypen machst du pro Jahr je Brettgröße? Remi Vila: Kommt ganz darauf an wieviele Ideen ich ausprobieren will aber es sind ungefähr 35 – 50 Boards für die iSonic 80 bis 130. Generell arbeiten wir an den Kerngrößen, 130 , 107 & 87 richtig hart und übertragen dann das Gelernte auf die anderen Modelle um Zeit zu sparen. Das gibt allen Boards in der Range eine ähnliche Performance & Fahrgefühl. [?] Welche Fahrer helfen dir beim iSonic Designprozess? Remi Vila: Cyril Moussilmani ist in den R&D Prozess wahrscheinlich am Meisten eingebunden. Wir kennen uns mittlerweile richtig gut und die Zusammenarbeit klappt super – auch mit dem Gesichtspunkt einer Entwicklung für die Endkunden. Natürlich helfen mir aber noch viele weitere Fahrer aus unserem Dream Team bei der Entwicklung. Steve Allen, Björn Dunkerbeck, Alberto Menegatti, Gonzalo Costa Hoevel, Jimmy Diaz, Taty Frans, Enes Yilmazer, Kiri Thode, Sean O’Brien, Chris Pressler, Kasper Larsen, Sergei & Ilya Chaika, Albert Pijoan, Charles Henry Cornelus, Laurent Arfi, Olivié Lafleur sowie der „Starboard Staff“ – nur um einige zu nennen. Ein echter Traum mit diesem Team zu arbeiten und manchmal echt schwer Schritt zu halten. [?] Ist die Bauweise genauso wichtig wie der Shape? Remi Vila: Ja, die Bauweise ist definitiv entscheiden um die beste Performance aus dem Board zu holen.
Wir haben hier viel entwickelt und die bestmögliche Materialkombination herausgefunden. Unsere Boards sind aus Vollcarbon, und natürlich richtig leicht, aber Carbon ist nicht gleich Carbon. Wenn man „UD Carbon 80g“ mit Biax Carbon T700 vergleicht hat man hier völlig unterschiedliche Fahreigenschaften am späteren Endprodukt.
Um möglichst viel Rückmeldung von der Wasseroberfläche zu erhalten nutzen wir für die Unterseite „UD Carbon 80g“ und wandeln somit Energie in maximale Beschleunigung um während auf dem Deck „Biax Carbon 150g“ zum Einsatz kommt. Das absorbiert Vibrationen und harte Einschläge – was besonders den Leichtwindboards mit 130,120 & 110l zu Gute kommt.
Wir arbeiten also nicht nur ständig an den Shapes – auch bei der Wahl des Materials überlassen wir nichts dem Zufall.
Übrigens gibt es natürlich die iSonics auch wieder in Wood Bauweise. Diese bietet mehr Komfort und ist dabei nur 700g schwerer. Wood Boards müssen sich leistungstechnisch auf keinen Fall verstecken, nur deren Rückmeldung ist nicht ganz so direkt wie bei den Carbon Boards. [?] Welche Segelbrands kommen bei den iSonic Tests zum Einsatz? Remi Vila: Nicht alle unsere Teamfahrer nutzen Severne. Während des R&D Prozess kommt auch Loft, North Sails, Neil Pryde, Point-7, GA Sails & Maui Sails zum Einsatz.
Bei den Finnen haben wir allerdings nur 2 Brands im Einsatz. Z-Fins, speziell bei der High-End Performance auf PWA Standard und unsere „Drake ready to Race“ Finnen für die Hobbyracer mit guter Performance und einem fairen Preis/Leistungsverhältnis.
Zum Abschluss des Tiki Talks noch einige Fragen an Cyril Moussilmani [?] Wie kam es dass du Cheftester für die iSonic Boards wurdest? Welche Fähigkeiten musstest du deiner Meinung nach dafür mitbringen? Cyril Moussilmani: Ich habe bis heute nicht gewusst dass ich als Cheftester angesehen werde – aber dagegen habe ich natürlich nichts (lacht). Bei der Testarbeit kommt es vor allem darauf an das perfekte Gefühl für das Board zu haben und zu verstehen wie die Dinge funktionieren. Es ist einfach zu sagen dass dieses oder jenes Board schneller ist, es kommt darauf an zu verstehen warum das so ist. [?] Wie unterscheidet sich das Testen zum regulären Training oder Wettkampf? Cyril Moussilmani: Es sind 2 komplett verschiedene Dinge – ich würde fast sagen es ist das Gegenteil. Wenn du testest willst du 3 Dinge: Speed, Komfort und Kontrollierbarkeit – aber wir testen alles mit denselben Finnen und identischer Mastfußposition – was natürlich nicht immer das Beste für mich ist. Wenn ich trainiere oder im Wettkampf bin will ich natürlich alles perfekt und auf mich abgestimmt haben. [?] Was passiert wenn Remi und du unterschiedlicher Meinung sind? Cyril Moussilmani: Meistens sind wir der gleichen Meinung und sollte dies doch einmal anders sein schlage ich meist vor mehr Vergleichsfahrten zu machen um der Sache nochmals genauer auf den Grund zu gehen. Oft ist der Shape auch einfach zu radikal. Das frustriert mich dann da das Board eigentlich schneller ist – aber nicht in die Produktion kommt da es für den Endverbraucher nicht zu bändigen ist. [?] Kann Remi eigentlich mit dir auf dem Wasser mithalten? Cyril Moussilmani: Kommt auf die Bedingungen an. Normalerweise hänge ich ihn ab , aber mit großem Stuff (8,6 &7,8) sind wir gleichauf. Vielleicht habe ich da aber auch etwas Nachholbedarf.


28 08.2014
Tag 3. Julien Quentel übernimmt die Führung, während Sarah-Quita Offringa weiterhin offenbar unschlagbar ist.
Der Wind kam früher am dritten Tag des Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA-Worldcups, so dass etwas mehr als fünf Stunden lang Wettfahrten durchgeführt wurden. Bis zum Ende des Tages konnten weitere zwei Eliminations abgeschlossen werden. Eine gewann Ben van der Steen (Tabou / GA Segel / Mystic) in der andren behauptete sich Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7). Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) erweitert ihre bislang makellose Bilanz - bestehend aus vier Siegen aus vier Eliminations. Nach dem Abschluss der vier Eliminations überholt Julien Quentel den bislang führenden Pascal Toselli in der Rangliste. Der Mann aus Saint Maarten zeigte bislang eine fantastische Leistung, er gewann eine Elimination und erreicht in zwei anderen jeweils einen dritten Platz, um zur Halbzeit des Events das Ranking anzuführen. Press release PWA: Day 3: Julien Quentel assumes control at the top, as Sarah-Quita Offringa continues to look seemingly unbeatable The wind kicked in earlier than anticipated on the third day of the Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cup allowing just over five hours of racing to be completed. By the end of an intense day of competition a further two races were completed as Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) and Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) claimed the bullets in the men’s, whilst Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) maintained her perfect record - consisting of four victories out of four. Men’s Elimination Three / Winners’ Final Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) made the best start in the opening winners’ final of the day, but it was Ben Van Der Steen who broke into the lead by the opening gybe ahead of Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails), Quentel and Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic). The flying Dutchman remain composed and continued his blistering speed to open up a significant advantage over his closest challengers, Angulo and Quentel, as he went onto his secure his second victory out of the three races completed so far. However, after Algret dropped his second gybe, Britain’s Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) moved into the top four, but the drama didn’t stop there as Angulo also catapulted on the exit of his final gybe, resulting in him finishing last having held second place. As a result Williams climbed into second place followed by Quentel in third and Antoine Questel (Starboard / Loft Sails) fourth. Elimination Four / Winners’ Final Into the second winners’ final of the day and Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) timed his start to perfection to break into the lead from the word go. As in prior events this season Toselli’s board speed was second to none and he rounded the opening buoy in the first place ahead of Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde), Julien Quentel - who executed a great gybe to overtake Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) for third and fourth. The top three remained unchanged after the penultimate gybe, but Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Loft Sails) seized the opportunity to dive down the inside of Bordes to take fourth place. After safely navigating the final turn Toselli stormed down the final straight to claim his first bullet of the week in front of Albeau, Quentel and Costa Hoevel. After the completion of race four Julien Quentel assumed the position of event leader after overtaking Pascal Toselli in the rankings. The man from Saint Maarten produced fantastic performances in each of his last three eliminations to record one bullet and two, third places to lead at the midway point of the event. Elsewhere Jordy Vonk (F2 / Point-7) was unlucky not to qualify for the quarterfinals. The young Dutchman held fourth place as he approached the final mark only to have Fred Morin (JP / NeilPryde) lose his footing on his gybe and inadvertently take out Vonk in the process, which allowed Giorgos Sakantaris to sneak into the top four alongside Ludovic Jossin (Patrik / Loft Sails), Sylvain Moussilmani (Simmer) and Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Loft Sails). Elimination Five All but the final two heats of race five have been completed as the evening wind became too fickle to allow its completion. First of all Ben Van Der Steen’s topsy turvy week continued as he failed to qualify for the semifinals in each of his last two races after his victory in race three - undoing the majority of his hard work. However, race five did give Bjorn Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne / Chris Benz / Dunkerbeck Eyewear) something to smile about as he won every heat so far to qualify for his first winners’ final of the week. With stronger wind being predicted for tomorrow the terminator could prove to be the danger man. Women’s Elimination Three / Winners’ Final Sarah-Quita Offringa led into the opening mark - as she has done in each of the other two races - and from here the Aruban gem didn’t look back as she extended her lead over the remainder of the course to cruise to her third victory in a row. Behind her, Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) claimed another second place finish as the reigning world champion held off competition from local girl Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Loft Sails), who took home third. Japan’s, Fujiko Onishi (Starboard / Loft Sails) overtook Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) as they finished in fourth and fifth respectively. Elimination Four / Winners’ Final The fourth women’s winners’ final saw another dominating display from the seemingly unbeatable Sarah-Quita Offringa as she led from start to finish once more. The lady from Aruba’s latest victory means that up until this point she had won every heat she had competed in so far this week - keeping her 100% record intact. After an excellent third race, Fujiko Onishi, produced an even better performance as she clinched second place. Meanwhile, Delphine Cousin moved into third place after Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) and Valerie Ghibaudo collided at mark three, which ultimately allowed Marianne Kaplas (Starboard / Loft Sails), Ceren Yaman (Starboard / NeilPryde) and Ayako Suzuki (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) to leapfrog up the ladder. Elimination Five The women have also been whittled down the just the winners’ and losers’ finals in race five, but up until this point there has been no major upsets. The forecast for tomorrow promises to provide another action packed day of racing with the strongest winds of the week being predicted right throughout the day. Skippers’ meeting has been called for 10:30am again tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 11am. Don’t miss any of the exhilarating racing by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.com where you’ll be able to follow the amazing action as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker. Results After Elimination Four Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) 2nd Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) 3rd Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 4th Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 5th Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic) 6th Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) 7th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) 8th Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 9th Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North) 10th Antoine Questel (Starboard / Loft Sails) Results After Elimination Four Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic) 2nd Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) 3rd Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) 4th Fujiko Onishi (Starboard / Loft Sails) 5th Ayako Suzuki (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 6th Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Loft Sails)

Alacati PWA World Cup

28 08.2014
Tag 2. Julien Quentel und Sarah-Quita Offringa gewinnen die zweite Elimination.
Es war spannend am gestrigen, zweiten Tag des Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cups. Aber zunächst nicht auf dem Wasser, der Wind kam und ging, erst gegen 16:00 blies er so stabil, dass die Wettfahrten gestartet werden konnten. Bei 7- 18 Knoten Wind wurde die zweite Elimination sowohl bei den Herren, als auch bei den Damen beendet. Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) gewann,  nicht nur seine erste Elimination dieses Events, sondern auch der Saison. Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic / Chris Benz / Maui Ultra Fins) setzt ihren Siegeszug fort und gewinnt nach der ersten nunmehr auch die zweite Elimination des Events. Bei den Herren wurde auch noch eine dritte Elimination begonnen, die jedoch nicht mehr fertig gefahren werden konnte. Heute geht es mit den 16 schnellsten der Elimination weiter. Die Windvorhersage sieht ähnlich aus wie für den gestrigen Tag. Vermutlich werden die Rennen  ebenfalls wieder am späten Nachmittag gestartet. Skippersmeeting ist 10.30 Uhr, frühest möglicher Start ab 11 Uhr.  Sei live dabei, klick auf www.pwaworldtour.com, für den Live-Ticker den Live-Stream der PWA. Press release PWA: The wind fills in late to produce an exciting finish as Julien Quentel and Sarah-Quita Offringa claim victories After teasing the competitors for the majority of the afternoon the wind finally filled in just after 4pm on day two of the Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA World Cup. The second elimination of both the men’s and women’s fleets were completed - in 7-18 knots - as Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) secured his first bullet of, not only the week, but also the season, whilst Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic / Chris Benz / Maui Ultra Fins) made it two wins out of two with another fine display of sailing. Men’s Elimination Two / Winners’ Final Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) led the race as the fleet approached the first mark, but his lead didn’t last long as Julien Quentel executed a magnificent gybe to storm into the lead. The Frenchman continued to look blisteringly quick on the straights and had opened up a comfortable advantage over Angulo, Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North) and Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) - a lead the Frenchman wouldn’t relinquish and he was soon celebrating his first bullet of the season, which sees him rise to second in the overall event rankings. Fellow Frenchman - Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) - claimed fifth place, which proved good enough to take him to the top of the rankings, overnight at least, with Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) missing from the final and Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) only being able to muster seventh place after a poor start cost him his chance at moving to the top. Elimination Three The third race has been whittled down to the top sixteen and there has already been plenty of action witnessed in the opening twelve heats. Ethan Westera (Starboard / GA Sails) and Jordy Vonk (F2 / Point-7) both did brilliantly to qualify from the opening heat as they overtook Cedric Bordes (Tabou / GA Sails) and Marco Lang (Fanatic / North) to qualify alongside Taty Frans (Starboard / MauiSails / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) and Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic). In heat four Kurosh Kiani (Angulo / Point-7 / Maui Ultra Fins) did well to fight back to qualify. The Dane, who suffered a injured knee after breaking his board and mast extension in a savage wipeout yesterday, dropped his opening gybe when in the lead, but fought back into the top four after Giorgos Sakantaris cracked under the pressure at mark three. Also qualifying was Josh Angulo, Maciek Rutkowski (Patrik / Point-7) and Casper Bouman (Angulo / NeilPryde). The quarterfinals saw yet more upsets and exciting racing as Matteo Iachino and Bjorn Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne / Chris Benz / Dunkerbeck Eyewear) both missed out on a place in the semifinals, after finishing fifth and sixth respectively in heat nine. Advancing was Ben Van Der Steen, Taty Frans, Tristan Algret and Steve Allen (Starboard /Severne). In the very next heat - 10 - there were further upsets as Micah Buzianis (JP / MauiSails) and the reining world champion Antoine Albeau failed to advance into the semifinals - with Albeau being overtaken at the final mark by Jimmy Diaz (Starboard / North Sails), who staged a brilliant comeback. The upsets didn’t stop there either as Cyril Moussilmani finished fifth in heat eleven behind Antoine Questel (Starboard / Loft Sails), Pascal Toselli, Sylvain Moussilmani (Simmer) and Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Loft Sails). Women’s Elimination Two / Winners’ Final Turkey’s very own Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne) made the best start in the winners’ final, but Sarah-Quita Offringa burst into the lead again by the opening buoy as she continued to blitz away the rest of the competition with her rapid straight line speed. Unlu entered the first gybe in second place with Ayako Suzuki (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) and Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) completing the top four at that point. Offringa maintained her lead into the third and it wasn’t long before the lady from Aruba was crossing the finish line to sustain her perfect record thus far, which cements her place at the top of the rankings. However, behind her it was a different story - Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) staged a brilliant comeback to claim second place, whilst Erdil and Suzuki completed the top four in third and fourth respectively. Meanwhile the 2012 PWA Slalom World Champion - Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) - suffered a day she’d rather forget as she mistimed her start for the second heat in a row to finish last in the losers’ final, which was eventually won by Mio Anayama (Starboard / NeilPryde) followed by Estelle Barré (Fanatic / North), Ceren Yaman (Starboard / NeilPryde) and Deniz Demirasal. The forecast for tomorrow looks as though we should see a late show again with a similar forecast as this afternoon. With this in mind the skippers’ meeting has been called for 10:30am with the action commencing from 11am. Don’t miss any of the exhilarating racing by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.com where you’ll be able to follow the amazing action as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker. Results After Elimination Two Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) 2nd Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) 3rd Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North) 4th Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) 5th Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 6th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) 7th Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 8th Arnon Dagan (RRD / NeilPryde) 9th Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) 10th Taty Frans (Starboard / MauiSails / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) Results After Elimination Two Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic / Chris Benz / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) 3rd Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) 4th Fulya Ünlü (Starboard / Severne)


26 08.2014
Tag 1: Ben van der Steen und Sarah-Quita Offringa gewinnen die ersten Eliminations der Woche
Schon am ersten Tag des 2014 Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA-Worldcups konnten die Teilnehmer bei 11- 20 Knoten Wind um die Tonnen heizen. Gleich nach der Einschreibung, von 10.00 bis 11.00 Uhr, ging es auf dem Wasser auch schon los. Nach einem spannenden Nachmittag führt derzeit Ben van der Steen (Tabou / GA Segel / Mystic) vor Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) und  Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) das Ranking an. Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic / Chris Benz / Maui Ultra Fins) legte ebenfalls einen guten Start hin und gewinnt vor Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) und Fulya Unlu (Starboard / Severne) die erste Damen Elimination. Press release PWA: Men’s Elimination One / Winners’ Final Ben Van Der Steen claimed the first blood of the week as the flying Dutchman raced into the lead by the opening mark ahead of Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7), Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) and Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic). From here Van Der Steen took full advantage of the clean wind and flat water ahead of him to extend his lead over the remainder of the course, and it wasn’t long before he was celebrating the opening victory of the week. Meanwhile, the top four remained unchanged leaving Toselli in a solid second place ahead of Albeau and Algret, who finished third and fourth respectively. Amado Vrieswijk (Starboard / Severne) - who is more known for his freestyle wizardry, showed that he has the potential to be a serious threat on the racing scene too in years to come. Today the eighteen year old qualified for the losers’ final after finishing third in both the opening round and quarterfinal. Vrieswijk eventually finished fifteenth overall in the opening race. Elsewhere, Australian Sean O’Brien (Starboard / Severne) enjoyed a fine start as he too booked his place in the semifinals. However, several big names missed out on the top sixteen. First of all Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Loft Sails) dropped his final gybe in heat nine when he was in the lead to give-up a golden opportunity, whilst Antoine Questel (Starboard / Loft Sails), Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic), Bjorn Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne / Chris Benz / Dunkerbeck Eyewear) and perhaps most surprisingly world tour leader - Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) all failed to advance into the semifinals. Elimination Two There are now only three heats remaining to be sailed in the second elimination as the early evening wind became too gusty to allow its completion. However, there was drama almost from the word go as Antoine Albeau suffered a scare in heat two. The Big Frenchman was comfortably qualifying for the next round, but made an uncharacteristic mistake as he dropped his gybe at the second mark to drop to sixth place. However, Albeau remained composed to fight his way back into the top four by the final mark to qualify alongside Sean O’Brien, Ross Williams and Malte Reuscher (RRD / Challenger Sails / AL360). Meanwhile, after sailing superbly in the opening race Amado Vrieswijk suffered a first round exit in race two as he finished fifth in heat four, whilst Bjorn Dunkerbeck also missed out on a place in the quarterfinals. Taty Frans showed that he was totally relaxed and in control on the race course today as he cooly snuck in a duck gybe at the third mark in heat five, as he went onto the win the heat in style, whilst showing off to the crowds. Elsewhere Antoine Questel produced a brilliant gybe at the penultimate mark to out manoeuvre Jordy Vonk (F2 / Point-7) in heat ten as the Frenchman claimed the final spot in the semifinals, but Ben Van Der Steen suffered a shock early exit, after making a perfect start to the event, as he finished fifth in heat twelve to miss out on a place in the top sixteen.  As well as Alberto Menegatti (Starboard / Point-7) being missing from proceedings, Finian Maynard (RRD / Avanti) is another high profile sailor sadly missing from the event. Maynard isn't in Turkey because he is frustrated from being 75% at all the events in 2014 and is now recovering to 100% before competing again with a clear eye on getting back to his best. Women’s Elimination One / Winners’ Final Japan’s Fujiko Onishi (Starboard / Loft Sails) made the best start to the opening winners’ final of the week, however she was unable to make the most of her start as Sarah-Quita Offringa stormed into first place ahead of Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360), Fulya Unlu (Starboard / Severne), Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) and Ayako Suzuki (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) as the pack approached the first buoy. Offringa continued to press the pedal to the metal to open up an unassailable lead come the finish line. Behind her Erdil and Unlu secured second and third, whilst reigning world champion - Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) - forced her way into the top four with a good comeback to leave her rival Ghibaudo settling for fifth place. Elimination Two The majority of the top seeds successfully navigated their way into the winners’ final of the women’s second elimination, but there was a major upset in the second semifinal as Valerie Ghibaudo, who was second in the world rankings coming into the event, jumped the gun to be disqualified, leaving the door open for her rivals to pounce - particularly Delphine Cousin who currently leads the title race. With the wind becoming too gusty at 5:50pm the sailors were released for the day. The forecast for tomorrow is marginally lighter than today, so we should hopefully see the completion of both the men’s and women’s second races at a minimum. Skippers’ meeting tomorrow has been called for 10am with the action commencing from 10:30am. Don’t miss any of the exhilarating racing by tuning into www.pwaworldtour.com where you’ll be able to follow the amazing action as it happens via the PWA live stream and live ticker. Results After Elimination One Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 2nd Pascal Toselli (Starboard / Point-7) 3rd Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) 4th Tristan Algret (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic) 5th Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) 6th Matteo Iachino (Fanatic / North) 7th Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) 8th Josh Angulo (Angulo / Gun Sails) 9th Micah Buzianis (JP / MauiSails) 10th Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic) Results After Elimination One Pegasus Airlines Alicati PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Mystic / Chris Benz / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360) 3rd Fulya Unlu (Starboard / Severne) 4th Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) 5th Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 6th Ayako Suzuki (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) 7th Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Severne) 8th Fujiko Onishi (Starboard / Loft Sails)

Rollei Windsurf Cup

25 08.2014
Showdown beim Rollei Long Distance Race Dümmersee
Noch nie lagen die Topfavoriten im Rollei Windsurf Cup so eng beieinander. Aktuell führt der Norderneyer Dennis Müller (GER-89, F2, Gun Sails) die GWA-Rangliste in der Disziplin Slalom an. Auf Platz zwei und drei folgen punktgleich der Hannoveraner Helge Wilkens (GER-63, Starboard, Severne) und Gunnar Asmussen (GER-88, Patrik, North Sails) aus Flensburg. Nur aufgrund eines besseren Streichers liegt Wilkens aktuell vorne. Mit nur einem Punkt Abstand folgt auch schon der Sieger der Racing-Rangliste Vincent Langer (GER-1, RRD, Point-7) aus Kiel. Fabian Mattes (GER-202,Tabou, GA Sails) vom TSB Ravensburg komplettiert die Top-5.

Nur fünf Ranglistenpunkte liegen zwischen Platz fünf und Platz eins. Somit wird die Entscheidung um die Top-Platzierungen im Rahmen des Rollei Long Distance Races am Dümmersee fallen.

Das Rollei Long Distance Race wird im Standy-Format über 3 Wochenenden ausgetragen. Sobald die Windvorhersage mehr als 15 Knoten anzeigt, wird Alarm gegeben und die Slalompiloten pilgern zu Robin’s Surfcenter am Dümmersee.

Bereits im Frühjahr fand das erste Rollei Long Distance Race der Saison statt und lockte sensationelle 110 Teilnehmer nach Fehmarn. Mit dem neuen Standort Dümmersee sollen zusätzlich auch noch Freeracer aus dem Süden und Osten angesprochen werden.

Das Besondere an diesem Format ist neben dem langen Slalomkurs und der Standby-Phase, dass Regattacracks und Freeracer gemeinsam auf die Bahn gehen. Es gibt keine einzelnen Ausscheidungsrunden sondern alle starten gemeinsam und verbringen somit möglichst viel Zeit auf dem Wasser.

Das Long Distance Race Dümmersee bildet den letzten Tourstopp der Rollei Windsurf Cup Saison 2014 in der Disziplin Slalom!

Alle aktuellen Informationen zum Rollei Windsurf Cup mit Ergebnissen, Ranglisten und Hintergrundinformationen sind auf der offiziellen Website http://windsurfcup.de/ zu finden.


23 08.2014
Am Dienstag, 26. August beginnt der diesjährige Pegasus Airlines Alacati PWA-Slalom-Worldcup.
Wie bereits in Fuerteventura liefert die PWA die ganze Slalom-Action wieder via Live-Ticker und Live-Stream auf die Rechner weltweit. Klick ab Dienstag auf: www.pwaworldtour.com Chris Yates von der PWA schrieb einen kurzen Rückblick auf den Worldcup im vergangenen Jahr: Men's Antoine Albeau (RRD / NeilPryde) claimed the overall event title in 2013 meaning that he has now won in Turkey for the last two years. The big Frenchman secured two bullets out of the five races completed and he’ll be a massive threat again over the next week as he goes in search of a famous hat-trick. Albeau will be even more motivated to win than usual as he knows victory here will guarantee him the top spot in the overall world rankings. Alberto Menegatti (Starboard / Point-7) finished in second place in Alacati last year, but will be absent from proceedings this time around as he recovers from an ongoing injury, which will open up the door for many of his rivals. Completing the prestigious podium in 2013 was Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde) and he’ll be desperate to find the same sort of form he showed here last year. Up until now Quentel has suffered a disappointing season in comparison to last year, but showed signs of returning to his best in Fuerteventura - where he was able to claim his first top ten finish of 2014. Argentinian Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Starboard / Loft Sails) missed out on the podium by the narrowest of margins last year as he finished on equal points with Julien Quentel - only Costa Hoevel’s worse discard cost him a place in the prestigious top three, but he’ll be determined to go one better this time around. The current world tour leader - Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / Severne) - claimed fifth in Alacati, but he’ll be hoping to break into the top three as he looks to keep his title challenge on track. So far the fiery Frenchman has been in imperious form with a joint first and two second places thus far. Moussilmani will be tipped for the top again over the next week of contest. Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / North) was right in the thick of the action in Alacati last year as he led the event going into the final day. However, things weren’t to be on this occasion as the Frenchman missed out on the final two winners’ finals of the week and with that his chances of his first ever event victory disintegrated as well. Mortefon admits that he prefers the mirror flat waters of Alacati to anywhere else, and he’ll be a serious threat again. The top ten was completed by Antoine Questel (Starboard / Loft Sails), Micah Buzianis (JP / MauiSails), Ben Van Der Steen (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) and Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic). Women’s Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / Chris Benz / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins) only competed in one slalom event last year, but she simply blew the rest of the competition away in Alacati. The 2011 PWA Slalom World Champion sailed almost perfectly as she claimed an outstanding four bullets out of five to storm to the event title. Offringa loves to win and it’s hard to see anyone stopping her if she shows the same kind of form. The reigning PWA Slalom World Champion - Delphine Cousin (Starboard / Loft Sails) - will be hoping Alacati treats her well again after she was crowned champion of the world for the first time. Cousin clinched one elimination victory here in 2013 to finish second overall, but she’ll be hoping to go one better this time around as she looks to keep her title charge on track. Turkey’s very own Cagla Kubat (Starboard / Loft Sails) completed the heralded podium last year as she qualified for three winners’ finals out of five - including two excellent second places. Kubat will be hoping she can make full use of her home advantage again, as she prepares to make her first appearance since becoming a mother for the first time. Valerie Ghibaudo (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) suffered a slightly disappointing display - by her high standards - in Alacati last year as she finished in fourth place. However, the French woman will be a major threat as always and looked dangerous in Turkmenistan where she claimed second overall. Japan’s Ayako Suzuki (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) completed last year’s top five, closely followed by Turk’s Dilara Uralp (JP / NeilPryde) and Lena Erdil (Patrik / Loft Sails / Mystic / AL360).